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Just another day?

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Another leftie liberal, sandal wearing, yoghurt knitter here wave I've seen some sweeping statements in my time, but it's shocking that "all teenage pregnancies" appear to be tarred with the same brush.
It does worry me that certain people here seem to think that every teenager who falls pregnant is then automatically a scrounger for the rest of their life confused I fell pregnant by accident (I was on the pill and taking it correctly) when I was 18. The father wanted nothing to do with us so I was left to manage the pregnancy, birth and child rearing on my own. Whilst I was pregnant I worked two jobs, one full time in an office and the other part time 4 or 5 nights a week in a pub. Once the baby was born I stayed at home to look after her until she was about 18 months old and then I went back to work full time.
My next pregnancy was much the same. I only had one job then, but I was working full time (as I had been all along from when the eldest was 18 months old) and had a year off with the 2nd. I've worked at least part time ever since. How does that fit in with your "scroungers" theory? :?
However, I don't for a minute think we live in an ideal world. I seriously doubt we ever will. There will always be people who work the system to their own benefit. There will always be people who flat out con the system. It is a problem, and it does need to be sorted out. But I think it's counterproductive at best, to assume that everyone in the position of being a single and/or teenage parent is lazy and a scrounger. It's just that the people who get on with working, earning a living and bringing their children up with manners, morals and a social conscience aren't exactly newsworthy are they?
Quote by rob-boy-norfolk
god i wish i knew how to cut an paste an operate a pc better it would make this soooooooooo much easier !
All the unclaimed benefits are from people new to the system,the ones with pride the ones who hate to claim an who wouldnt dream of screwing the system
You get to the scroungers an there isnt 1p of unclaimed benefit ! its not a small number its tens of thousands Norwich,Port Talbot,Bognor it dosent matter where i am i could take you too areas where 99% of the people are genuine honest an hard working an very close to those areas you will find areas where being a scrounger,on the hobble is seen as the norm for a lot of the people
You will hear "its a depressed area" "its deprived" but the funny thing is some people in those areas have jobs an it dont affect them but for many the area is the 1st thing in a long line of exscuses

There seems to be an inability here to differentiate between those who are claiming benefits they are entitled to and people who are defrauding the is illegal and punishable in law the other isn't
Strange though it may seem the area in which you live is a reason why some people aren't considered for jobs ......areas of cities gain reputations and the people who live in them tend to get tarred with the same brush.....this is why your postcode plays such a large part in the cost of your car insurance.
I am not in fact an apologist for the unemployed,but having been one of them for a long time I can remember that feeling of dejection as another rejection letter hits the door-mat. There's a law of diminishing returns that operates, the longer you've been unemployed the more difficult it becomes to get past that wall of blind bigotry that assumes you are a work-shy scrounger,I and thousands of others in that position both then and now am not and have never been scared of hard work ,the fact that so many people assume we are, is merely a display of their ignorance an bigotry.
Quote by Angel Chat
Another leftie liberal, sandal wearing, yoghurt knitter here wave I've seen some sweeping statements in my time, but it's shocking that "all teenage pregnancies" appear to be tarred with the same brush.
It does worry me that certain people here seem to think that every teenager who falls pregnant is then automatically a scrounger for the rest of their life confused I fell pregnant by accident (I was on the pill and taking it correctly) when I was 18. The father wanted nothing to do with us so I was left to manage the pregnancy, birth and child rearing on my own. Whilst I was pregnant I worked two jobs, one full time in an office and the other part time 4 or 5 nights a week in a pub. Once the baby was born I stayed at home to look after her until she was about 18 months old and then I went back to work full time.
My next pregnancy was much the same. I only had one job then, but I was working full time (as I had been all along from when the eldest was 18 months old) and had a year off with the 2nd. I've worked at least part time ever since. How does that fit in with your "scroungers" theory? :?
However, I don't for a minute think we live in an ideal world. I seriously doubt we ever will. There will always be people who work the system to their own benefit. There will always be people who flat out con the system. It is a problem, and it does need to be sorted out. But I think it's counterproductive at best, to assume that everyone in the position of being a single and/or teenage parent is lazy and a scrounger. It's just that the people who get on with working, earning a living and bringing their children up with manners, morals and a social conscience aren't exactly newsworthy are they?

Great post and much respect to you AC. :thumbup:
Quote by Angel Chat
Another leftie liberal, sandal wearing, yoghurt knitter here wave I've seen some sweeping statements in my time, but it's shocking that "all teenage pregnancies" appear to be tarred with the same brush.
It does worry me that certain people here seem to think that every teenager who falls pregnant is then automatically a scrounger for the rest of their life confused I fell pregnant by accident (I was on the pill and taking it correctly) when I was 18. The father wanted nothing to do with us so I was left to manage the pregnancy, birth and child rearing on my own. Whilst I was pregnant I worked two jobs, one full time in an office and the other part time 4 or 5 nights a week in a pub. Once the baby was born I stayed at home to look after her until she was about 18 months old and then I went back to work full time.
My next pregnancy was much the same. I only had one job then, but I was working full time (as I had been all along from when the eldest was 18 months old) and had a year off with the 2nd. I've worked at least part time ever since. How does that fit in with your "scroungers" theory? :?
However, I don't for a minute think we live in an ideal world. I seriously doubt we ever will. There will always be people who work the system to their own benefit. There will always be people who flat out con the system. It is a problem, and it does need to be sorted out. But I think it's counterproductive at best, to assume that everyone in the position of being a single and/or teenage parent is lazy and a scrounger. It's just that the people who get on with working, earning a living and bringing their children up with manners, morals and a social conscience aren't exactly newsworthy are they?

Of course it's so much easier to run people down than it is to build them up!
Can't remember the last time I saw a headline that said "Teenage Mum works her way through college, Uni and graduates with a first!" I know at least a dozen who have graduated though.
Newspapers only print sensationalism, because it makes money! Whilst I'm not denying that it happens, I'm not as gullible as some people that all the headlines form a true representative snapshot of Britain.
There is a lot of good out there ... it doesn't sell papers so won't get reported.
Narks me no end that people just cast judgement from their armchairs and damn those lesser educated, less well off, less fortunate. If you're that bothered by these people get off your arses and get involved in the local community, help them out, volunteer at a teenage pregnancy unit where the girls have been abandoned by the father of the baby or their parents have thrown them out! Barely out of childhood, with poor role models, looked down upon by society!
How the hell do we expect them to break out of this cycle when the role models just aren't there and society just doesn't care!
What was it Ghandi said ... "be the change you want to see in the world!"
Quote by kentswingers777
Hehehehe like lambs to the slaughter Kenty :-) :-) .
You really ARE like him rofl , I hope that makes you proud :-)

I am proud that I do not bow to the lefties out there, trying to tell me they are soooo perfect, in their little worlds.
That the Liberals society is just fine with kids so young having kids, paid for by the state. Saying that poor little Johny had a deprived childhood, which is why him and his mates, kicked to death that poor family guy with two kids.
The lefties would have everyone believe that there are no social problems at all. That there are no kids at all under 16 having their second kids. It is all newspaper scaremongering.
And on the oh soooooooooo rare occasion when things step out of their perfect worlds, it is such a minority, such a small thing, that it is certainly not something to be made a fuss of.
Well I know I AM in the real world. Ferel thugs everywhere, parents that do not give a toss. Crime and anti social behavour is rife. Well if that is the Liberals ideals of an oh such perfect world, then they can stick it.
The difference here is that I know what morals are. I know the difference between what is right and wrong. This Government have created this leftie ideal, and many have thrived on it. It will turn around youmark my words, and they should do what they have done in Holland, with regard to kids having their own kids....check their teenage pregnancy rates now.
Proud? Yes I am of my kids, brought up to show respect, and to be honest. Proud of what this country has become? What do you think?
Nope its no good , even if I do colours like you do, I still see rhetoric not argument.
Respect? Is that the bling kind?
Peace x
Quote by kentswingers777
Question for everyone who moans about "scroungers"....would you if you lost your job refuse benefits ???
I left school at 18 in 1981 and was unemployed until I was 25,during this time I claimed benefits NOT because I was a scrounger but because it was and is my right.
Occasionally it does you good to wear the other mans sheer lack of empathy or any attempt at understanding in the condemnation of any benefit claimant as a scrounger shames the person who holds the view.
How much do any of us know about this girl or her circumstances? to nothing, how then can you condemn her ??
How much did the Mail pay for those happy smiling pictures?who did they pay ? is there not a note of hypocrisy in this ?
Finally, it may not be a good time to be condemning benefits claimants..we are all edging closer to joining them.
P.S. I pay my taxes in the belief that we all benefit from the welfare state and despite its many flaws I still believe this.

:thumbup: For me finding out I was expecting triplets at 17 (like the girl in the story I already had 1 child before I was that age I would be beside myself with worry, How in reality is she meant to go out to work?? Who would hire her pregnant with triplets?, Afterwards how is she meant to work and cope with the cost of having 4 kids cared for by childminders?
Just maybe she should have thought about that BEFORE she had sex?
Obviously she cannot work now but....why the heck can't he? He is young and looks strong enough. What job can he not do? Probably anything that needed his brain cells to function, but there are loads of jobs out there, that even a doughnut could do.
But we all know that they will get more money not working, than working. That is the scandal of all this.
Did you actually read the article? He's 18, so he'd be unlikely to make more than minimum wage which is !
why does it matter that he will only get minimum wage ? at least its a wage an everyone has to start somewhere or should he be exept or get a higher rate because he has the ability to get a girl pregnant ?
he will go onto job seekers allowance an really the clue is in the title but he has declared he is staying at home he isnt going to be looking for a job
I dont mind someone getting 50 diffrent benefits if they are entitled to them an the entitlement is genuine but the ones who cheat or lie so they are "entitled" to a benefit are scroungers plain an simple
Quote by TanKinky
Obviously she cannot work now but....why the heck can't he? He is young and looks strong enough. What job can he not do? Probably anything that needed his brain cells to function, but there are loads of jobs out there, that even a doughnut could do.
But we all know that they will get more money not working, than working. That is the scandal of all this.

Did you actually read the article? He's 18, so he'd be unlikely to make more than minimum wage which is !
I don't see that as a problem as at least he will be working - making a contribution to society - and all that it entails rather than just milking the system.
After that, as others have said here, if he is legally entitled to various "top-up" benefits to provide for his extended family then that is right and just.
OK Ive been very good so far.
Where does this "making a contribution to society" nonsense come from? I feel absolutely no compulsion whatsoever to contribute to society. What does it mean?
I am not a serf. I am not a cog in a machine designed to further enrich the rich or further exploit the poor. If you want to make the choice to do so please feel free, I wont judge you for it. Please do not judge me for choosing not to join in.
You do not have to work for a pittance to live a valid and worthwhile life.
I used to work for a living. I wouldn't describe it as "contributing to society" cos all I did was shuffle numbers that reflected other peoples wealth and got lots of money in return. Empty life and empty values. I will never prostitute myself like that again.
Im lucky, I exploited the employment system sufficiently well to retire at 40. Many folk dont have the good fortune I had.
I wouldn't work for a fiver an hour and I wouldn't want anybody else to either and that includes the folk making designer gear for a quid a week.
I thank the lord there is a benefit system so that people have the choice of being poor but happy rather than even poorer and exploited. In fact I wish the benefits were paid at a much higher rate. When we sit in our comfortable ivory towers looking down on the poor, lets try to remember that if you don't start off with money or a big brain its a bloody hard and long rode to even get to the door of the tower. The fact that so many people can be bothered to even start that journey is a miracle in itself. If some people find the prospect terrifying and get fulfilment from raising a family who are we to judge them?
It makes me sad that the people who start to make it up the tower stairs are so often the ones who think its acceptable to piss all over the ones knocking on the door and shoot arrows at the ones working out the best route.
In the words of the awesome Rory Macleod
"The rich get lots of money the poor get lots of kids"
Now that I have been poked into a rant I pray to the deity of your choice that this thread dies a natural and painful death.
Quote by benrums0n
OK Ive been very good so far.
Where does this "making a contribution to society" nonsense come from? I feel absolutely no compulsion whatsoever to contribute to society. What does it mean?
I am not a serf. I am not a cog in a machine designed to further enrich the rich or further exploit the poor. If you want to make the choice to do so please feel free, I wont judge you for it. Please do not judge me for choosing not to join in.
You do not have to work for a pittance to live a valid and worthwhile life.
I used to work for a living. I wouldn't describe it as "contributing to society" cos all I did was shuffle numbers that reflected other peoples wealth and got lots of money in return. Empty life and empty values. I will never prostitute myself like that again.
Im lucky, I exploited the employment system sufficiently well to retire at 40. Many folk dont have the good fortune I had.
I wouldn't work for a fiver an hour and I wouldn't want anybody else to either and that includes the folk making designer gear for a quid a week.
I thank the lord there is a benefit system so that people have the choice of being poor but happy rather than even poorer and exploited. In fact I wish the benefits were paid at a much higher rate. When we sit in our comfortable ivory towers looking down on the poor, lets try to remember that if you don't start off with money or a big brain its a bloody hard and long rode to even get to the door of the tower. The fact that so many people can be bothered to even start that journey is a miracle in itself. If some people find the prospect terrifying and get fulfilment from raising a family who are we to judge them?
It makes me sad that the people who start to make it up the tower stairs are so often the ones who think its acceptable to piss all over the ones knocking on the door and shoot arrows at the ones working out the best route.
In the words of the awesome Rory Macleod
"The rich get lots of money the poor get lots of kids"
Now that I have been poked into a rant I pray to the deity of your choice that this thread dies a natural and painful death.

OK Ben, I know where you're coming from on this.
Maybe it might have been better to say "a sense of belonging".
The plain and inescapable fact is, like it or not, that it is a "job seekers" allowance he is vying for. If he is not seeking a job - and by his own admission this is the case - then why should he be paid it?
I don't make the rules or even wish to comment on the suitability of the rules but they are in place and he should be bound by them just like everyone else.
Fair point GnV.
I agree a sense of purpose, reason to get out of bed is good for human beings. I hope this chap finds such fulfilment, whether it results in him coming off job seekers allowance or not.
Its relatively easy to avoid becoming a five pound an hour drone if you want to but you can get an awful lot of pressure off the chaps at the benefit office. Thankfully I find the benefit staff are often totally disinterested in finding people work although this chap will no doubt regret making his ambitions so public.
I wasnt having a dig at your post in particular by the way, this thread has been winding me up for a while and I am allergic to the phrase "contributing to society", brings me out in jibes.
Quote by benrums0n
Fair point GnV.
I agree a sense of purpose, reason to get out of bed is good for human beings. I hope this chap finds such fulfilment, whether it results in him coming off job seekers allowance or not.
Its relatively easy to avoid becoming a five pound an hour drone if you want to but you can get an awful lot of pressure off the chaps at the benefit office. Thankfully I find the benefit staff are often totally disinterested in finding people work although this chap will no doubt regret making his ambitions so public.
I wasnt having a dig at your post in particular by the way, this thread has been winding me up for a while and I am allergic to the phrase "contributing to society", brings me out in jibes.

Quote by GnV
Obviously she cannot work now but....why the heck can't he? He is young and looks strong enough. What job can he not do? Probably anything that needed his brain cells to function, but there are loads of jobs out there, that even a doughnut could do.
But we all know that they will get more money not working, than working. That is the scandal of all this.

Did you actually read the article? He's 18, so he'd be unlikely to make more than minimum wage which is !
I don't see that as a problem as at least he will be working - making a contribution to society - and all that it entails rather than just milking the system.
After that, as others have said here, if he is legally entitled to various "top-up" benefits to provide for his extended family then that is right and just.
Cali wrote that not me lol
Quote by TanKinky
Obviously she cannot work now but....why the heck can't he? He is young and looks strong enough. What job can he not do? Probably anything that needed his brain cells to function, but there are loads of jobs out there, that even a doughnut could do.
But we all know that they will get more money not working, than working. That is the scandal of all this.

Did you actually read the article? He's 18, so he'd be unlikely to make more than minimum wage which is !
I don't see that as a problem as at least he will be working - making a contribution to society - and all that it entails rather than just milking the system.
After that, as others have said here, if he is legally entitled to various "top-up" benefits to provide for his extended family then that is right and just.
Cali wrote that not me lol
oops innocent
Quote by GnV
Obviously she cannot work now but....why the heck can't he? He is young and looks strong enough. What job can he not do? Probably anything that needed his brain cells to function, but there are loads of jobs out there, that even a doughnut could do.
But we all know that they will get more money not working, than working. That is the scandal of all this.

Did you actually read the article? He's 18, so he'd be unlikely to make more than minimum wage which is !
I don't see that as a problem as at least he will be working - making a contribution to society - and all that it entails rather than just milking the system.
After that, as others have said here, if he is legally entitled to various "top-up" benefits to provide for his extended family then that is right and just.
Cali wrote that not me lol
oops innocent
and I never said that either
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
Obviously she cannot work now but....why the heck can't he? He is young and looks strong enough. What job can he not do? Probably anything that needed his brain cells to function, but there are loads of jobs out there, that even a doughnut could do.
But we all know that they will get more money not working, than working. That is the scandal of all this.

Did you actually read the article? He's 18, so he'd be unlikely to make more than minimum wage which is !
I don't see that as a problem as at least he will be working - making a contribution to society - and all that it entails rather than just milking the system.
After that, as others have said here, if he is legally entitled to various "top-up" benefits to provide for his extended family then that is right and just.
Cali wrote that not me lol
oops innocent
and I never said that either
Double oops! must have been a bit to eager with the edit finger :shock: