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Is Swinging age-defined?

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First of all I hope no-one takes this the wrong way, but we've noticed that Swinging, within couples, tends to involve couples who are mid to late 30's.
This is fine - but from a simple bout of curiousity why is this? Is it because younger couples just don't or is it because it's something which occurs within a relationship after a few years, and as such geared towards people who are in a later point in their life?
Again, I hope no-one takes offence, Ty's 30, so it's not a snipe, we just wondered why there aren't that many younger couples.
Any thoughts welcome!
I think it's because couples of that age or older are more likely to have found stability and enough confidence in their own relationships and feel able to let others in.
Having said that I know there are some young couples here so obviously some relationships and indeed people mature faster than others so that would have a bearing on it too.
Quote by firelizard
Having said that I know there are some young couples here so obviously some relationships and indeed people mature faster than others so that would have a bearing on it too.

I agree, we are 23 and 21, but i feel alot older and act alot older, i had a child at 16 so i had to grow up quick due to my responsabilities
It's nice to see people respond with comments about just being more stable and relaxed and not that 'older' couples start to swing to pep up a tired sex life! (Though perhaps some do!?)
I've always had the urge but only met my perfect partner in crime 5 years ago! Of course I didn't need to be a couple first but the sparks just flew when we got together and made it even better!
i dont think its the age that makes swinging work, its all about maturity and being able to be honest with yourself, your partner (if you have one) and good solid communication.
those things can work or be lacking at any age.
kiss gem. x
We're young smile
The friends who know think we're crackers, but what the hey! I guess we both fell lucky because it was clear from the very first hint (which I won't go into :twisted: ) that we were both equally into the whole idea.
And dont forget that people are "coupling up" later these days
We've never really had any problems meeting people in our age range here, plenty of 'younger' folk about to go round! wink
mmmmmmmmmm maz I still love your pic
Quote by Young_Swingers

Having said that I know there are some young couples here so obviously some relationships and indeed people mature faster than others so that would have a bearing on it too.

I agree, we are 23 and 21, but i feel alot older and act alot older, i had a child at 16 so i had to grow up quick due to my responsabilities
Me too although we are now 29 and 34, but yes I too was a 16 year old mum, and it does make you grow up fast
Quote by tina1
................. we are now 29 and 34, but yes I too was a 16 year old mum, and it does make you grow up fast

but i bet you get mistook for thier older teenage sister kiss
i'm still grovelling for laughing at ya socks and sheos lol
fil xx
Some good points raised on this topic. We are both in our mid to late forties, got together as a couple about 9 years ago having known each other for around 15 years. Only recently started 'playing' after many months of discussing fantasies, likes and dislikes etc. We have always been the typical 50/50 type bond in a relationship, no matter what age, must however be strong enough to partake in such a venture and we have found that jealousy does not come into it. The social side of meeting new friends we find, is an added bonus.
Its not that swinging is age related, just that i think its harder for younger cpls to find people, and inparticular couples, their own age (like others have said) who are secure and settled enough to consider swinging!!
There are more people over the age of 35 using SH but there are still a good few younger cpls on here, the majority of the younger people using SH tend to be single males or doggers we have found!
We tend to look for ppl our own age and have met or chatted to some great ppl so there are plenty about as the lovely mazandden said
PS- Hi guys!!
We weren't saying that we haven't chatted to young couples (we have done plenty, although none of here have lit our fire just yet - we are living in hope lol) it was just that, percentage wise, there are far fewer in comparison to those over 40....
Thanks for all the replies though guys, and if people have any more please keep them coming - we're loving this forum smile
T&L x