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Just for a moment or two

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I found myself alone in the car today for a little while with some time to spare. Well being a nice day i pulled off the road into a gateway that overlooked a field beyond which a valley stretched out complete with small copse and a river running along the valley floor.
It was a very blue sky more blue than usual it seemed to me. really white fluffy clouds peppered this sky playing kiss chase with each other and running from the sun.
I got out of the car and leaning with my elbows on the roof surveyed this vista. I got sort of drunk for a moment on the peace i felt. Calmness seemed to flood me and for a few moments i felt truly content so much so that i actually caught myself smiling.
i guess in the end. Given what i have. Things really are ok, and whatever happens however it happens there is a joy in being alive. Sometimes i get to feel so tight with 'stuff' going on that i forget how good breathing feels. I know that there are people in my life including myself who are suffering pain anxiety sickness and many other of the enumerable pressures the everyday brings to bare.
But today. For a few moments i felt really content. If i had one wish i think i would wish for that one feeling all of the time.
Anyone else get these. I suppose i would say pure feelings?
Glad you enjoyed being content, even though it was only for a short while, My son playing football last year and he got to 7 finals in 8 tournaments made me smile, it was nice to see a group of boys all of whom have different abilities gel together and become a team who worked for each other, it was great to watch all the smiles.
Unfortunatley this day and age is filled with stress, anxiety and depresseion through having both partners to work etc.
I get that contented feeling from many things but in different ways. I feel contented when my children have acheived something good, when theyre happy, when theyre smiling, when they cuddle me. Also i get a contented feeling from being outdoors, especially when we go to Ireland. We travel out to the west side of Ireland where the mountains are and in between these mountains is a lake, theres no inhabitants around these parts. So we get out of the car and just stand there looking at the most amazing sites. The sea of green, the still waters, the cloud covered mountains. A great feeling of peace comes over me when im there.
Unfortunately though, its always bloody freezing :shock: .
Louise xx
? What part of today do you mean as you posted this at and its not light with any colourd sky till later
:shock: well it isn't up norfffffff
Debz xxxx
It's rare that I get a feeling like that out of the blue - so I think you were blessed for a moment there.
I do get them though and they can come in a variety of ways.
Sometimes when I or someone close to me has had a scare - say medically, and then we emerge the other side of it - as you say the sky seems more blue and the trees more green.
Another example is when I've had a lovely meet - they always seem to go in such a rush, don't they - and then you get a sudden reflection of the beauty of the whole thing - magic - smile on face!
A smiling Choon! wink
I got that contented feeling just reading your post because I could imagine myself being there. Yes I've had that feeling before and it's wonderful when it hits you especially when you are in the middle of every day stresses, it very much calms you back down. lol
Quote by debz4u
? What part of today do you mean as you posted this at and its not light with any colourd sky till later
:shock: well it isn't up norfffffff
Debz xxxx

I suppose it was a strange time to write :) should of explained it was about 16 hours before.
And yeah your right apart from the people - it is cold up north lol My Mrs comes from Leeds.
Saying that the Mother in law still up there brrrrrrr!!! (icy shiver):fuckinghell:
Well its a beautiful day here in London, so im taking the kids to the park soon and then i will have my quiet moment or two, peace and tranquility. Cant wait, they drive me nuts at the weekend wink .
Louise xx
i get that contented feeling sat on the beach at dusk no one around, watching my dog run in n out of the water chasing birds and watching the ships go slowly by, thats a place i get so chilled out and content its unreal
also last year went to the isle of skye it was purely magical all of the sights and views and the whole openness feeling you can go for miles without seeing a house and its so quiet and because its so old (the rocks etc) the scenery is really beautiful
not many places i feel contented but i really loved skye well worth a relaxing holiday
saturday morning was walking back from the shops as had a lot to do before going to a social in the evening. 2 ladies walking towards me they stop one was looking for something in non existant pockets so she put her hands to her breast and bounced them in her hands.
They both saw me and started to laugh i replied "dont mind me im quite happy thank you" more giggles.
I then carried on walking and a big contented smile came across my face and a warm feeling came over me( and before you say it was not what you thinking :giggle: )
Most contented i felt in a long time and after last night has put me in the mood to play.
69position hump passionkiss blast
Quote by Lost

But today. For a few moments i felt really content. If i had one wish i think i would wish for that one feeling all of the time.

Is that contentment not the secret of life ?
An inner peace ?
You know it's in there. It's just a question of being able to find it, visit it; at will.
It's not the view you experienced, it was in you - not in your line of vision.
It's a wonderful place to have - and to be in "control of"
Quote by Lost
But today. For a few moments i felt really content. If i had one wish i think i would wish for that one feeling all of the time.

what... like after you've taken a dump?
If we had that feeling all of the time, like anything, we would soon take it for granted and fail to be amazed anymore. It would lose it's meaning.
Be glad and happy that you have had it. Some never do.
Isnt that the same feeling you get as the couple of minutes post-superstrengthorgasm when your legs turn to jelly and you grin like a fookin cheshire cat? dunno
Well i would like to say i get that feeling , but living in Swindon, you don't really get to enjoy clean air, blue skys etc, more smog and the colour grey everywhere lol,
Seriously the last couple of years have seen many loved ones pass on, or get very ill,friends in same situation and also not being in the very best of health myself, you never knowing when it's your time....i am finding contentment in life itself, you have to make the most of what you are given in life, good or bad, so when i open my eyes in the morning, i feel very content :0)
I dont live in one of the most picturesque parts of the world... but:
an early morning.. even though Ive gotten up early to go to work...
if the sky is clear...
there'll be little traffic at that time of day, so less *rumble & hiss* in the background... fewer aircraft aloft...
the birds still chirping really clearly... love it!
no matter my thoughts for the day ahead.. there's
nearly always a *good feeling* in that for a few moments.
Virtually anywhere, again in the early morning... somehow I seem to find something in the quality of light, or air... a little something that reminds me of the sea.... and I like that.
a little something that reminds me of the sea.... and I like that.
God the Sea!!! is there something primordial about it i find that too i even find myself a little wistful, is it. At the thought of the Sea