of shortcutting the process of finding pages in the middle of a long thread?
It takes ages to work through threads 20 or more pages long to find one somewhere in the middle.
Quote by Vix
Other than jut clicking the page number you require?
Sorry Vix maybe I wasn't clear. When opening a long thread you get displayed at the top and bottom of the screen just the first 3 and last 3 pages of the thread. It appears you cannot select individual pages but have to work through them one after the other.
Quote by meat2pleaseu
there is a way to make it easier, but it might still take a few attempts to get the exact page. look at the number at the end of this link
the 40 jumps to page 3
now try this one
should make you jump to page 11 if my sums are correct. if you know the exact page you want you can work it out :thumbup: