well i had the biggest test last night, met up with a fuck buddy of mine and he had a mate with him, had a amazing 4 and half hour 3 sum sex session in a car park and i didnt even light up after wards :shock:
5 days today and apparently ive saved £20:18 not smoked 100 cigarettes saved 8hrs and 20 mins of my life, oh and had a amazing 3 sum, info allthanks to the silkquit site someone recommended, well notthe 3 sum bit lol
xxxxxxxxxx lou xxxxxxxxx
bst of luck to you hope you still given up ...... i too am an ex smoker a heavy one at that ,all i can say what worked for me was patches ... and literally taking each hour as it comes i am convinced that when you are ready it will happen i tried loads of times
hi , thought id post a update,
its now been 1 week 2 days and 20 mins since i gave up .
saved £36:23
not smoked 183 cigarettes
saved 15 hours 15 mins of my life
for the first time today i realised after leaving the house for work that i hadnt woken up needing a smoke.
xxxxxxxxxxx lou xxxxxxxxx
Has it started tasting differant yet :rascal:
ewwggghhh hunny thats minging
cum mmmmmmm thats better , although day old in a jar errr no thanks lol
xx lou xxx
ok, im not bringing this thread to life to get any pat on the backs, just intrested to see if anyone else made a new year resolution ,and if they have kept to it now we are a couple of months down the line.
i decided to give up smoking that was
2 months 2 weeks and 3 days ago
i have not spent on ciggerattes £317:26
apparently thats :1586 iciggetettes i havent smoked.
some of you may know i have been having a shitty time lately and today has been hell, but i havent smoked yet, I hope i dont.
so did anyone else keep to their's?
xxx lou xxx
The more I widen my circle of friends the more I hear about peeps with the big C
My girl rang me this morning her mates hubby has just passed away at 4am this morning... and she's just learned of another friend who has been diagnosed with bone cancer... I hate to bring down the frivolity on this site but anyone giving up smoking or any other self-harm addictions deserves a big hand! :thrilled: :happy: :thrilled: :happy: :thrilled: :happy: Well Done!!!