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is this a no smoking cafe?

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evening all,
its been a while since i ventured away from "our" thread but some of you may remember how i gave up wanking for a couple of weeks , (lasted all of five days), and have given up sex for a month now, well today, keeping in with the spirit of the new midlands males39 , ive given up the ciggies, already saved a fiver just today although its cost nearly 18 quid for these damned patches ive stuck all over me, so i just wondered if you lot had any tips, ive tried a wank to take my mind of it but im now wanking 20 a day and its getting a tadge sore down there,
any other ideas greatly welcomed lol
Go to your GP and get the patches on prescription. biggrin
I have given up smoking with little problem. I weaned myself off gradually. I told myself I'll smoke if I want to and not put any pressure on myself to give up. I did however keep reminding myself of how vile smoking is and about all the health benefits of giving up.
As an added incentive stopping smoking with improve your enjoyment of sex as your blood circulation will become better.
The only way you will give it up is like I say when 'you' want to give it up. It's just a matter of telling yourself that you want to.
Another piece of advice is avoid situations where other people are smoking for a time. Next time you encounter these situations you will realise how vile smoking really is.
ha , wouldnt be life so simple if you could, tried that trick this afternoon you see i was inspired by my mate wbn to pack it in and thought nows the time so rang the gp for an appointment, now you know what they say about striking while the irons hot etc, i thought something like this no probs, i am afterall likely to save the nhs thousands by quitting, so "can i have a prescription for some nicotine patches please ", reply from snotty cow on tother end, "er no, we have a give up smoking clinic which you can get your prescription from but im afraid youve just missed the intake of new people so perhaps youd like to call back at the end of september", " but i want to stop now, are you suggesting i carry on smoking till then, oh never mind"
she could have at least offered a daily bj to cut down on the wear and tear of the todger!
You could buy a blow up doll and fill it with handcream...? Keeps you soft and supple and keeps away the blisters!
Quote by Lovecommando
I have given up smoking with little problem. I weaned myself off gradually. I told myself I'll smoke if I want to and not put any pressure on myself to give up. I did however keep reminding myself of how vile smoking is and about all the health benefits of giving up.
As an added incentive stopping smoking with improve your enjoyment of sex as your blood circulation will become better.
The only way you will give it up is like I say when 'you' want to give it up. It's just a matter of telling yourself that you want to.
Another piece of advice is avoid situations where other people are smoking for a time. Next time you encounter these situations you will realise how vile smoking really is.

couple of points to note there!
one SEX CAN GET BETTER??????????????? Bloody hell !!!!!!!!!
two the ex is fagging it downstairs as i speak and would just like to say avoiding her is akin to 20 Bn H anyday
phone round the local heath clinics..they might run a comunity stop smoking thing.. where u just have to live in the area, rather than attend that doctor.
worth a try.
not so sure about sitting round in a room full of hippies , " hi im clive i smoke thiry marlboro lights a day"
going it alone on this one wbb thanks for that
Yes giving up smoking will improve your sexual sensations. Smoking blunts them. It is a known fact that smoking eventually causes impotency in many cases. Just try a search on the effects of smoking on the body and start programming your mind into giving up.
I think it is a myth that giving up smoking is difficult. There may be a few withdrawal symptoms at first for several days but they will pass. Just distract yourself with something else (wanking aside).
Keep telling yourself "I am not a smoker", and "I don't need to smoke, it's bad for my body". It worked for me!
Quote by midlandsmale39
not so sure about sitting round in a room full of hippies , " hi im clive i smoke thiry marlboro lights a day"

Smoking clinics aren't like that. It's one to one with the practice nurse. She checks you out and gives advice, if you need it. rolleyes
these clinincs are growing on me are the nurses lookers?
Good luck with giving up smoking mids...
Never had to try so can't help u with this 1....
I'm sure theres sumting around to help u....
Quote by midlandsmale39
these clinincs are growing on me are the nurses lookers?

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Dunno about your's but our's is gorgeous. biggrin
im turning to chicken, need chicken, gotta have chicken , gonna get a kfc save me, purely non sexual chicken by the way wouldnt want you lot getting the wrong ideas, chicken breasts in a special coating all crunch as colonel sanders intended them to be, arrrrrrrrrh bargain buckets ooooh and the coleslaw
Quote by midlandsmale39
these clinincs are growing on me are the nurses lookers?

Yep, and they take an extra item of clothing of for every two weeks you go without smoking biggrin
ive been out with anurse for while years back they only wear two items anyway!!!!!
well ive been and got a bargain bucket was seriously thinking of offering a web cam opportunity for you lot , mids eats kfc on cam, for those into chicken it could be very sexy, qquite a turn on though i say it myself. lol
no dont pm me , i am joking , bet someone does though lol
back tot he chicken fest
well it had to happen no sooner was the bargain bucket unleashed im contacted for a sexy session of kfcing, two peices later and the poor girl has gone for a lie down, hot wings did it i think. lol
will she come on here and admit she viewed the kfc moment , i wonder!!!!
12hours 41 mins no fags and counting.
back to the kfc
Good on yer mate! That's the idea keep yer mouth and yer fingers busy for a while. Better stuffing yerself with food than cloggin' up yer veins with all that tarry shit. A bit of fat you can work off with a bit of exercise. You're doing really well. One of the benefits of giving up smoking is that you start getting an appitite for food. Nothing wrong with that. Go with it. Enjoy it. Food won't kill you. Smoking will!
cheerrs hun, truly inspirational
well its been 14 hours and 28 ins now, still havent had a ciggie, trhis is easy, off to sleep got no fags so cant wake up half asleep and have , gotta be up at five importaant jodb to do in morning , so see you lots tomoz, easier than trying to give up wanking or sex......and i thought it would be harder, doddle .
49 hours 1 min and alls well, why did i ever smoke, did you know i could have bought a brand new ferrari with the money ive spent on ciggies over the years, ive started talking to myself though, must be a side effect
Sex God
Quote by midlandsmale39
49 hours 1 min and alls well,

Oh yay Oh yay
You've turned into the town crier more worryingly ......
Congrats on the time so far.
Why not drink like a fish - alcohol that is.
Trouble is an ex house mate of mine would never smoke at work, when we went out on the pop he would smoke 60 in a night (now thats binge smoking).
Maybe though if u drink it make give you more cravings to smoke, & since you are inhebriated you will succumb to the temptation.
Ow about getting a dog, loads of walks to get ya fitter & a can of dog food a day is less than a pack of ciggies - trouble is u need a good pooper scooper.
Anyway whatever you decide to do GOOD LUCK :thumbup:
gave up the booze around ten years ago, im running out of things to give up , lol
49 hours 28mins and alls well
oook so now im a friggin insomniac, seems ive given up on sleep!!!!!!!!
still no fags though surprised
Sex God
Quote by midlandsmale39
oook so now im a friggin insomniac, seems ive given up on sleep!!!!!!!!
still no fags though surprised

Wow .. that's really good on the ciggies bit. Not the easiest thing in the world to give up during a relationship split.
Well done .... I know a lot of people here will be pleased for you smile
Dunno about the sleep though, but with all that's going on it's not that surprising really. Plenty of fresh air, milky drinks, long baths and lavender oil is all i can suggest
cheers still clean whey hey !
errrrrrrrr cough cough..................splutter splutter :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke:
Keep it up!.......................... What would help me give up is not going on this PC!...................i get through loads! i think the best solution would be that every time you put a post in ..............and myself!................all you peeps reply back