The ability to remain calm even at times of extreme stress is indeed an ability that i, personally, need to improve.....
I don't lose my temper very often.... but can get just a little edgy.... same as most of us i guess.... although it has been several years since i actually threw anything..... i try my best... but sometimes... even this ice cool blonde can totally lose
So..... can you keep your cool.... even in the most dire circumstances?????
and how do you do it...??????
equi-princess xxx
Count to 20, then scream very loudly
I try simple breathing exercises, you know, like taking a few deliberate slow deep breaths through the nose, and focussing on the breathing, not on the stress. It doesn't last for long, but for me it lasts just long enough, usually.
well my way is holding my temper untill the offending person is out of hearing range then punching the closest wall as hard as i can ..:looks guiltily at the holes in his living room walls: erm failing that avoid the cituation , buy a bull whip and hang it on ur office wall and as ur office isnt sound proof they will all here its crack as u practice during the tea break ;)
erm i just ignore them completly and turn my ears off
Actually... far from losing it completely and ripping the poor guys' head from his shoulders.... i am far more likely to accept the error and try and sort it out as best i can.....
I can keep my cool... most of the time.... just occasionally.... my temper gets the better of
equi-princess xxx
(dont upset me..... lol)
A friend of mine taught me how to avoid dropping myself right in 'it' by simply literally taking one breathe, think of something else (i.e. favourite flower, animal etc) and allow my brain time to digest the twerp's comment as I exhale before engaging my vocal chords.
Works well too, I can come back with much more scathing replies now and there are fewer times when I think to myself "I wish I'd said...."! lol
Try telling yourself that you don't want the little twerp to get the better of you. After that do small minor things that'll irritate the shit outta him, like moving one or two of his pocessions, like his phone, stapler etc. Add to that whisper comments so only he can hear (as you walk past) then deny all knowledge. B4 long he'll think he's going mad!!! :twisted:
Keeping calm? Easy - never get stressed.... and that's not as daft as it sounds, either. Just let crap wash over you, feel confident in yourself and your abilities. Anything else is irrelevant.
Failing that, lots of wine... <hic> damn