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keeping it in the family

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OK you folks, we all know we make friends and lovers in this lifestyle, but what if you found out that a member of your family was also a swinger? Would you make it known to them that you were? Would you avoid sites where they advertise? Or would you actively seek to engage them in discussion to see if they 'cottoned on' to the fact that you are a swinger?Is there anyone out there who has swung or would like to swing with a family member(and I don't mean here, I mean as in a brother in law or sister in law, or some relation other than by blood) I know my hubby would definitely consider my youngest sister!!
Hmmmm I certainly found it a little bizarre that a particular swinging establishment was family-run. I mean how do you get your son-in-law into that - "You married my little girl, now join the family's adult club business?".
Screams to me but I know it's not true.
I suppose if I found out a member of my family was into swinging, I'd be shocked more than anything - how would they cope with their Catholic guilt?
I'd have to say something 'cos I'm like that - can't keep my gob shut, but I couldn't swing WITH them! I don't swing with my best mate 'cos it would just get too complicated, and not worth the risk of losing a friendship over.
I`m an only child, my kids are too young, so that just leaves my parents.........
Quote by VenusnMars
I`m an only child, my kids are too young, so that just leaves my parents.........

there's an image only good, hard drugs can get rid of.
I wouldnt be surprised if my sister was here at all (come out sis I know your here lol)......... I wouldnt even think about it! Nice to get away from family and do ya own thing.....well, thats my personal feeling!
For those that do, they must b a very close, open and secure family to share their lifestyle.....good on em! Long as it doesnt involve kids underage I have no probs!
My cousin and I are pretty close and have always talked openly about pretty much everything.
During one particular natter I mentioned this site, so know that her and her partner are around here somewhere - still running round the photo ads I think, like kids in a sweet shop lol
As for swinging with her - ewwwwwwwwwwww no no no no no! I've even warned her that if they post an ad then not to post nude pictures! As stunning as she is, it's just something that we would not even consider. Chatting about our lives n stuff in general is one thing, partaking in them is quite another. confused
Well, as you have seen, our photo, with faces in view, is in our adverrt. Our avatar pix are actually pix of us and again, you can see our faces.
My family have never mentioned my topless modelling to me ever and the pix have been everywhere, so I am sure they'd never mention swinging to me, if trhey knew.
As to participating with the extended family, well if we're talking in-laws, it has to be a couple, and therefore one member of the couple has to be 'blood'... that's a non runner.
If she wasn't seeing my sister, I'd do my sisters girlfriend, though. :-D
Quote by Mark
Hmmmm I certainly found it a little bizarre that a particular swinging establishment was family-run.

La Chambre by any chance? We thought it was odd and a little cool to have their son show us round when we first went.
Yes, that's exactly where I meant. Cool on one hand but damn bizarre on the other!. I'm totally confuddled by it.
I have had a reply to my ad from a guy from my (very small, everyone-knows-everyone)home-town and my friend got a reply from her ex but that's as close as it's got so far, thank God.
Quote by freckledbird
OK you folks, we all know we make friends and lovers in this lifestyle, but what if you found out that a member of your family was also a swinger? Would you make it known to them that you were? Would you avoid sites where they advertise? Or would you actively seek to engage them in discussion to see if they 'cottoned on' to the fact that you are a swinger?Is there anyone out there who has swung or would like to swing with a family member(and I don't mean here, I mean as in a brother in law or sister in law, or some relation other than by blood) I know my hubby would definitely consider my youngest sister!!

Eek, no ta. The only eligible member of my family is my sister-in-law and I'm not going there because my brother is 6ft 4 and she makes him look like a midget!!
I mean, call me sizist if you must but Jesus, there are limits you know. lol
Then again, my sisters are adopted so it'd be legal but.... eeeeeeeewwwwwwww!!!!
Quote by easy
I`m an only child, my kids are too young, so that just leaves my parents.........

there's an image only good, hard drugs can get rid of.
Your right there lots and lots of them you have not seen her perents !!!!!!!!!! :scared:
We too are regulars at La chambre, and being from Sheffield wondered if we would bump into people we know! Eventually we did!
M's postman who delivers letters to her work was in one night with his girlfriend! M nearly had a fit! The guy followed us around all night and when M and another guy were having sex later, sure enough her postie was there to watch!
The next time he delivered her post, he just smiled and winked!
Ive seen a quiet a few people that i know in various clubs,but what the hell we are all there for the same thing so i havent got a problem with it.
Ive heard stories about friends,neighbours and relations etc accidently meeting up at various clubs around the country lol
Quote by VenusnMars
I`m an only child, my kids are too young, so that just leaves my parents.........

there's an image only good, hard drugs can get rid of.
Your right there lots and lots of them you have not seen her perents !!!!!!!!!! :scared:
OMG! Two posts! :shock:
Well we have a member of our family that also swings on here. No we dont swing together though some guys would love it!! but as i only play as a couple and the other member is related to my hubby ,then its a deffinate NO lol redface
On ther other hand we go to munches etc together, its safer , but we dont get involved in same room of both our famillies know as we are open about it , to a certain degree as we have young children, my mum is cool with it(she thinks its a phase that i'm going through lol). My sister knows and just turns a blind eye, as for our neighbours etc NO WAY! lol
If we did come across someone we knew on a jaunt then we would just smile maybe wink and be discreet, that is the name of the game after all.
love peppsxxxxxxxxxxx wink :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

My hubby and I introduced my sister and her hubby to swinging and we have agreed that we certainly wouldnt swing with each other - ewwwwwwwwww- but I know people who know us both particularly men would like to see it. I can honestly say that my brother in law does nothing for me.
We have met with the same couple once or twice just on different occasions.
It is just a case of establishing ground rules as you do with any other people you meet anyway.
Olive hump
OK what if it was your parents? We know of one fella who found out his parents were swingers and into BDSM (they told him and showed him their 'equipment')
I'm sure my mum and dad were swingers in their day, they were twentie-smethings in the sixties so it is very likely, esp as I catch my dad tapeing the porn off the telly!
On my first visit to a club- partners in bury, I saw someone i thought i knew. After a long panic stricken whispered conversation with my fella he calmed me down and reminded me that unless they wanted everyone to know about them swinging nothing would be said. He reminded me I only thought i knew them.
Lots of Oh my goodness and what am i going to do's later we went off and had fun in the steam room!
The next day I was astonished as she came to the place where i worked. I just smiled and she smiled and no more was said.
I do worry though what people think of certain professionals being swingers. It puts me off photos and the dogging scene.
same here, i am a teacher also. my son went to school one day and a girl in his class told him that she'd seen a pic of me in my green bathrobe on the internet. The girl's mum had shown my pic to her, asking if she knew me as i had spoken to her and it became clear that we had children in the same school (where i was teaching at the time). Also had a couple emailing for a while whose daughter was in my teaching practice class at the time!
also once almost choked when out on a teachers' evening out...i was a parent governor and student teacher at the time. the headteacher leaned over to me and said 'hey bev, have you heard that one of the parent governors is into this wife swapping malarky?' then another teacher said 'yeah, is it you bev?' i nearly choked lol
I've just been through the ranks of my family and it's a:
NO NO NO NO NO NO and a HaHaHaHaHa - eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwww.
Just a personal opinion of course! Actually there are some here who behave suspiciously like my sisters .........?????
My older sister and her first husband used to swap partners with one of her hubby's brothers and his wife, and sometimes the girls would have a session while the brothers watched, so I wouldn't worry about telling her that we swing - after all she never took steps to cover up that fact that they were swingers - much to my mother's disapproval.
However, now she is with husband number two, I don't think he would much go for swinging, although he knows she has done it in the past.
There's no way Jon and I would swing with my sis tho - Jon can barely be civil to her - thinks she's a snooty bitch :shock:
Not sure I would want most people to know about us though, although we have come across one or two people we know whilst out dogging redface but it's never caused us problems - so far :!:
We don't think having family who also swing is strange or bizaare, we all as adults make choices in life and if they happen to match a relatives then so be it.
We found out by accident almost 2 years ago that our son and his wife are swingers. After getting over the shock we thought "who are we to judge, we swing so why not them!!" They were even more shocked than us when we told them we knew what they got up to and mortified when we told em we did too lol.
Anyway we now have a great and very close relationship and have certain ground rules .... we will never swing with the same people ...... and never in the same room at all.
We have run various groups on msn together (and a non msn group we still run together) and decided that it would be best to let our members know, it became neccesary because on occasion we were being chatted up by the same people and it was only fair to be honest about who and what we were.
People are generally supportive (well so far no one has said anything bad) but we do have to watch out for the trophy hunters who want to shag mum, dad, son and daughter in law lol. But we can spot em a mile away now.
Anyway thats our little confession over lol.