T'other half, in his new job as tutor/trainer for a company that teaches people skills to get them back to work after long term unemployemnt, was telling me snippets from some of the program he teaches.
One of which really took me by surprise.
The question is asked....'where do you think most people find employment?'
most people answer the job centre or internet, as indeed did I, but the actual answer is 'networking' or through a friend of a friend/someone that someone you know..knows!
I was really surprised to find this out, because I would have laid oney on it being the job centre....after all thats what theyre there for......but on thinking about it, thats how hes just gotten this job, as a mate who got a job with the company gave them one of Mr B's CV's and they were impressed and took him on. (and this friend is someone we met 4 years ago when we bought a bearded dragon off them, after responding to a classified ad...theyve since gone on to become great friends)
So it just goes to show, that knowing the right people can help you get on in life......and you never know that the next person you meet, may just know someone who knows someone who could make a massive difference in your life!!
has anyone else got a job/had a difference made from a networking contact rather than through the usual channels?
Ive never got a job off a job centre and have taken a few opportunities that cropped up cos of friends and associates.
When u advertise a vacancy round here at a job centre everybody who's under pressure to bang their CVs out sends one in. You end up with a couple of hundred CVs that are all in exactly the same format, mostly from the desperate disillusioned and defeated. I know of employers who throw them all in a pile and only bother to look at them if the individual telephones to follow up their application.
Its sad when you start to think about it.
A friend of mine recently found his building work had dried up and decided he'd better go on the chat to avoid mortgage arrears. He was offered one vacancy 50 miles from where he lived. He said to the chap at the labour exchange, "I'm not being funny but you've had this job for 3 months at all of your offices in the SE and no buggers has taken it on. Do you think it might be a shit job?".
Brucie, it must be so nice to be blessed with such a vast array of knowledge, I can only apologise I chose to sully the forum with such a thick observation. I hadn't realised this forum was only for quick witted intellects such as your good self.
I thank you for showing me for the complete and utter fuckwit I so clearly am....I had better get on and research something deemed clever enough to appear on the forum.....would I need to run it past admin before hand to see if it passes muster?
Definitely a feather in your cap in your 'Brucie for zero tolerance, no-nonsense mod'
well done you.
apologies to all others who found this post obvious and pointlessly needless, I shall take myself back to being a 'read only forumite' and leave this place for the high-brows.
If you get bullie doff the forum BD I will be gutted.
I think the answer is that jobs come from a variety of sources and the ratio of one to another probably varies from time to time and place to place according to the job market. Nowadays, with the need for larger organisations to advertise all posts, there may not be so many good jobs go by "the nod" as there used to.
Thinking of experiences of myself and my family - the best; and one of the worst jobs came from personal knowledge, so there's no hard and fast rule really.
i'd say that rule works up to a point, and a lot can be achieved with it. but when the shit hits the fan, there's a lot who don't want to know you, and its very much down to what you know to save yourself.
If anybody needs me you will find me in the fuckwit corner. I dont think Im a fuckwit but who could resist BD and Missy?
Ladies you cant miss me I will be carrying a paddling pool and a 40 gallon drum of scented oil.
Only ever got one job from knowing someone...
Has to rate as one of the worst I have ever had :lol2:
We can but hope and of course my lips are yours.
I think networking is hugely underrated by lots of people.
I try to network as much as I can. For example let's say I go to a training course and meet someone from another organisation who seems interesting or is in a field I would like to get into, I ensure in the course of conversation I get business contact details. I will then always follow that up with an email along the lines of 'Great to meet you and hope we can work together/collaborate/share resources (whatever is appropriate) in the future.' I like to think this gets me on their radar and the initial contacts can develop into very valuable working relationships.
In some cases, I would say that it more a case of what you know about who you know, rather than who you know or what you know...