I think this site is an excellent vehicle for all swingers and would be swingers to get together and join in and develop as a community. A community where safety for it's members is a given and not some hinted at lip service which has no meaning. As I have mentioned already, I have not been a member of this site for very long, but I enjoy visiting and chipping in occasionally when i feel like it. Some people may feel the site is over moderated, I do not agree it appears to be a responsible community and that is the way it should be IMHO. If it was not moderated in the way it is, then the site would in all probablity just become disrespectful and serve no purpose, other than to service the needs of those wish to see sites like this closed down on some loosely conjured up morality basis

I congratulate everyone who plays a part in running this website, it is "A meaningful place" (this is the most complimetrary oneliner i can come up with).
To have meaning is everything I think, so thank you peeps. :swingingchair:
Thanks itsGray

PS any bi guys/couples fancy a shag