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Ken Dodd Love Him or Loathe Him

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I bought a couple of tickets to see him soon, primarily for something to do on a wet Wednesday. Minx was aghast and I came to realise that she would rather do anything but. I wondered if anyone else admired Mr Dodd's work or indeed if there were any comedy heroes living or dead that community members would like to see or would like to have seen.
Be prepared for a very long evening Ben. I've never seen him but would love to. Will have to check and see if he's coming to this part of the world.
I wish I'd seen Bill Hicks
Ken Dodd has on more than one occasion made me laugh ... His recently published (if they are accurate) pontifications on the state of modern comedy do him no favours though ... A dignified silence would serve him better
yea..long night...Ken normally does about a 4 hour set !!!!
Myself.....would love chance to see Ben love some of his observations and haveing read this books find them all very good and quite topical !!
Aye Max I will take a flask and a packed supper.
Yers stagg I woulda liked Bill too, but doesnt denis leary do a tribute act?
Aye Dean im not so sure about eltons stand up but I really love his almost psychic ability to capture the Zeitgeist in his novels.
seen Doody years ago a few times at a club, can never get him off stage but great fun
sadly only have CDs and DVDs for Bill Hicks, timeless comedy and sadly taken away when so young - greatly missed
i cant see anything funny or entertaining in a man who looks like he combed his hair with a firework and runs around with feather duster shouting what a gay day for 4 hours rolleyes
.....................waits for blokes top ten things to do with a feather duster on a gay day :twisted:
Ken Dodd gets right on my tits and always has done. I cant think of anyone I'd rather not see more .......
Oh there was Tommy Cooper, I hated him too. I was watching TV the night he collapsed and died on stage. As he walked on stage I said "I hate him" and then he collapsed. I was only little and was determined that I'd killed him! lol
Im not sure Ken Dodd says very much about gay days although I believe he has avoided matrimony.
lol Fun, so u dont want this spare ticket then bab? Note even to try your voodoo?
Quote by Ben_Minx
Im not sure Ken Dodd says very much about gay days although I believe he has avoided matrimony.
lol Fun, so u dont want this spare ticket then bab? Note even to try your voodoo?

Thanks for the offer but no matter how much I love your company .... I'll give it a miss!!
Quote by Lizaleanrob
.....................waits for blokes top ten things to do with a feather duster on a gay day :twisted:

I loathe him... but could think of 101 things to do with you on any day, with or without a duster, an Anal Intruder would be better evil
Anyway, are you bi yet? :rascal:
I won't tell your mates (as long as you swallow!), and Liz loves the idea I believe innocent
Go on... go on... go on.... smile
Quote by Ben_Minx
Im not sure Ken Dodd says very much about gay days although I believe he has avoided matrimony.
lol Fun, so u dont want this spare ticket then bab? Note even to try your voodoo?

From what little I know of the doddmeister any ducking of the matrimony bullet is more likely to be for financial rather than any other reasons .... he is I hear meaner than a witches tit in winter
Totally agree with fun about Tommy Cooper I just never "got " him.
Lee Evans is very funny but I can't bear the way he sweats !
All time fave is Billy Connoly, would love to see him live.
Quote by Funlovers2009
Ken Dodd gets right on my tits and always has done. I cant think of anyone I'd rather not see more .......
Oh there was Tommy Cooper, I hated him too. I was watching TV the night he collapsed and died on stage. As he walked on stage I said "I hate him" and then he collapsed. I was only little and was determined that I'd killed him! lol

Can you work your magic on that hamster pussed little tw@t, Michael McIntyre? I'd be forever in your debt Fun.
Got to agree about Bill Hicks, still quote some of his routine. Denis Leary's 'No Cure For Cancer' was great, but it was all downhill from then.
Austrailian stand up, Jim Jeffries. Sick and twisted, just the way comedy should be.
I cant abide Michael McKintyre.
Don't particularly like him but he's been around a long time. Like all the comedy masters, timing is the key and KD certainly has it. Our greats are Tommy Cooper and the late Bob Monkhouse who we did see in Porthcawl years ago. If someone can make you laugh without saying anything they are on their way.
Bob Monkhouse was the "turn" at our works Christmas do one time. He was dazzlingly good.
Isn't it a nice day...Isn't it a nice for responding on a post about Doddy. IF you're opinions about Doddy stem from your experienc's seeing him on TV then you might be surprised as I hear his stand up work is a fair bit different and naughtier than prime time TV will allow.
Aye Rob, monkhouse was nothin like on telly either.
Quote by fifenewbies
Can you work your magic on that hamster pussed little tw@t, Michael McIntyre? I'd be forever in your debt Fun.

Noooooo I like him!! He's funny! I also like that scouse guy (but I cant remember his name :sad:
Quote by bIoke
.....................waits for blokes top ten things to do with a feather duster on a gay day :twisted:

I loathe him... but could think of 101 things to do with you on any day, with or without a duster, an Anal Intruder would be better evil
Anyway, are you bi yet? :rascal:
I won't tell your mates (as long as you swallow!), and Liz loves the idea I believe innocent
Go on... go on... go on.... smile
i tried to imagine it bloke but my mind just went blank ......sorry bolt
John Bishop?
Quote by Funlovers2009

Can you work your magic on that hamster pussed little tw@t, Michael McIntyre? I'd be forever in your debt Fun.

Noooooo I like him!! He's funny! I also like that scouse guy (but I cant remember his name :sad:
I have a lot of time for Dara O'Brian. Very funny man without being nasty. I hate those comedians that fall back on bnastiness all the time.
Ken Dodd? Not funny at all, never was, and got off the tax charges 100% because the audience, sorry the jury, were from his neck own of the woods.
I wished you'd posted this earlier Ben, as I've just discovered that he's playing two nights in Whitley Bay in 2 weeks time, unfortunately it's sold out.
Funny you should mention Dara O Briana, Foxy. A while ago I read O Briain's book, Tickling The English, which is all about his observations of the English people and his 2010 tour. In the book, Ken Dood is mentioned often, as it seems that wherever O Briain is playing, Dodd has been there a few days before and the theatre staff keep telling O Briain about the length of his shows. By the end of the book he decided he has to go and watch one of Ken Dodd's shows but doesn't expect to like his brand of humour. Suffice to say, he is proved wrong.
This is a quote, taken from the final chapter..."If you've got this far, one thing should have shone through, other than the excellence of the theatres in England and that you should go and see Ken Dodd live sometime"
That's a good enough recommendation for me.
Sorry to hear that Max. Dara's recommendation is good enough for me.
Hope you enjoy the show doubt I'll catch him next time around lol
i know it is not the same max but keep a look out on you tube and a lot of it may well be on there.
there you go max
have worked in a theatre for a few yrs n have seen doddie on numourous occasions..break down of a doddie show.... doddie does 20 mins of old stand up.....followed by half hour of 5 kids dressed up in 'pre war' clothes singing roll out the barrel etc etc etc....pretending to be the diddie men....doddie comes back on..another 20 minutes of crap un funny standup.....followed by an hr of some obscure scouse comedian whos even more ancient than doddie n even more unfunny.....doddie returns 15 mins later some old old guy come on n does a routine that involves him drawing pictures on a flip chart n the audience have to guess who it is hes drawing n trust me hes no bloody tony hart..followed by n this is the highlight of the night lol....a piano is wheeled on stage n his burd comes on to play that for about 45 minutes (she looks like a hinge n bracket reject-most peeps resort to the bar at this point).... then its the interval usually about half ten by this point!
2nd half.....same kids pretending to be diddie men in over sized clothes bought form oxfam sing for about an hr....doddie for hmm about 20 mins....ballooon dancers usually 3 fat blokes who ya really wouldnt want the balloon to 'pop' at the wrong moment.....midnight most of the audience have either left or fell asleep...staff are jus thinking stfu....doddie goes on n on till about half one in the morning n trust me thats on a good night,,have worked a doddie show n got home at 4am
On that note enjoy ya night
lol whips, that post alone was worth the ticket price, you ever considered stand up?