im gonna keep this sweet and simple just gonna say hello to everyone on SH
:welcome: Hi Redcloud! :welcome:
enjoy yourself.....
hey all thanks for all the replies - ok im 27 m essex (married) ! yes i am married but one thing is that im on this site wanting to meet like minded ppl - ladies only , other half does not know so discreetion is a must for .. me .
Im tall 6'1 dark wavy hair , very broad used to play rugby - only just stopped due to some minor injuries. I am on this site to meet people and my next topic in due course will be the next room - where in detail i shall tell why i am here !! and what i would like to expect !?!?!?
thanks all
where in detail i shall tell why i am here !! and what i would like to expect !?!?!?
"Sheeesssshhh" demanding arnt you?? :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: :jagsatwork:
doth mine eyes noweth decievetheth me?
Redcloud thyn is not the timeth to forsake us!!!
please can we have your picture back!!!
carpe diem my friend for what i seek is for the commune bonum!
:welcome: enjoy as much as we do :welcome: