why does it matter that he will only get minimum wage ? at least its a wage an everyone has to start somewhere or should he be exept or get a higher rate because he has the ability to get a girl pregnant ?
he will go onto job seekers allowance an really the clue is in the title but he has declared he is staying at home he isnt going to be looking for a job
I dont mind someone getting 50 diffrent benefits if they are entitled to them an the entitlement is genuine but the ones who cheat or lie so they are "entitled" to a benefit are scroungers plain an simple
OK Ive been very good so far.
Where does this "making a contribution to society" nonsense come from? I feel absolutely no compulsion whatsoever to contribute to society. What does it mean?
I am not a serf. I am not a cog in a machine designed to further enrich the rich or further exploit the poor. If you want to make the choice to do so please feel free, I wont judge you for it. Please do not judge me for choosing not to join in.
You do not have to work for a pittance to live a valid and worthwhile life.
I used to work for a living. I wouldn't describe it as "contributing to society" cos all I did was shuffle numbers that reflected other peoples wealth and got lots of money in return. Empty life and empty values. I will never prostitute myself like that again.
Im lucky, I exploited the employment system sufficiently well to retire at 40. Many folk dont have the good fortune I had.
I wouldn't work for a fiver an hour and I wouldn't want anybody else to either and that includes the folk making designer gear for a quid a week.
I thank the lord there is a benefit system so that people have the choice of being poor but happy rather than even poorer and exploited. In fact I wish the benefits were paid at a much higher rate. When we sit in our comfortable ivory towers looking down on the poor, lets try to remember that if you don't start off with money or a big brain its a bloody hard and long rode to even get to the door of the tower. The fact that so many people can be bothered to even start that journey is a miracle in itself. If some people find the prospect terrifying and get fulfilment from raising a family who are we to judge them?
It makes me sad that the people who start to make it up the tower stairs are so often the ones who think its acceptable to piss all over the ones knocking on the door and shoot arrows at the ones working out the best route.
In the words of the awesome Rory Macleod
"The rich get lots of money the poor get lots of kids"
Now that I have been poked into a rant I pray to the deity of your choice that this thread dies a natural and painful death.
Fair point GnV.
I agree a sense of purpose, reason to get out of bed is good for human beings. I hope this chap finds such fulfilment, whether it results in him coming off job seekers allowance or not.
Its relatively easy to avoid becoming a five pound an hour drone if you want to but you can get an awful lot of pressure off the chaps at the benefit office. Thankfully I find the benefit staff are often totally disinterested in finding people work although this chap will no doubt regret making his ambitions so public.
I wasnt having a dig at your post in particular by the way, this thread has been winding me up for a while and I am allergic to the phrase "contributing to society", brings me out in jibes.