Daz76, I think you did the right thing. I have also been in similar situations, and you learn to trust your first instincts and play it safe. Better luck next time.
Instict plays a large part in it. We've sometimes started to arrange a meet with someone and they make a comment that doesn't fit in with other things they've said. Suddenly, I've got alarm bells ringing.
I've found it best if you spend time talking to people online for a good while first and anything 'strange' has more time to show up.
At the end of the day go off your gut feeling......
just to reverse the coin here, the ex mrs pete was well up for meeting single guys and single girls, but was just way too shy to chat on the phone to all but a few.
despite that we had a lot of fun with people we met who took the chance. be brave, go for it, and if it doesn’t work out, write it off to experience.
faint heart never won fair shag :lol2:
We have the reverse, I'll speak to anyone on the phone, talk their ear off them if I'm allowed to, but my other half hates the phone and he won't talk on it unless he absolutely has to.
We've had some people think we're strange because he won't chat on the phone! I think couples are generally more used to women not being there to talk as the excuse for getting away with not being a couple or as polo pointed out, it being part of a fantasy.
I'd have done the same daz and not gone through with things. Sometimes gut instinct can be so much better than anything someone can and will tell you.
G. x