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Kate Calls Jag's Bluff

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Going to argue with me Jags or Alex?
See? not a peep out of them :smug: :smug: :smug:
you're a brave man Kat... did you not see Alex when she got the big tits out.... a frightening sight.... Weapons of mass distraction and no arguement.... you would not want to get in the way of them when weiled in anger... or even mild displeasure....
Quote by Kat
Hiya BE, still practicing with that camera? I was just waiting until they were both logged off so that I could pretend I won.

Pretend being the operative word!!!!!!
So Alex... I have my digital cam with me so given that it is so quiet in here hows about some pics .... obviously for future avatars? you pose with or without cossie and I will click away...
alex you have any special preferences... you can tell me in confidence you know.... go on you know you want to...
You know where you can put that digi-cam!!!!!
oooooooh errrr mrssss and I did a photography course in shevington! what a waste....
actually not sure I can follow the instructions.... not like an olympus Trip....point lust and shoot!!!
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
note to self... quest for 2004 ... to snap the minx Alex be it on digital cam or 35 mm cam....prefferably more than one shot.... avatars for the use of...
and then there is for the use of the WI calender.... and for Alex's websight... constructed by Fred .... don't worry Fred I will get all the pics... you can pic and choose... I thought some pics of alex serving in GFZ, some around town.... some outside.... maybe consult Blue for outdoor advice.... perhaps even in the winter chilll for Shall we say "definition", not that Alex's pics have lacked said definition... mmmm
Advice for people taking outdoor pics
It really is that simple wink :wink: :wink:
Cheers Blue.... glad latest went well
Quote by Jags
Alex - only noise I can hear is the noise of whimpering men - is that what you meant???

Whimper...Whimper...Whimper :color:
Alex...It's time you got a website up so my life can be fulfilled...Love your avatars. In my dreams that must be you :love:
Hi all wave Just poped in on my way to bed. It's been a long day and I need the piza. Shove up and let me sit down for a bit. .......
Welcome Biker.... =not many guys around.... Alex just finished her latest round.... smiled and snogged delightfully and then just disappeared.... at least she lost her Breasts of mass destruction....
but hey enjoy a drink a bit of Kats left over Hake.... calls himself a chef
film is collected out takes of Alex's photo shoots.... inc the dressing and undressing bits!!! svery good!!! but I am biased!
suppose Biker and others question is....... what will Alex be wearing or not when she comes round tomorrow for her cleaning duties... have to say she is a game bird....fulll marks are due.... but I suspect an ulterior motive.... I suspect she has eyes on a vulerable mod.... ... there is a deff feeling about her and her ways..... look out male mods esp married ones.... Alex is about.... you have been warned.... hide behind your women!!!!!
Well this is great!! I spend twelve rain- sodden hours out there working my small but perfectly formed butt off with nothing to look forward to but a couple of pints and a good manly chat in the GFZ and what do I find when I jump through the door yelling "I'm back!!"? I'll tell you what. BUGGER ALL!! I don't know about a GFZ, this should be a PFZ!!!! mad :x :x
I just know those pesky girls will be having a wild time in the BFZ. Will will (Can you say Will will????) be doing naked head-stands for them followed by triple flick-flacks, every one will be as pissed as you like singing rugby songs (Do girls sing rugby songs or should that be hockey songs???) and here's me, Billy No Mates sat in here with the trade test transmission card showing on television (The one with that girl, the black board, the clown and the noughts and crosses) which shows how old this bloody T.V. is !!! (Have to be careful mentioning old T.V.'s on this site!!!!!).
Right,I suppose I will have to get my own beer, sit alone and play with the Solitaire game that Gman left behind!!!
Hey Sarge ... don't play with yourself all day....
will be back after going to buy a bathroom!!!
Wakes up on the sofa covered in those little red plastic pieces from Gmans Solitaire. Looks around and finds the GFZ is sadly lacking in the people department.
Gman has left a note saying he will be back when he's bought a bathroom!
Must be cryptic; something like" when the seagulls follow the trawler........"
Kat seems to be taking a long time cooking that fish!!!
Avatar Alex hasn't shown up yet, who's going to make my coffee?? Is everyone in the world having more fun than me at the moment?? I'm almost looking forward to going to work this afternoon (only almost !!!).
Aah well, may as well see if I can find Soccer AM on this T.V. Now where's that remote control.............

Sgt Bilko
Good morning Sarge!
All alone? I have a fresh pot of coffee and some warm croissants with butter and apricot preserve. Can I tempt you?
Sappho xxx
Morning ermmmm All,
looks around the GFZ, Gmans note's pinned on the door, sarge is sat down looking confused as we're not used to fetching and opening our own beers. Sappho's looking divine while holding a tray with fresh coffee and warm croissants, although does she have to use the best china from the BFZ, and those doilies do not belong here !
If anything, the place looks almost respectable and tidy, I can't even see a stale pizza going mouldy.
Coffee 2 sugars please sappho dear, how you doing this fine morning sarge ?
Right, coffee with two in a chipped Aston Villa mug for Brumlad... would you like cream with that, darling?
Sappho xxx
sappho, that coffee is simply exquisite, and the smell of those croissants waming in the oven is making me hungry. My shoulders are aching after a hard week at work, be a love and massage them for me :twisted:
reaches for the remote control, pressing the buttons, but nothing's happening.
Who the hell's pinched the batteries ?
sarge, time to line up the suspects. smackbottom
Don't look at me! I haven't stolen the batteries! We ladies of the WI are plentifully supplied thank you. A new rabbit wouldn't go amiss, though - one of the little control buttons just flipped off the other day. Perhaps I applied a little too much pressure on setting 6...
Brumlad, you have a lot of tension here... you need a good workout to ease up these knots in your shoulders...
Sappho produces oil and a towel from her Swinging kit
What's this? The batteries go missing, and walking around with a smirk on her face and a faint buzzing sound from elsewhere is our best-known leporidae enthusiast. And she says it wasn't her.
Are we non-girlies so gullible? I don't think so!
Hand over those batteries NOW, Sappho, or I'm going to have to take them myself.
secretly hoping she doesn't comply, as the second option sounds much more fun
Come and look, DJohn! I wasn't fibbing but you can find that out for yourself. Would you like coffee while you're down there?
Sappho xxx
I'd better decline the coffe. I don't want to risk spilling it as you wriggle and squirm in your attempts to resist my search. See, I do have your best interests in mind.
Now, what have we got down here? So that's where you keep your marbles... A wooden spoon? Not sure I want to know... An old Radio Times? Oh, it has him on the cover... So that's where my Meatloaf CD got to. I've been looking for that... An alarm clock... Boltcutters?... Ah, here it is! One Rabbit. Empty.
Sorry, guys, I failed on the batteries. But I think I've discovered why the girlies generally don't bother with pockets.
DJohn - that's my handbag! rolleyes
Quote by Sappho
DJohn - that's my handbag! rolleyes

'A handbag!!'
aplogies to Mr Wilde-and to the Forum-'culture-conditioned' response kicked in there!
Oops! I thought it was a little too spacious. One more try.
Bingo! I've struck gold this time. It's the custom-made industrial strength multi-function (it even makes coffee) Super Rabbit. With a power cord leading to a portable generator. I've never seen a pink generator before. Very feminine.
So if you haven't got the batteries, who has?
Quote by DJohn
Oops! I thought it was a little too spacious. One more try.
Bingo! I've struck gold this time. It's the custom-made industrial strength multi-function (it even makes coffee) Super Rabbit. With a power cord leading to a portable generator. I've never seen a pink generator before. Very feminine.
So if you haven't got the batteries, who has?

DJohn, interrupting your train of thought, which, if I might say , would do credit to Clive Sinclair, I wonder if I might ask favour? I've got a bit of concrete to mix and i was wondering if I could borrow your machine? Don't worry about batteries, I've got the kids' bikes all lined up with pulley cables from the back wheels to the 'machine' and I'm currently force feeding them Mars Bars in readiness. If it works, I'd be more than happy to lend them to the Ladies, at a small fee, for I feel that with sufficient Mars Bars, and a loan of Jags' whip, I might be able to generate enough power to exceed the level '6' that Sappho mentioned, and appears to be the ultimate goal of many Forum Members. indeed, if successful, I might even drag the neighbours' kids along, together with their bikes, and see if we can't generate enough 'umph' to make GMan redundant as 'Service Provider of Choice' for those desperate for the'Big One'.
Anyway, let me know mate...if it's a no-goer then I'll cancel the lorry bringing the Mars Bars.