Am I allowed to organise a 30s and under cafe stlye get together in london initially, for any novices or newcomers not sure about swinging, becasue thats the stage where I am and there does seem to be a lot of difficulty for anyone under 30 to get any serious guidence for the increasingly popular world of swinging. I am asking because I m not entirely sure that Im allowed to exclude anyone from events such as this.
could someone possibly get back to me on this
cheers tam.
well in theory you can organise anything u like,
not in the cafe though.. has to be in lets meet up.
it cant be a munch as you are specifying that its only open to a select group of people.
i think the biggest problem you will have is not being not allowed to do t...but getting people to want to come.
none of us know you.
Yes, you can arrange any type of meet you like on the forum provided it is free of charge. We would not make it a sticky post - we only sticky munches, and your meet up cannot be called a munch cos you are excluding certain people from attending. But feel free to post an invite in the meet up section along the lines you suggest.
Good luck!
im not going to use theword exclude anymore but thanks for the advice does anyone think this sort of thing will be succesfull, has anyone tried it before that you know of.