There certainly are single bi females on this site - I'm one of them.
The thing is that single bi fems are what a lot of couples and single guys are looking for.
Keep trying, the best way to get to know people here is through the forums and the chat room, so join in and have fun.
there are quite a lot of single bi fems.. i know quite a few of this site...
just that the single non bi guys sort of over shadow them
I am, when I'm in girl-mode :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
come to think of it... no-one is ever looking for a single bi male :cry:
there is just no justice! :twisted:
hey we have had some good and have found a few to
We never request single bi-fems. Nothing to do with the sex, its just that we prefer the experience to be more wholesome. We like the 4 way connection and for the lads as well as the girls to connect and hit it off......socially especially we just prefer the 2 couples scenario rather than the 1 couple and single guy/girl. Sadly it happens all to infrequently.
What I don't like is when it's supposed to be fem on fem and then a few days before the hint of the boyfriend shagging you aswell is dropped in randomly.
Anyway, I'm not single! :P
but do you still turn up gem hehhhee