I think he's been text messaging too much
Shelly!!!!!! FFS!!!!! That was meant to be private!!! You've had it now!! ;-)
what do u mean men are thick!!!
n well at least he was to point!!
Guess my ad isn't so bad after all Shelly? Just need to work on photos !!!
yeah shelley in fm notts derby snow border im 94 small sized cock 12inch but now oops I mean no how to use it want to rip your pension off and ram u intellyjent with my senuall-romantick-hamma-cock here I am screaming please help I dont understand punctuation and we can do whatever you desire as long az it involvez a commor or full stop unless you're a minger of coarse chat soon
Tom read the whole thread - there is unsung subtlety in Unswung's post :!: :!: :!:
Apologies Tom. I'm so used to the threads being hi-jacked that I'd forgotten some people actually read the original :!:
My mistake - pissed again!
Shelly - I thought you were taking the pics!!!!