Yep it's been done before, lots of times. This is just one:
Your questions seem particularly specific (if that's not tautology). Any reason?
I know exactly what you mean about a double-life. It is something that has been troubling me for some time. I am usually an open, honest and often quite a direct person – so to me it is more than keeping a secret. I feel I am almost lying to people I feel close to and deceiving people I want to be honest with.
I am not sure what it is that has made me keep this secret – whether it is shame, guilt, fear my friends won’t understand…. I guess it is some of all of it.
But after reading your post, I sat and thought long and hard. What is more important to me? I need to be honest. If those I know as my friends don’t understand and reject me… then maybe they are not the friends I believe they are.
So today I am letting out the secret… coming clean…. and losing this feeling of guilt I get every time I have to make-up some excuse as to where I have been and who I have been with.
So hear it goes……….
Yes I admit it, I have been socialising with Vanilla People!
I know you guys will find this hard to understand at first. I only hope you will let me explain at some point.
Vanilla is not a dirty world, though if you believe everything printed in the tabloids you might have the impression that Vanilla People are all larger swigging louts. It’s not true – but I do it more for the friendship anyway.
Well there it is, my secret Vanilla side is out. Please don’t judge me without taking the time to let me explain anything you don’t understand.
some people know what we do tho we are very selective about who we well, my family know and tho my mum don't aprove she accpets i am a adult and upto me what i do, my brother and sister thinks its ok, actually my sister wanted me to take her 2 chams lol close none swinging friends know, in short i am not ashamed about what we do and will tell people who i fell confident wont let it get back to the kids, so we tend not to tell people we live near as we don't want the kids on the street calling my kids because of it.
We had to look tautology up in the dictionary. As for the specific questions, I think thats just my (Tim's) style, I used to have jobs where I had to obtain a lot of information by letter, so I do tend to ask the same question in various different ways sometimes.
Thank you for referring us to previous posts, the reason for the question is simply that we have wondered if we should tell friends, and were curious what more experienced people did.
I have told 1 female mate
i trust her completly ......... but then she has trusted ne in the past. Sometimes i can imagin her like swinging but she is a tart.
I dunnow how vanilla people would take it . I am having to lie to every 1 i hate lying but it has to be done.
I've told a few friends, one who loves to hear everything that I get up to couple who are totally not into swinging but accept that I do......and one person who I thought was my best friend who was totally judgemental and we're no longer talking.....
I suspect that my Mum knows as she knows that my lovers are married but their wives know about it, so she has probably figured it out....but she's pretty cool so it's fine.....
I do hope so Blue......i had some vanilla ice cream with nuts on yesterday at the i'm starting to wonder what i ate !!!
Oh god, did I miss something in the film 'Vanilla Sky'?!
hehehehehe @ polo-lady.... made me have a right chuckle that did..
As for me and do I tell..., being a single fella, living 200 miles away from family, the "secret" isn't liekly to get back to them. Not that I would really care if it did.
One or two friends kind of know, but I haven't told them about SH. Mainly because there is no need to. Would it improve my life if I went blabbing to all and sundry about what I get up to? Not really, it would just make me sound like some of my workmates who brag about the lasses they've "had". So, I keep quiet, I don't care what they get up to behind closed doors and I don't expect them to be bothering me about what I get up to...
I never have a picture of me on the site, because if it got out at work, the ribbing would go on for ever and totally bore me to death within a week. 99% of them wouldn't have a clue as to why I was on here in the first place and would go with a NoTW type judgement.. so b*llox to them.
that's me all 'fessed up... can I go?
I think I am going to flounce from the vanilla scene. I just don't know what I am doing there anymore. I feel cheap and dirty sometimes when I am drinking larger in the pub or buying popcorn at the cinema ( I even sank as low as going to Pizza Hut once with a group of 8 people). I now know it is not for me... it is not making me happy.
I may of course change my mind in a few days .... then flounce again .... then change my mind again. In fact yo-yo back and forth for months on end.
At one time I had been having a good run on swinging and told various people about it. In the end it was not worth it. What I was doing did not fit with the image I had and people were confused, felt deceived. It attracted the spectator/tourist who then went onto asking exam questions about it, very boring. Most people just shut down their responses.
I don't think people begrudge the enjoyment and sex, but they feel cheated and dissapointed that they didn't 'read' you. Also the sudden change puts them on the spot and they don't really know how to react. Because they are not prepared for it. Some will end up resenting you.
So I think most sexual adventurers tend to keep it in the cupboard.
god its true vanilla ice is back ...crap rapper