So an affair?
Now if he could just admit the country is in a mess we mite start to fix it.
sorry im surprised he ever found one shag let along two.
John Prescott .............could you could you ?
NO :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
There use to be a time,when a politician fucked up....they would do the decent thing and resign....that seems to have gone out of fashion, no matter what they do many of them are doing dodgy things now that it just becomes accepable.
I cant beleive any women would be stupid enough to want to have an affair with Prescott,seen the pic pf the lady concerned good looking, so may be she was after promotion.
Would any of you ladys shag him im curiouse
u got to be kidding me.... prescott....... what an embarrassing shag ....
that just shows what a piss taking slug faced waste of space he is........ he should lose his job for that .... not that it will happen......
:shock: as a women how would like to play with his dropped tum and arse and suck his limp dick, and lie next to him when he farts, telling you how good labour is ,must be every womens dream.