It has been announced the bank of England have slashed 1.5% off the interest rates.
Lowest interest rates since 1954.
But talk is that lenders might not follow suit, would this help the normal people on the streets?
Would offering a holiday period help people to ride this storm?
As I believe so many people are at risk of losing their homes they could end up with a stock pile of homes that they can not give away.
What are you views?
they have slashed 1.5% off the rate,because they want to encourage people to spend...but how can we do that if the lenders don't do the same,go figure!
the banks have "slashed " the interest rates?
What about slashing my fuel bills? Or my Council tax, or my petrol bills?
The ammount reduced will not really make a jot of a difference to me, or millions of others. The energy companies are taking us all for mugs, and a cut in interest rates may well help my business could be too little too late for me and thousands of others.
Horse bolted springs to mind.
If the cut in rate is not passed on, then IMO it is no good to anyone!
My view is that if the banks dont cut interest rates by the majority of the base rate cut, then the peasants may well revolt.
I once wrote a song called "The Chancellor My Friend is Pissing In The Wind."
Stolen by some Zimmerman geezer whilst I was in Nam well the rest is history.
In essence this is the B of E under pressure from Govt taking a ridiculous action at the wrong point in the economic cycle. Tears before bedtime, mark my words.
I dont blame the banks for ignoring such political shenanigans.
Anyone with a Tracker Mortgage this will help a ton.... I was working out how much i am going to save a month... at least 50 to 60 pounds.....
the rest is going to depend on the banks themselves....
Lloyds have said they are going to pass this on in full... which is going to put pressure on the others to follow.....
its a massive help........I have a tracker morgage and will mean that my monthly outlay shound be down by over £100 !!! However this is not necessarily aimed at home owners but at business. At the moment people are holding back on new build projects. With money now as cheap as this, the idea is it will ignite movement and start business to invest in the future again. Good move...thou wish it had been taken earlier.
If the interest rate is going down then it won't harm. I would prefer a drop in interest rates than a smack in the face with a wet kipper
Can i suggest anybody on a tracker or variable rate mortgage puts the money safely away for when the rates go up again.
There are two sides to every coin...
Those with investments as their main source of income or supplemental to it will find their investment nearly worthless.. as a result, they will pull their money out and place it elsewhere where it will pay.. certainly not in UK!
Get your wheelbarrows ready.. this will be like Germany in the 30's recession where workers were taking their dosh home in wheelbarrows 'cos the DM was effectively worthless.
Knees and jerk come to mind..
If Barclays follow Lloyds tsb then our mortgage will come down as we have a tracker.
On the downside our mortgage is not massive so the saving will be quite small and as other members have said everything else is going up at an alarming rate so as usual given in 1 hand taken out of the other.
So you reckon UK Ltd is a good place to invest then Fabio...
No - our mortgage is fixed for another four years!