Well there is no way to say goodbye without feeling that your doing something either awkward or maybe trying to elicit a response but I think regardless that its time, at least for the foreseeable, for Lost to be moving on.
I am going to post a little bit as I'd like people to know how we, and especially me the Mr have felt about this site the people we chatted to and become cyber friends with and those we've met in person whether to swing with or to just chill out with.
We first came to SH as we'd decided many months previously swinging was for us and an opportunity to research the idea more fully came up. Mr Lost me myself several months before, went into hospital for a relatively straightforward operation in and out again within three days.
Well things didn't quite go to plan and my wife, Mrs Lost got the dreaded call at 10:30 at night to make it to hospital straight away as there had been a problem or two and things were looking grim. Fortunately for me grim didn't turn out terminal although it did mean that I ended up in a coma spent seven weeks in ICU and was in hospital for over three months. I would like to point out that that Mrs Lost was brilliant beyond comparison during this time. I relearned the meaning of love and why I can look at her at times and have to choke back a sob with the depth of feeling that occurs.
After coming out of hospital I was allowed home but was bed bound with two district nurses coming around twice a day for what seemed like forever, for them as well as me, I was bed bound and only able to lie face down. four years later and I'm still seeing the nurses fortnightly too, not quite as bad as it sounds really I just couldn't walk and i couldn't lie on my side or back. They were trying times for me my kids and J but trying times are what make the difference, they make us if they don't break us first. Good fortune is with me though through the grace of some fantastic people and i'm now 95%
Upshot was that lying useless in my bed I got myself a computer and whilst browsing around as you do found upon this swinging site Swinging Heaven and so we joined, a sodding month after the freebie accounts stopped would you believe but hey. Well, it was like a a godsend for me. I got stuck straight into the forums here, fumbling with my words and how I wanted things to come across and others weren't getting my meanings etc. All very naive indeed. I had several forum scraps with others which left me, at times, gasping with incredulity at the blindness of some to the obviously correct nature and intent of my posts!
I now know, of course, that it was not them but me that was naive, in most cases. I just had to learn the hard way. Mind you I still hold the belief that people have a right to say things without being lambasted the way it can happen here. I stand guilty also here of failing to uphold my own beliefs on one or two, that in the end, exasperated me so much I had to be quite blunt back. The words piss off are a blunt two word post I do believe, but they do hold their place.
It still holds that I believe that there are very few more moralistic places on the net than these forums. I seldom hear more righteousness from people even on Sundays from the pulpit, Where I still think a few posters must alight to as their day job as priest, vicar or Imam. I am probably just as sanctimonious but just dont see it.
Overall though what can I say other than at a time when I was at my utter lowest this place helped me through. I posted most often in the small hours of the morning when i had my darkest moments. Posted mainly drivel, though done with gusto.
People say that if its on a VDU then its just cyberspace and not real life. I think that is just so wrong. This place and others like it are real life. How we feel after we've read something or chatted to someone in the chatrooms affects our life outside. If someone pisses us off we carry that into our homes and families, likewise if we are charmed, humoured or saddened.
Through this site we have been to socials and munches though not enough of them and not getting to a Wigan one an absolute regret. We've made lovers friends and hopefully no enemies. Done and seen some quite extraordinary things by way of means through this site. Some with luck we'll carry through our lives and a lot that were 'in passing' though nonetheless have been happy healthy and worthy distractions for the time spent.
OK so this is just rambling on and without doubt more for my benefit than anyone elses so i'll wind up.
Lost will always be Lost now J and I call ourselves Lost to each other and it is part of who we are. We are carrying on swinging because we enjoy it although J has some quite serious surgery coming up which is going to enforce possibly a years break on us in the shagging others department, Gawd only knows how she's going to cope with abstaining. I best get some ear protection.
So too all those who have shared their triumphs, successes, opinions, humour and advice to those special few who have shared moments of personal tragedy and pain take strength and thank you for sharing these intimate parts of your lives. Lost wishes you all the very best and though there is no intention at the moment just maybe the odd months membership for old times sake may happen in the future.
This is the last post from Lost