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Kate Calls Jag's Bluff

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You'll have to ask Sappho, I think. The Rabbit and all associated machinery are definitely hers. See the warning labels? "DANGER: REMOVAL OF THIS DEVICE FROM SAPPHO'S PERSON IS PUNISHABLE BY CELIBACY".
lol @ Sarge
'Avatar Alex!!!!!!!!
I like it!
lol :lol: :lol:
, and see if we can't generate enough 'umph' to make GMan redundant as 'Service Provider of Choice' for those desperate for the'Big One'.
Wooops missed that one redface
Never realised I was....
Sorry I've not been in the Forum this afternoon but the great project has taken precedence. Batteries-Generators-who needs 'em!
Well, it's worked a treat! The old rabbit beat the bog standard concrete mixer into a cocked hat!
May I pay a special tribute to the children of the neighbourhood: who says the youth of today are useless! We kicked off after an initial input of 6 Mars Bars apiece. I fixed an 'ergometer' to each bike and promised that whoever generated the most horsepower would be allowed to watch 'I'm a Celebrity: Get Me Out Of Here': that did the trick!. Couldn't see their little legs-just a blur! concrete was mixed in double quick time: I then turned my 'Artificer' skills toward powering the rabbit. I must say, I was reminded of a certain 'Rugby Song' about an Engineer and a 'bloody big wheel'-the ex-rugby types out there might remember it-which inspired me to fit a whacking big flywheel that would have had Fred Dibnah crying into his beer. We changed the bikes for 27 speed derailleur jobs;pooey to the level 6-stand by girls, Artificer's invention will reach level 15 with only 6-7 Mars Bars/child. All I need now are a couple of volunteers? Sappho, fancy trialling it?
I'm so proud; thinking about it, it's really a natural progression. I've oft been told that a lady's sex-life revolves around her 'cycle'. Well, this might prove it.
I considered attaching a petrol engine but was assured that the girls desired more than a 'four-stroke' (which, apparently, is about par for some of us men!)
So, I'm just doing a bit of greasing and oiling now: children are having a lie down and a top-up of Mars Bars. Who will be first to volunteer. Come on girls-don't be shy.
(No Gman. it can't be adapted to press cider apples!!)
It's Sunday morning and the sun is shining in Shropshire! I was woken by a gorgeous man on the phone, so being a chuffed little bunny I'm dispensing fresh coffee and warm pain au chocolate.
Sarge, are you up yet? I take it you don't want Brumlad's Aston Villa Mug, do you? You can have the Man Utd one then.
I suppose Kat will be in to lock up later, so if you could do the washing up I'd be very grateful - we don't want furry mugs next weekend!
Sappho xxx
Morning too
Sappho, did this lovely man give you a message from me??
I'm still in bed and may just stay here a while later. Pass me the remote please. And I prefer tea, got the bread baking at the moment for the morning toast.
x xx x
The lovely man said to give you his love and he hopes to chat again soon! He did pass on a message so thank you very much. kiss
Just basking in a warm and fuzzy glow right now!
Mmm, nothing like fresh baked bread, still warm - with real butter. Breakfast's on you Jags - the guys in the GFZ can have the pain au chocolate!
Sappho xxx
Morning Sappho... morning Jags.... Quiet here isn't it and yess the sun shines too in North Manchester...
may I just have a small black coffee no sugar.... and I will just enjoy the smell of that bread......
thank you
Good Morning!
mmmmm that smell of fresh baked bread and coffee smells sooooooo good.
hmmmm - you two girls look happy this morning!
Morning Alex.... just sitting here quietly enjoying the coffee.... mmmmmm thanks Sappho
Ahah!!, my three favourite ladies ( just know I'm going to regret saying that!!). Good morning. I was just passing when I whiffed that aroma ( you must change that aftershave Gman!) I'm on my way to work now but I couldn't resist the lure of the bread and coffee (or was it the lure of the ladies??) (Why do I keep putting things in brackets??) (I don't know!!) (Stop it !!) (AAAAGH!!!!).
I’ve temporarily given up on the GFZ being GF so I’m actually popping into the Z!!???
Have to say Sarge.... that attendance in the GFZ is ridiculously limited, last couple of weeks it seems to have been me and thee occasionally Brum lad and Kat to close up....
as well as of course our delicious female mates..... where is that Alex woman....? don't you think her pussy looks especially cute?
So Sarge what we need is a recruitment campaignnn
Your GFZ needs you sort of thing
Who wants a fight then??

Just for you Gman
Sarge.... am touched.... at least that is what I have been told.... over did the grape juice last night.... too many pratt pills to go with.... DOH! :doh:
Good Afternoon Boys!!!
Ok, I'm ready to put my feet up and have a large glass of red please!
well Alex you help yourself and whlile you are at it a glass of the apple juice for me please then come on over to the sofa
Gman - I have had a busy day.
Be a love and get my drink for me.
If I get undressed and lie down here on the rug in front of the fire - would you rub my back?
Alex... my sweet for you just about any thing.... Red wasn't it?
now would you like oil?
I will warm it first... I promise...
mmmm may I say you look so good on that sheepskin rug.... but thinks to self.... concentrate on the massage.... oooh your shoulders are tense.. hope this helps....
oh yes - definitely some oil! Scented of course.
mmmmmm, that's nice...
just a little lower.......
I didn't mean THAT LOW!!!!
Ylang Ylang ok?
Ylang Ylang is perfect - and it will make the GFZ smell lovely for when the boys get back in.
Have to say Alex.... that I was just passing to ensure that your feet received same attention as you back....
Watch out - I have ticklish feet!
Alex sweet... seems you are ticklish all over.... so I will be firm.... and having done your feet I willl work my way up your elegant legs
Sappho puts head around the door to see Alex in a compromising position on the rug with Gman.
Sorry to interrupt, guys! redface Could the last one out do the lights and the washing up please. I'm sure Kat will be in later to lock up.
Mmm... ylang ylang! Very sensual! Nice choice Gman!
Sappho closes door quietly and heads off for the flicks.
mmm - Thanks Sappho!
Have a nice time!
What are you going to see?
That Sappho is so thoughtful... thanx Sappho so Alex do you want the full body massage or just you back and legs?
Just the back and legs will be fine thanks!
well maybe the next time...!!! mmmm those thighs are very nice...