A nice hot bubbly bath and snuggle down in a warm bed with a hot water bottle
I try not to pop any pills, but i get so fuppin horny when I'm Ill. I know thats sounds strange, but it's like my body says 'Shit that's me out of action for weeks' an my mind says 'Bollocks, you havin it Wimp'
Next thing ya know there I am with a hard on the size of Africa ( ehem ) and no physical chance of lifting my arse off the bed let alone having sex.
Bugger. :cry:
Ah bless all of ya who are feeling poorly :therethere:
If you need Nurse CA to come and make you feel alittle better, the PM button is at the bottom of this message :twisted: :twisted:
CA x
I can vaporize you, that should work :twisted: :twisted: