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Is that person a swinger?

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8 watchers
Sex God
Quote by berksbex
I think it's great that they are not so obvious, it means that swingers come in all kinds of varieties and flavours :P
I do play the 'would you fuck him' game when standing in queues and looking through the line though :twisted:

I will have to admit to playing the "would you fuck her game", well actually it's the "Oh my god, If only I could fuck her" game lol
Quote by Phoenix
I think it's great that they are not so obvious, it means that swingers come in all kinds of varieties and flavours :P
I do play the 'would you fuck him' game when standing in queues and looking through the line though :twisted:

I will have to admit to playing the "would you fuck here game", well actually it's the "Oh my god, If only I could fuck her" game lol
The time to worry is when the thought becomes "Did I . . . . ?"
So Dammie we going to be getting bumper stickers soon smile
Quote by tallnhairy
So Dammie we going to be getting bumper stickers soon smile

PMSL - I'll go see if I can find the picture redface
Sex God
Quote by dambuster
I think it's great that they are not so obvious, it means that swingers come in all kinds of varieties and flavours :P
I do play the 'would you fuck him' game when standing in queues and looking through the line though :twisted:

I will have to admit to playing the "would you fuck here game", well actually it's the "Oh my god, If only I could fuck her" game lol
The time to worry is when the thought becomes "Did I . . . . ?"
Alzhiemers ???
Sex God
Quote by PLUM
I wanna be one of you!
*cant wait till he gets his pin*
Dlep (on chat)

wave Hi Plum, glad you made the trek over from the chatroom... it looks calmer here on the surface, but rest assured, the underlying insanity is just as strong biggrin
Welcome to the Hotel Swingafornia... you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. :D
Quote by tallnhairy
So Dammie we going to be getting bumper stickers soon smile

From Choon's original Truckers Anonymous thread, way back in the summer.
Quote by dambuster

OK question for you guys - have you got anything distinctive on your truck? I don't mean like SAINSWAYS painted down the side rotflmao Can't you dangle a flag or something so then I know it's you? dunno
Definitely need an SH truckers emblem :bounce:

Quote by westerross
Yup, you got it - I'm looking to see if the guy in the cab is Dammie or might just look like I expect Eager to look like.

redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Not sure I should admit this in public, but just for you -
When I go back to work - you might see this

somewhere on the back of my trailer, usually to the right side above the bumper.
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
and one in the windscreen
OR . . . . . .
If I'm feeling particularly "SH" - I sometimes put it in the drivers side window.
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Oh - and if I go back to the same firm - just think a sort of maroony/purpley type colour and the letter "H" wink
Sex God
Quote by Ice Pie
I wanna be one of you!
*cant wait till he gets his pin*
Dlep (on chat)

wave Hi Plum, glad you made the trek over from the chatroom... it looks calmer here on the surface, but rest assured, the underlying insanity is just as strong biggrin
Welcome to the Hotel Swingafornia... you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. :D
Its like a lot of (non-swinging) forums I belong to....Utter madness...but fun.... :D
Quote by TallFunLondon
I think it's great that they are not so obvious, it means that swingers come in all kinds of varieties and flavours :P
I do play the 'would you fuck him' game when standing in queues and looking through the line though :twisted:

Bex - do you go with a simple yes/no or do you give marks out of ten??
A yes or no is enough, giving marks takes too much effort when I could be thinking of what I want to actually do with the the ones I say yes to....and on the post office counter too! :twisted:
I spend too much time in queues rolleyes
Quote by berksbex
I think it's great that they are not so obvious, it means that swingers come in all kinds of varieties and flavours :P
I do play the 'would you fuck him' game when standing in queues and looking through the line though :twisted:

Bex - do you go with a simple yes/no or do you give marks out of ten??
A yes or no is enough, giving marks takes too much effort when I could be thinking of what I want to actually do with the the ones I say yes to....and on the post office counter too! :twisted:
I spend too much time in queues rolleyes
likewise - a simple yes or no usually works in my head - what happens when you make a bad judgement call though because you have only seen a side view or equivalent?
(can think of a queue I would like to get into bex!)
Quote by berksbex
I think it's great that they are not so obvious, it means that swingers come in all kinds of varieties and flavours :P
I do play the 'would you fuck him' game when standing in queues and looking through the line though :twisted:

yep! the "would you fuck them, him, her" all the time
Warming the Bed
Was playing eye-spy on the bus the other day - no enlightenment. But then can't imagine that anyone would recognise me as a swinger - especially as I was in uniform. But then again.....?!