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Sex God
Just wanted to say that I have been at home today (a tad poorly, ya know) and been watching the forum.
Judy has had a rather trying day, on here, I think. So Judy...
We've just opened a nice bottle of red, we've gort a movie to watch and you would be more then welcome to be here and get your shoulders rubbed, your feet massaged and have a nice unwind.
Sometimes we all need a little TLC. I think it's your turn.
We love you.
I totally agree with you Vix!!!!
Judy is a star!!!!!
(plus I need to suck up - if she winns on the lottery - we are off to the Carribean!!!!!)
Just kidding- she has had a rough time today - Big hugs Judy!
(and remember what I said in PM!)
Oh Judy sad
Well from your No 1 fans passionkiss sillyassionkiss:
Hope tomorrow is a better day hun kiss
I'm glad you started this thread Vix. JudyTV deserves some appreciation. Since I joined this forum a few days ago she has made me feel so very welcome. Even stayed up with me till in the other morning in my time of need. (Thanks for being my Agony Aunt babes) She gives so much of herself and asks nothing in return...erm...well...maybe the odd snog and such....but she is also so very humble when a compliment is returned.
We could do with a few more like her around.
Love ya babes.
Judy. We love you! Don't know what's been going on but if it's tough on you it's just plain wrong.
Awww Judy, have a ((((hug)))))))) (a lopsided one at that!) on account. :love:
i know, i know!
this is not me in sycophantic reply-to-a-thread-post-happy mode. judy i hope knows me well enough to know this is sincere.
judy held my hand in the chatroom as a newbie ((( among others ))) and the forum ((( among others ))) she held my hand at two munches ((( among others ))) i found myself ranting today ((( among others ))) which i do try to avoid, but there it is. i would not be here having a whale of a time without her really. i could never thank her enough for altogether too many late night rambles here, and IRL.
the support she gives is immeasurable. the advice she gives is bang on every time. she deserves the utmost respect, for her depth, insight, humour, and unconditional friendship.
and she can rip the bleedin' piss for england, which i love! ;-)
cheers vix nice one!
neil x x x x passionkiss
Think I must have missed that too Judy TV :shock: :shock: as havent read all the posts too many now back working but you are loved dearly in here but sometimes it is nice to just say it to someone anyway..................................................
Love Corriexxxx
I blame that Veet Mouse !! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: lol :lol: :lol:
kiss(For Judy)
Sex God
Judy, you're a darling. kiss
Sappho xxx
PS: And so is Vix for starting this.
Just saw this thread, and I don't know any details, but if Judy TV is having a bad time, then I too would like to offer my support and thoughts to someone who is beyond doubt worthy of the title "Saint JudyTV of Swinging Heaven"
I too am humbled each time I read one of JudyTv's posts and 'comments/letters' that are posted that just remind us what being humman is really about.
Many a time has my hand been held in the chatroom, my concerns listened to with genuine empathy not sympathy, the right words are always offered, the rights seeds of thought always planted ...... what ever it is Judy .... I hope it is resolved/sorted/cured/won/released/bought and paid for/displayed/etc. and that once again we can all rejoice in your life.
I'm sure all that sounds complete bollox, but frankly I don't care, I just respect that person!
Wowsers. That is very touching Griffin.
Not having met Judy which I really am dissapointed about. I too have to say her words of wisdom are not only informative and expeirence ridden but Judy can also let her hair down and be one of the boys. Enjoy the giggle and mishaps that is the cafe.
Too Judy.... :cheers: For we are your followers.
I have to agree with all that has been said.
The quality of Judy's posts was one of the first things that caught my attention when I stumbled across this site. I have talked with Judy on-line and she has offered me lots of generous support. I met her at the last NW munch and experienced her good humor at first hand. She gives herself freely and dosen't ask for much back. This is why she rightly deserves these compliments.
Many thanks Judy, you are one very special person.
Sex God
See, Judy? It aint just me.
Not going to get into the politics of this as I’m really not sure of what’s been going on.
But one thing I’m sure of is that Judy is a great person she made me feel very welcome and helped me a lot when I first visited this site. When I met up with her she was just as nice taking the time to show me around all the places to go in Manchester (and where to avoid). Also there’s no way I’d have gone to the NWMunch in May if Judy wasn’t there.
Judy, Thanks again for everything kiss
Judy your one of the people who in here,when i read your posts i know you mean exactly what you say.
You always have the right advice and help hwenever its needed.
Another on of your fans,Clarexxx
Just a quicky to say ........ WE LOVE YOU JUDY!!!!!!
Keep your chin up and remember that we love having you here....
Only just seen the post about Judy, but buck up Judy and I hope you feel a lot better soon.
best wishes.O. K.
not sure what has happend.
but will just add my heil judy! lol
Quote by griffin
Just saw this thread, and I don't know any details, but if Judy TV is having a bad time, then I too would like to offer my support and thoughts to someone who is beyond doubt worthy of the title "Saint JudyTV of Swinging Heaven"

I'm new on here so I'm just getting to know you lot, & like Griffin haven't seen the discussions that prompted Vix to start this thread. However to get this level of support, JudyTV must be something special. And likewise Vix for starting it off. Been reading elsewhere about someone whinging about this forum, but compared to some other online forums that I have taken part in, this one is very friendly indeed.
Warming the Bed
Just caught up with this & like many other newbies we wanted to say that we may not have been here long but we're already Judy fans. Every post of yours we have read has been thoughtful & helpful. You are welcoming & refreshingly honest. kiss
Judy babes - i dont know what has gone on today - but i can guarantee you dont deserve it - you are a thoughtful and considerate person and we all LUV YA!!!!!!!!!
passionkiss from me and Daz - we love your posts!!!!!!
Sex God
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Is that the wig you're wearing at my party, Judy! drinkies
Quote by JudyTV

Judy skipping down to the village! Go girl! biggrin

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
After saying that, I know a girl from this site who is wearing that wig to blues party, shorter but same colour. I'm not saying its fem_mancs but it could be cos I was with the potty girl when she bought it. In fact I tried it on too in Aflecks Palace but I looked a bigger pillock in it than she did :P poke .
Oy, Judy! Give me my wig back! lol
Quote by JudyTV
There is a bit of a look of RebeccaTV in that photo you know biggrin , OMG she will kill me now. JudyTV

With the amount of weight i'm putting on my tits are almost that big :shock:
Quote by JudyTV
There is a bit of a look of RebeccaTV in that photo you know biggrin , OMG she will kill me now. JudyTV

With the amount of weight i'm putting on my tits are almost that big :shock:
So if I buy you dinner next time your up in Manchester does that mean I get more Tranny for my money then :P .
By the way I have someone who wants to meet you. You have fans in the wings.
Not .......................... Paul McCartney ??? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: