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john terry is innocent

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I havent a clue what you are rambling about here Brucie ......... sure it has some deep meaning that is above my power of thought on a Monday night lol but I will try an opinion.... what John Terry does off the field is of no interest to me.
Bit of rough? been there done that and now want men who can do more than wiggle their limp mast through drinking too much. :lol:
No business of mine, not sure how the newspapers get away with reporting such twaddle. have they learnt nothing form that formula one thing.
Sex God
i have no idea if he did or didnt have an affair and i dont care
whether he did or didnt, it has nothing to do with his ability to do his job !!!
Quote by brucie
I think the decision must be made irrelevent of the morality of his behaviour,
What terry did was wrong,but the day we look to footballers for our moral guidance will be a sad one,however if his presence is poor for team morale,and affects performance then hes got to go,and that applies to Chelsea as well as England
Will the other players trust a captain who they suspect of being after their partners?

nonsense kez. do you really think his england team mates will be morally outraged???
Probably not - but if the other husband is on the pitch he might get an extra kicking. Although perhaps they would rather be able to see where he is while they are busy for 2 hours. biggrin
Quote by corrie2010
Bit of rough? been there done that and now want men who can do more than wiggle their limp mast through drinking too much. lol

Arr, so that's where your signature clause came from
Plim wink
Quote by Plimboy

Bit of rough? been there done that and now want men who can do more than wiggle their limp mast through drinking too much. lol

Arr, so that's where your signature clause came from
Plim wink
No my strap line is about self realisation not about limp dicks :lol:
As somebody already pointed out here..footballers are the last ones to dish out moral guidance.
Yes John Terry has been a bit of a dipstick but it is his private life that is in question, and not his professional one.
Yes I understand the team morale thing but the only way that is going to not be a problem is if either Terry resigns from England Or Bridge does. Now it does not take a genuis to work out which one England can do without.
John Terry has behaved badly for sure and having it off with ya mates girlfriend is a pretty low thing to do should not affect his ability to do his job and for him to quit would be a bad thing for the England football team with the World cup around the corner.
I am sure he will more than get some form of punishment when his wife divorces him.
Somethings should be open to the public and some should not be....who decides on that is up to the privacy laws we currently have, and a judge ruled that the injunction against Terry should be lifted....the judge knows a damn site more than most.
Quote by corrie2010

Bit of rough? been there done that and now want men who can do more than wiggle their limp mast through drinking too much. lol

Arr, so that's where your signature clause came from
Plim wink
No my strap line is about self realisation not about limp dicks :lol:
Sorry, my quip is not very good if I have to explain it (the road is long and winding because your man has drunk too much and you sway from side to side with him).
Plim :sad:
Sex God
Give them guns and let them sort it out like real idiots
Team America - much more fun than wondering who Terry is shagging lol
Good grief... all this fuss because he fucked someone he shouldn't? Happens all the time. It's a big deal for those involved. It's no-one else's business. End of.
Quote by Dirtygirly
Good grief... all this fuss because he fucked someone he shouldn't? Happens all the time. It's a big deal for those involved. It's no-one else's business. End of.

How very dare you Miss DG!!!!!!!!!!!!
If these good and proper journalists didn't write about this............................
......................I'd have nowt to wipe me bum on lol bolt
Sex God
Who gives a flying fuck? dunno
Quote by GnV
Who gives a flying fuck? dunno

Well I'm guessing he probably did bolt
The point is it will be bad for morale in the England dressing room (not so much Chelsea) of the England team half could be Terrys mates and team mates and the rest Wayne Bridges mates, as in all things in life sides will be taken an opinions spouted, this will inevitably cause a split in the dressing room,Terry the team captain will then not be able to raise morale as he is to blame for the said split.
England will then play far worse than normal, get knocked out of the world cup as normal, Terry will get the blame and end up an English hate figure like Beckham etc for a short while, the manager will get sacked and get shit loads of compo, the players will keep earning 120k a week to kick a bag of wind around a field and then the next overpaid over rated wind kicker will get caught with his dick inside something he should not be, or snorting aspirin off a hookers arse hole (or John Terry same thing as an arsehole)and then it all starts again.
Quote by Dirtygirly
Good grief... all this fuss because he fucked someone he shouldn't? Happens all the time. It's a big deal for those involved. It's no-one else's business. End of.

Sex God
Quote by Aladdin
The issue is that it sets a poor example. Whatever your views of his actions, you will no doubt see that the England Captain is required to set a good example, which he didn't.

Touchs on what I was about to write. He plays for Chelsea its a job he gets paid he has a contract and you probably cant touch him. Just like you could not touch Dave in the office for shagging Berts wife its got nothing to do with the office.
England is a different matter. Its a roll you get picked for you dont get paid and you dont have a contract. The England captain does not only have to be a great footballer but also a good role model as its probably one of the most respected and desired positions amongst English children.
My view, he should play for England, he should not be captain. Plenty of other Captains England can choose from.
Sex God
Quote by Kaznkev
The real issue isn't whether his abilities as captain will be diminished, whether the other players will feel threatened in any way, or anything of the type.
The issue is that it sets a poor example. Whatever your views of his actions, you will no doubt see that the England Captain is required to set a good example, which he didn't.

i disagree, i love footbal ,but the england captain is not my moral guide,he needs to play well,lead the team and inspire the squad,he should be chosen for these qualities,and i believe his actions will make this difficult.
I disagree that you disagree and think that if he is payed and payed extorti ermmmm lots as a performer to perform in front of an audience of thousands live and millions through TV & media and through a multitude of age groups then to expect him to do so without blemish to anyones sensitivities is not an unfair request of him. He should be stood down as captain and have a ritualistic cutting off of one testicle which should beld aloft
Sex God
Quote by Lost
The real issue isn't whether his abilities as captain will be diminished, whether the other players will feel threatened in any way, or anything of the type.
The issue is that it sets a poor example. Whatever your views of his actions, you will no doubt see that the England Captain is required to set a good example, which he didn't.

i disagree, i love footbal ,but the england captain is not my moral guide,he needs to play well,lead the team and inspire the squad,he should be chosen for these qualities,and i believe his actions will make this difficult.
I disagree that you disagree and think that if he is payed and payed extorti ermmmm lots as a performer to perform in front of an audience of thousands live and millions through TV & media and through a multitude of age groups then to expect him to do so without blemish to anyones sensitivities is not an unfair request of him. He should be stood down as captain and have a ritualistic cutting off of one testicle which should beld aloft
So what about our future king........he did exactly the same thing, yet he wasn't asked to renounce his claim to the throne? Surely he is a more moral beacon than the captain of the England football team?
Sex God
Quote by Kaznkev
The real issue isn't whether his abilities as captain will be diminished, whether the other players will feel threatened in any way, or anything of the type.
The issue is that it sets a poor example. Whatever your views of his actions, you will no doubt see that the England Captain is required to set a good example, which he didn't.

i disagree, i love footbal ,but the england captain is not my moral guide,he needs to play well,lead the team and inspire the squad,he should be chosen for these qualities,and i believe his actions will make this difficult.
I disagree that you disagree and think that if he is payed and payed extorti ermmmm lots as a performer to perform in front of an audience of thousands live and millions through TV & media and through a multitude of age groups then to expect him to do so without blemish to anyones sensitivities is not an unfair request of him. He should be stood down as captain and have a ritualistic cutting off of one testicle which should beld aloft
i disagree with the fact you disagree with my disagreement,
or is that just me being disagreeable?
I'd agree with that biggrin
Thought I'd have my two penny worth on this one.
Initially I had all the sympathy in the world for JT. Ok, so he couldn't keep it in his trousers, but he didn't go down the usual footballers route of , or break the law in any way. Therefore I couldn't understand why the media were trying to destroy him.
As Max777 rightly pointed out, Charles was at it with Camilla while he was still married to Di, he'll still be king. John Major was at it with Edwina Curry, he didn't stop being Prime minister, so why should JT lose his England captaincy? Afterall, it wasn't affecting his work.
However.... and this is where my views have taken a complete turn... it now appears he'll be missing a crucial F.A cup game so he can fly out and grovel to his wife.
He can't have it both ways.
Sex God
Quote by Max777
So what about our future king........he did exactly the same thing, yet he wasn't asked to renounce his claim to the throne? Surely he is a more moral beacon than the captain of the England football team?

One big thing with that. At least the future King COULD stand up and say
"You know what I never wanted to be born a prince so I'll do as I please and suck my fat one"
Where as John Terry strove to be in the position he is in 100% by choice. I think anyone striving to be in that position knows full well beforehand that behavior such as his will be called into question.
We should make a new poster
"Pacesetters dont smoke, but they may bone your wife"
Sex God
Quote by tweeky

So what about our future king........he did exactly the same thing, yet he wasn't asked to renounce his claim to the throne? Surely he is a more moral beacon than the captain of the England football team?

One big thing with that. At least the future King COULD stand up and say
"You know what I never wanted to be born a prince so I'll do as I please and suck my fat one"
Where as John Terry strove to be in the position he is in 100% by choice. I think anyone striving to be in that position knows full well beforehand that behavior such as his will be called into question.
We should make a new poster
"Pacesetters dont smoke, but they may bone your wife"
I don't really want to go off on a tangent but did Terry strive to be England captain or was he picked because he was the best man for the job?
Charles can choose to whether he wants to be King or not. His privileged birth should not put him above criticism.
Sex God
I had a problem with him being the england captain in the first place... but lets have a look at the wider picture so to speak...
lets look at his past as well.....
this is the man who was making fun, and shouting abusive things in a drunken haze at american tourists who were hotel stuck in the hotel the day of 9/11 .....
and lets keep going........
this is the man who though the could get away with parking his car in a disabled bay outside of a hotel and leave it there......because it was closer to the entrance.....
and then this is from a few months ago.....
this is the man who used his position as england and chelsea captain to profit from it by showing people tours of the ground and to set up personal meetings...
and to finally top it all off.....
and this is the man who cheated on his best mate girlfriend.. and his wifes ex best friend.... and thought he could hide it (the reason he gave on the superinjuction wasn't the privacy of his family, but the effect it may have on his financial interests and sponsorship deals.......)
do I want him to be the ambassador for england... hell no......
if you think the hull fans were rough of him last night... wait till you see what the arsenal fans are planning for sunday...........
Quote by Kaznkev
Reguardless of your views i fail to understand why the crowd laid into him so heavily last nite,
i never realised football fans were such a morally upstanding lot,!
Any Hull fans in the cafe btw, i want to buy them a drink.:giggle:

I did not think Swingers were either until I joined this site. lol
Quote by fabio
I had a problem with him being the england captain in the first place... but lets have a look at the wider picture so to speak...
lets look at his past as well.....
this is the man who was making fun, and shouting abusive things in a drunken haze at american tourists who were hotel stuck in the hotel the day of 9/11 .....
and lets keep going........
this is the man who though the could get away with parking his car in a disabled bay outside of a hotel and leave it there......because it was closer to the entrance.....
and then this is from a few months ago.....
this is the man who used his position as england and chelsea captain to profit from it by showing people tours of the ground and to set up personal meetings...
and to finally top it all off.....
and this is the man who cheated on his best mate girlfriend.. and his wifes ex best friend.... and thought he could hide it (the reason he gave on the superinjuction wasn't the privacy of his family, but the effect it may have on his financial interests and sponsorship deals.......)
do I want him to be the ambassador for england... hell no......
if you think the hull fans were rough of him last night... wait till you see what the arsenal fans are planning for sunday...........

I would have thought that Arsenal fans had more to worry about than jeering JT like....winning a trophy?? Lets hope they don't start chanting with ten minutes to go as most Arsenal fans naff off from the ground round about then...supporters? lol
Fabs your above comments obviously come from your source at the NOTW... :lol:
Ah the disabled bay...I remember a thread about that on here where people able bodied admitted to parking in one when they went to Tesco's.
Or....Showing people around the ground for money seems like a reasonable way to make some extra dosh, and it seems the owner who owns the ground, had no worrys over it.
So who would YOU have as the England captain? Rooney as a lot of people have said? A man with a temper like a bull, who swears and rants which is a great example to kids. The man who was caught having sex with a old prostitute? Hmmm a great ambassador.
Or Gerrard perhaps who only recently was charged and got off because in my opinion who he was, from smacking some guy in the face over an arguement.
Or Ferdinand who was just given a four match ban for elbowing a fellow footballer in the gob?
Yes what he did was foolish and that is being kind about it but...what the heck has that got to do with his captaincy of England? His team mates are no better in many respect than he is. Ashley Cole is a great example of that.
He has been a fool but I think he will keep the captaincy of England as Cappello wil judge him on his ability to do the job, and not on his it should be. :lol:
Quote by brucie
what i dont get is why anyone would pay anything for a tour around an empty training complex. jt is a genius salesman if he really pulled that one off.
and im currently more disturbed at how we played last night!

If nothing else Brucie this story cannot have helped the team for sure.
Two points dropped against a team that lets be fair are rubbish.
It has to have an effect on the players.
Sex God
Quote by Max777
I don't really want to go off on a tangent but did Terry strive to be England captain or was he picked because he was the best man for the job?

No of course not, all professional footballers only ever enter the sport with their maximum aim being to play for Rochdale.
Sorry Rochdale fans, picked that from thin air.