I was browsing the photo ads and saw some very 'stimulating' pics of a girl I've known for years.
Makes you wonder... what don't you know about the people you know? :shock:
Hey Moist,
Best car I ever had: Ford Corsair V6 (1968 model). Two tone(White and Rust), absaloutely massive, twin carbs, 0-60 in the same week, chrome trim (tied on with baler twine), and stank of cow muck. Very good on petrol-it guzzled nothing else. Most endearing feature was its suspension: it sort of rolled after hitting a bump and then continued to oscillate until the 'dampers' eventually did their stuff. It was the only car I ever owned where the passengers were more likely to get sea-sick than travel-sick.
BUT huge 'bench' style back seat (which of course I made use of: I could get a couple of bales of hay in ,no trouble).
Loved that car to bits
1966 Hillman Super Minx 1725 with over half a million on the clock.
Sold it in '92 when I was skint and bought it back again 2 years later when I saw it by chance at an auction, by which time it had been converted to soft top, so it's strictly a summer car now.
well Ice pie... as you have joined in the hijack of your ownthread I feel justified....
Years ago when kids were young I sold my beloved mini Clubman for ecomony reasons.... kids cost Dosh.... and bought a dawes touring bike.... the flaming bike cost more than I got for the Mini, but running costs were much less.... the bike certainly built up my thighs.... ( calm down Moist... I aint had it for years!!!)
I would love to contribute here, but cars ain't my thing.
Horse-riding, on the other hand, is.
And it has nothing to do with the sight of women in Jodphurs carrying riding crops..... :twisted:
by the way ice pie... to get back to your thread .... care to share the ad number.... and any info re the advertiser?
No, not you (I won't say "not you, silly!" - I'm not feeling at all suicidal tonight). I already know that I know you from somewhere else. It took a while, but I did work it out in the end.
I only think I know this other person. I'm probably wrong. It has happened before (once, seventeen years three months and eight days ago. I'm still recovering from the embarrassment).
I've met a few of the people at work - my plans of sneaking in under cover of night and locking myself in the stationary cupboard all day didn't quite work.
But there's one important difference. I didn't know you, Will, Kit, or Kat before I joined SH. I'm very glad that I do now.
We thought the same before we put photos on our ad - but decided if our friends were into this life and saw it, then so be it! They''re hardly likely to tell anyone! It'd be nice to have a chat and compare notes anyway!!
...but alas - no one has yet!
I mean - we can't be the only "open minded" ones around can we? !?
has anybody ever gone out, like to a dogging site or a party/club or something and met somebody they know who they didn't know was into the scene (If that makes sense!?!?), like a work mate, or somebody from down the pub or anything like that.
I've done that once, the other week when I went up to Leigh, I was chatting to some guy for a while then we realised we both went to the same local boozer.