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Is wanting your bum written on crazy?

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17 replies
2 watchers

What do you think about writing on my behind?

Ridiculous 0%
Great Idea! When can I do it? 0%
A bit strange but live and let live 0%
12 votes
Warming the Bed
I have this thing about people writing on my ass. I like it, what do you think?
Sex God
Rather depends on whether you just want an autograph or a full dissertation. Perhaps the extent of the written word would depend on the extent/area/size of your posteriors. There could only be room for an epigram - or perhaps enough for a haiku or sonnet.
Also - the poll does beg the question - what about the medium for inscribing on your nether regions? I'm assuming felt tip - perhaps a ball point might be a little sharp. I have a fountain pen...? :twisted:
Any excuse to promote the written word!
Love Sappho x
Warming the Bed
Thanks for the comment.
Just initials, signature, drawing etc ideal and permanent marker, don't want to scratch the canvas.
I'm not really into domination or humiliation, just fun. smile
There's an element of humiliation obvoiusly, redface that makes it exciting, but of course I bare my backside voluntarily. There is also something (semi) permanent, something real out of a fleeting contact. A bit like getting a certificate after finishing a training course, something to say "I was there" for a while after the event until it gets lost in a draw or in my case washed off in the shower.
Talking about it is fun to, and I'm told I have quite a cute butt!
Once knew a bloke that had a pair of lips tatooed on his backside. Use to love standing in night clubs and asking women if they would mind kissing him on the lips, then dropping his trousers.
Funny, don't think he ever managed to pull using that one!
Can't understand why !!! confused
Sex God
Could this be an instance of the pen being mightier than the sword?
Can I write two W's on your butt cheeks?Then when you bend over it'll say WOW! lol
I just wondered if anyone has seen a 'KILROY WAS HERE' written on any ladies 'bum' confused:
He seems to have been everywhere else. lol
Where the hell did I put my waterproof marker pen. :twisted:
Warming the Bed
Of course you can bigdaz24, looking forward to it :!:
Sex God
An appropriate quotation perhaps?
'Once more into the breech, dear friends...'
I'm sure Kat, Will and Jags can up with something interesting!
Ooooh, I like a challenge, Sappho. There must be something appropriate either from or about Bottom in A Midummer Night's Dream. I'll have a look later (don't have the Complete Works with me at the moment!).
Mind you, call me a pedant (and people have!), if memory serves I believe the correct quotation from Henry V (even allowing for the change of spelling) should be:
"Once more unto the breech, once more! Or close up the wall with our English dead!"
But that's only from memory - I wil check later. If I am wrong, Sappho can spank me. Actually, even if I am right, Sappho can spank me :twisted: .
It's like last Friday all over again. Talk about 'deja vu' wink lol . That probably warrants another slap!
Sex God
I do believe you're right, Will redface . Maybe you should spank me for misquoting the Bard? wink
Sounds like lots of mutual spanking, followed by lots of mutual soothing afterwards!!
Perfect! You realise that I may hold you to that, don't you?
BTW When's the GFZ going to open? I hope they do the BFZ again this week as well - that was a LOT of fun last weekend. :twisted: :twisted:
I think it was actually "And fill the wall up with our English dead"
But what can you expect from a treacherous, low life, scurvy, mangy dog who spends his time in the BFZ.
Oh, hiya Sappho, is that Will spanking you? Can't see him under that hat of his.
But what can you expect from a treacherous, low life, scurvy, mangy dog who spends his time in the BFZ.

Like I said, you're only jealous!! You may be right - will check later and report back. Right, now I really AM late.
Where the hell did I put that music case?
Where the hell did I put that music case?
Over there will, on the Sappho shrine, right next to your TESTICLES. rolleyes
*shuffles of muttering about how it shouldn't happen to someone so new and who I had such high hopes for*
Over there will, on the Sappho shrine, right next to your TESTICLES.

Just to settle the Henry V quote once and for all:
"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more
Or close the wall up with our English dead!"
So we were all very close but no-one was quite right. Slaps all round then I think!!!
:twisted: :twisted: