I think the idea of refuse collections every two weeks has nothing to do with environment and more to do with cost cutting for councils.
If Our county goes to this system of collecting every fortnight i would like to see the breakdown of the council tax re:- waste collections cost reduced. Do I think this will happen do I boll*x!
Whilst on this I think it should be pointed out that we are now told that we should cut down on waste food thrown away! Why? I heart a 'spokesman' for the government say its because it creates 5-6 million tons of waste !!!! a year to go into landfill. Surely this makes little difference with food being bio-degradable.
Dont get me wrong - I believe in good housekeeping. Although i hate the shite that sometimes comes from
this sort of stuff.
Britain has the hightest landfill figures in Europe.
The European law now has power to fine our councils for going over set landfill targets. These costs will be past on to us in the form of higher council taxes.
British households dump just under a third of all the food they buy, although half is inedible waste
Most of waste food goes into landfill sites, where it breaks down and causes greenhouse gases.
Quotes from BBC News and Express
Its all down to packaging used nowadays, and since the introduction of microwaves and ready meals its steadily become worse, I can mind years ago we used to get 2 black plastic bin liners each week and most of the time they were more than adequate, well excluding xmas etc, but these 2 said bin liners would hardly line the bottom of modern wheelie bins, Its about time food suppliers and supermarkets took a good look at this? Next time you pop into your local tesco’s just think that all that you see on the shelves will probably be gone in a week and filled with more crap, and that’s just one store, when we go on our weekly shopping trip half our bin is filled just with the packaging never mind anything else.
This reminds me of a case my brother faced a few years ago and a point in law it brought to light..
He used to work away for a few days at a time and many a time missed taking his bin out onto the street to be collected as requested by the council. Now don't forget the same councils have a policy of if you leave your bin out too long its an obstruction and you can be fined for such!! So.... facing a stink or a fine he called the council and asked for the bin to be removed from the rear of his house... No say the council.. No can do!! So the first week after he took said bin in his landrover and deposited the rubbish in the councils reception with a warning more would follow.. The council took him to court and the court ruled that it was the councils Legal Responsibility to remove the rubbish under contract and for health and safety of others...
The point is we all followed that route saving them money taking bins out etc this is the next step and then we will all have our rubbish weighed upon collection and charged accordingly.. see the little chip under your rims.. all ready to make you pay more for less service
Sorry it went on.....
I'm lucky, my council still do weekly collctions but the recycling in my area is (excuse the pun) rubbish. We have a normal weekly wheely bin and a bag for paper which is collected fortnightly. I live alone so it's fine for me but its not enough for families. It doesn't help that there's no recycling points near me either so it's not easy to recycle as much as I'd like. My council tax keeps going up and the council talk about recycling being made easier but nothing ever happens.
My lot (SDDC) are ok, fortnightly collections of general waste and recycling glass, paper, cans and compostables in between. Adding plastic bottles this year. I'm ok cos there is just 2 of us here.
To be honest I'd recycle as much anyway, I'm a bit green that way, but I wish they would collect cardboard - the council bins are always overflowing.
Am I the only one who doesn't find it a bind?
We have black bins one week (general rubbish) and the blue bin (plastics & Cans/brown bin (card & garden/organic waste) the next. Paper recycling happens the same week and the blue/brown bin.
We have a composter for green/organic waste and where possible eliminate packaging at source! We used to have a veg box but since we're both working full time it's fallen by the wayside.
There are some weeks where I don't need to put the recycling bin out and the brown one goes out once a month. I've never had a problems with maggots or flies either.
But then .. I used washable nappies on my kids and ran a project promoting this so I am predisposed to recycling.
Mallock .. the green house gas bit doesn't come into it in most councils. The plain and simple fact is that landfills are mainly full and people don't want new ones opening on their doorsteps understandably. If we can reduce the amount of waste going to landfill it extends the life of these landfills!
The bit about the EU imposing massive taxes on councils does mean it's a bit more imperative as well.
I used to be involved in the Refuse and Cleansing Dept of our local Council. Some of this info may be out of date but I hope the essescent is right.
The Council's drive for recycling is driven by the high costs of landfill and the stiff fines for not meeting recycling targets.
It costs more to collect cardboard than the Council gets paid by recyclers. There must be a very thin line between the costs in money and the amount of pollution caused by driving lorries full of empty plastic bottles than the making new ones.
Everyone must decide why they recycle is it to save money? If so, it realy doesn't work.
The amount of rubbish a household produces is dependant on how the rubbish is collected. Households who use black sacks produce (on average) less rubbish than those with wheelie bins.