In recent months I've encountered people who, because I happen to have an erection at the time, have assumed that I really fancied them....gotta be kiddin', well some of the time anyway. Then, on the flip side of this, after much fooling around, masturbation and whatever, when I don't reach an orgasm they leave less happy cos they now assume I didn't fancy them, and that may be true although I try not to show it....but am I missing something here? Is it a requirement to fancy someone if you're gonna have sex with them?
I couldn't have sex with someone unless I fancied them. So yes, for me it's a requirement.
For me is the most important requirement!
If there's no spark of lust (our in kiddie parlance fancying someone) then quite simply there is no possibility of sex - and even then the first kiss has to make my groin tingle - a not unreasonable requirement in our opinion given that we're planning to indulge in something that will be very intimate and hopefully not a little pleasurable for all involved
that's just the way it is
There has to be something there, if not forget it!
No attraction, then 100% no fun!!! No way could I or would I play with someone if I didnt feel attracted to the person.
Sorry but any guy who has the 'any hole is a goal' mentality is not for me and personally, dont do desperation shags with anyone!
There has to be attraction certainly, but what I've found is that the attraction does not necessarily have to be physical. What used to be a fairly narrow aesthetic ideal has broadened immensely because I found that so long as I was attracted to someone intellectually, based mostly on what they had to say for themselves and how they presented themselves on here, a physical attraction of sorts that may not ordinarily have existed would follow. Quite an eye-opener for me that was.
Why would anyone fuck someone if they weren't attracted to them on some level, physically or mentally either suffices but if there's none of that surely your better off wanking at least your own company is good.
If you don't fancy the person you're fucking then what's the point? You might as well have a wank or shag a hole in the wall.
tbh, this just reinforces what I already thought ... a lot of men will just fuck owt just for the sake of fucking. Then they wonder why some of us are so fussy!
as a woman i find that doggy style or a dark room does wonders for the miners amongst us pmsl
desperate people call for desperate measures..
If I was a young man Yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum...
I wish I never slept with all the wrongs on I did
I agree with what others have said...these days (well 2012) I couldn't sleep with someone I don't fancy..
it makes you feel sick afterwards.. not good at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!