I think you need more sex........... :mrgreen:
I didn't see the show with Jamie Oliver's programme but did see Hugh's Chicken Run, and was just wondering what about the chicken at KFC, or is it just the supermarkets 2 for a five that pisses them off, as i'm sure KFC get through some each week
Battery hens and eggs will run on for ever as is has been going on for years the truth of it is, its quantity and cost. only using free range chickens and eggs in everything will put the cost of every day shopping by quite an amount not just in eggs and chickens
mayonaise? sandwich fillings? salad dressings? merringues? pavlovas? shop bought mash potatoe/ duchess potatoes? breads? pasta? cakes? and many many more products of which the price will rise if only free range are used. Its not nice to see battery hens living the way they do but its a dog eat dog world when producers can offer manufacturers and consumers the quantity and price of battery chickens and egg and side products in the free range products, then we may see a difference
hope it makes sence
What the farmers are doing is not illegal, so if Mr. Oliver has a problem - take it to those who draw up the rules, not make a TV programme about it.
Jamie was ensuring that -
those who didn't know about it, knew.
those that now knew would hopefully make a change as he was helping people understand that their money and choices are what change things. Right through from eating crap- eg 'turkey twizzlers' served as a school lunch, to buying poorly reared chicken because it is cheap.
If you notice he changed some people's minds on the programme and not others. I am sure that was reflected through-out the country.
He certainly educated people about what they are choosing to eat.
I do wonder if the same people who talk about 'the good old days' are the same people that berate Jamie for what he is attempting to do:- Re-introduce food cooked with ingredients that we can trace.
'And the issue of the caged hens, yes its not pretty but wake up and smell the coffee beans its been going on for years ffs.'
Just because its been happening for years does not make it right.
Most people eat what they can afford without giving any thought whatsoever about the 'living' conditions that these creatures have to put up with.
I have watched the Hugh programmes and now the Jamie one and now know an awful lot more than I did before. I have always bought freerange eggs and will definitely continue to do so and now I will buy chicken from the farm shop that belongs to the farm I live opposite. If it's too expensive to buy as much chicken as I have been I will eat something else instead.
My 12 year old watched it with me and stated that she won't be eating chicken at all :shock: so now I'm wondering if I have a veggie in the making? we will see. As she would say....Whatever!!!
Sorry I like Jamie.. he's straight to the point, nae frills. I like the fact he brings the reality of the likes of twizzlers to people's attention and his programme the other night showed all that crap going into the machine and coming out in mush which people eat.
Not nice.
people other than can make you think too.
I did have stuff that was more directly related to food... though for the life of me, cannot think of it right now