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Keeping Calm.........

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The ability to remain calm even at times of extreme stress is indeed an ability that i, personally, need to improve.....
I don't lose my temper very often.... but can get just a little edgy.... same as most of us i guess.... although it has been several years since i actually threw anything..... i try my best... but sometimes... even this ice cool blonde can totally lose
So..... can you keep your cool.... even in the most dire circumstances?????
and how do you do it...??????
equi-princess xxx
Count to 20, then scream very loudly
Nope lol
i have to say i lose my temper very easy and have been known to smash things up on more tha several occasions lol
I have had to replace more doors confused
and i don't even get PMT lol
im a bitch!!........mostly when it comes to the monthly's!!!!!!! i cannot keep cool at all, although 9 times out of 10 i walk away or drive away!!! as i did last night when a load of drunk kids decided to lay the boot into my car several times because we asked them "not to walk in front of our car whilst its moving!!!!!!!" mad
im the best at holding my temper out of my family though although thats not much of a achievement!!!! sad
so once you know let me into the secret please biggrin
Quote by Sarah
Count to 20, then scream very loudly

I think i may try this method...... sounds ideal.... although my office isn't sound-proofed.... lol.....
equi-princess xxx
I try simple breathing exercises, you know, like taking a few deliberate slow deep breaths through the nose, and focussing on the breathing, not on the stress. It doesn't last for long, but for me it lasts just long enough, usually.
You've either got it or you haven't cool lol
Quote by smokerjim
I try simple breathing exercises, you know, like taking a few deliberate slow deep breaths through the nose, and focussing on the breathing, not on the stress. It doesn't last for long, but for me it lasts just long enough, usually.

Ok.... so i have some complete idiot stood in front of me..... explaining why certain files are not complete..... and you suggest that i just take a few deep breaths????? Even when the actions of this fool are going to cost me maybe a whole evening's worth of time to sort out???????
equi-princess xxx
it varies with me i think, i used to be very hot headed and if my ex had argued i would end up in my local and just starting fights to get it out of the system, then i grew up and realised how stupid that was, then i got into the habit of punching the wall but quickly realised that i only hurt myself that way, then i took to the throwing method and realised that was an expensive hobby when angry, so now if an arguement starts i tell that person to calm down then i quickly leave the house and go for a relaxing walk, when i come back the person has normally calmed a bit and we talk not shout, worked a treat wink
For me it's a case of quick thinking
Ask yourself ..... if I lose it now will it benefit the situation at all?
If it does ... then go ahead and shout!
If it won't do anything positive .... then you've had a few seconds to start to calm... and hopefully you'll be more able to control the temper.
Quote by equi-princess
I try simple breathing exercises, you know, like taking a few deliberate slow deep breaths through the nose, and focussing on the breathing, not on the stress. It doesn't last for long, but for me it lasts just long enough, usually.

Ok.... so i have some complete idiot stood in front of me..... explaining why certain files are not complete..... and you suggest that i just take a few deep breaths????? Even when the actions of this fool are going to cost me maybe a whole evening's worth of time to sort out???????
equi-princess xxx
Hey, you asked I answered! Ok here's one you might find easier to handle - take a deep breath, hold it for a moment, then exhale quickly as you smash the lower palm of your hand into his nose, ignore his cry of idiotic pain, and fountaining claret. Now for the easy bit - kick his legs out from under him, then proceed to put the boot in, and give him a "proper" doing - how far depends on how stressed you are. And finally if you reject this nugget of advice, don't bother asking for more!!!
*smokerjim flounces off muttering "no helping some people" as he goes to find a poor wall to give it a "proper" doing*
well my way is holding my temper untill the offending person is out of hearing range then punching the closest wall as hard as i can ..:looks guiltily at the holes in his living room walls: erm failing that avoid the cituation , buy a bull whip and hang it on ur office wall and as ur office isnt sound proof they will all here its crack as u practice during the tea break ;)
erm i just ignore them completly and turn my ears off
Quote by smokerjim
I try simple breathing exercises, you know, like taking a few deliberate slow deep breaths through the nose, and focussing on the breathing, not on the stress. It doesn't last for long, but for me it lasts just long enough, usually.

Ok.... so i have some complete idiot stood in front of me..... explaining why certain files are not complete..... and you suggest that i just take a few deep breaths????? Even when the actions of this fool are going to cost me maybe a whole evening's worth of time to sort out???????
equi-princess xxx
Hey, you asked I answered! Ok here's one you might find easier to handle - take a deep breath, hold it for a moment, then exhale quickly as you smash the lower palm of your hand into his nose, ignore his cry of idiotic pain, and fountaining claret. Now for the easy bit - kick his legs out from under him, then proceed to put the boot in, and give him a "proper" doing - how far depends on how stressed you are. And finally if you reject this nugget of advice, don't bother asking for more!!!
*smokerjim flounces off muttering "no helping some people" as he goes to find a poor wall to give it a "proper" doing*
wow.... a few kicks to the head whilst he's out cold on the floor???????
equi-princess xxx
Quote by equi-princess
I try simple breathing exercises, you know, like taking a few deliberate slow deep breaths through the nose, and focussing on the breathing, not on the stress. It doesn't last for long, but for me it lasts just long enough, usually.

Ok.... so i have some complete idiot stood in front of me..... explaining why certain files are not complete..... and you suggest that i just take a few deep breaths????? Even when the actions of this fool are going to cost me maybe a whole evening's worth of time to sort out???????
equi-princess xxx
Hey, you asked I answered! Ok here's one you might find easier to handle - take a deep breath, hold it for a moment, then exhale quickly as you smash the lower palm of your hand into his nose, ignore his cry of idiotic pain, and fountaining claret. Now for the easy bit - kick his legs out from under him, then proceed to put the boot in, and give him a "proper" doing - how far depends on how stressed you are. And finally if you reject this nugget of advice, don't bother asking for more!!!
*smokerjim flounces off muttering "no helping some people" as he goes to find a poor wall to give it a "proper" doing*
wow.... a few kicks to the head whilst he's out cold on the floor???????
equi-princess xxx
Not really, you could of course - but you would be losing an integral part of your stress relief - his pitiful piss-ant cries for mercy, mingled with devout undertakings to NEVER bother you ever again, with questions more strenuous than " How do you take your coffee?" Within a fortnight of his discharge from hospital, if you do it right, he WILL be your little bitch for life :thumbup:
Actually... far from losing it completely and ripping the poor guys' head from his shoulders.... i am far more likely to accept the error and try and sort it out as best i can.....
I can keep my cool... most of the time.... just occasionally.... my temper gets the better of
equi-princess xxx
(dont upset me..... lol)
Quote by equi-princess
Actually... far from losing it completely and ripping the poor guys' head from his shoulders.... i am far more likely to accept the error and try and sort it out as best i can.....
I can keep my cool... most of the time.... just occasionally.... my temper gets the better of
equi-princess xxx
(dont upset me..... lol)

kiss :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
I withdraw from the situation at the time, and pending on what the issue is, will either withdraw further, or lose my rag, and handle it badly by becoming sarcastic and snappy.
However, letting go of the stress is one of my strong points. I unload by writing about it, and phone and PM friends until it's well and truely off my chest, and as many here have discovered, this can take me all day, or longer, depending of the gravity of the situation.
Seeking a little reassurance can go a long way too, it rebuilds my confidence and sets me up for round two! lol
A friend of mine taught me how to avoid dropping myself right in 'it' by simply literally taking one breathe, think of something else (i.e. favourite flower, animal etc) and allow my brain time to digest the twerp's comment as I exhale before engaging my vocal chords.
Works well too, I can come back with much more scathing replies now and there are fewer times when I think to myself "I wish I'd said...."! lol
if it is someone at work that is annoying you Equi, follow the three simple rules:
1) Always stay seated. It always gives you the power in any situation.
2) Breathe! Make sure that you ar breathing normally. When you get stressed people have a tendancy to shorten their breath, or even hold it altogether.
3) Always take the moral high ground. Always bring the matter in question back to how you could both best help the company.
I hope this helps. lol
Oh, and btw, I do have a 4th tip if you are interested.
4) A fore-arm smash into the bridge of the nose causes a lot of pain and lots of blood. You may get arrested, but he is never going to give you a problem again. :twisted:
Quote by BigDanny12999
if it is someone at work that is annoying you Equi, follow the three simple rules:
1) Always stay seated. It always gives you the power in any situation.
2) Breathe! Make sure that you ar breathing normally. When you get stressed people have a tendancy to shorten their breath, or even hold it altogether.
3) Always take the moral high ground. Always bring the matter in question back to how you could both best help the company.
I hope this helps. lol
Trust someone to rely on the moral high ground rolleyes
Quote by BigDanny12999
Oh, and btw, I do have a 4th tip if you are interested.
4) A fore-arm smash into the bridge of the nose causes a lot of pain and lots of blood. You may get arrested, but he is never going to give you a problem again. :twisted:
I stand corrected worship
Try telling yourself that you don't want the little twerp to get the better of you. After that do small minor things that'll irritate the shit outta him, like moving one or two of his pocessions, like his phone, stapler etc. Add to that whisper comments so only he can hear (as you walk past) then deny all knowledge. B4 long he'll think he's going mad!!! :twisted:
Equi, its very hard at times, i can honestly say that ive had some very stressful jobs, yet i didnt know what patience was until i had my kids, the ultimate test of character and strength. banghead
I definately struggle at times, but dont beat myself up about it, im only human after all. Must say thougth, there are times where ive really bellowed at the kids something terrible, and then they suddenly realise i mean business. Maybe they need to see how far they have pushed me to learn to act and behave in a proper manner? rolleyes
Quote by GenHertsCpl
i didnt know what patience was until i had my kids, the ultimate test of character and strength. banghead
I definately struggle at times, but dont beat myself up about it, im only human after all. Must say thougth, there are times where ive really bellowed at the kids something terrible, and then they suddenly realise i mean business. Maybe they need to see how far they have pushed me to learn to act and behave in a proper manner? rolleyes

Ditto !!
Especially as the school holidays have started here :crazy: :crazy:
Keeping calm? Easy - never get stressed.... and that's not as daft as it sounds, either. Just let crap wash over you, feel confident in yourself and your abilities. Anything else is irrelevant.
Failing that, lots of wine... <hic> damn
I have to say..............when you bellow.............change tactics... cool
its sooooo much more scarey than noise ! really! they don't know whats hit them. lol
Quote by espy2005
Keeping calm? Easy - never get stressed.... and that's not as daft as it sounds, either. Just let crap wash over you, feel confident in yourself and your abilities. Anything else is irrelevant.
Failing that, lots of wine... <hic> damn

Everybody has their breaking point. Don't assume just because you may not have encountered yours that it does not exist. It can set you up for a harder fall. People could do a lot worse than to acknowledge it's existance and explore coping methods for it when it does hit.
Wine is just one of many :mrgreen:
Yours is a good a point.
I don't generally lose my temper completely but I have noticed in the past few months that I snap quite regularly and give my opinion more when in some situations....whether that's a good thing or not I don't know!
I did go through a stage of throwing things - not at anyone, in the privacy of my own home but that proved a bit expensive!
Only rarely do I feel pure anger....usually I remove myself from the situation and go have a cigarette! It does help to talk about it or write it down too I find.
