Always forget the house work, it will still be there when youve done whatever you decide to do!!
not down here they don't (or is it up here? depends where you are).
Youngest are still off until next Tuesday, Eldest til next Wednesday, so thats still one whole glorious blissful chaotic week at home. (Sorry Dawn, I'm working late every night)
Mine goes back Thursday (2nd Sept) so roll on headlice and snotty noses ... oh, and it's a Catholic school, so there'll be the usual "give us some money for nothing" letters... but at least I'll be free from 9 till 3 YAY!!! :happy:
yeah mine go back this week too. And even though i love the little darlings , it will be nice to get a bit of my life back.
Today i took them to town for breakfast. Then came home later for lunch on the patio , after which we went for a walk with the dogs to see some of their friends and visit the local bunny farm. When we got back we had a BBQ and sat chatting for a hour before having a game of hide and seek then a full blown waterfight.
As the evening drew to a close , approx 10pm , my six yr old daughter chirped up ' that she was bored' and why was she having to go to bed so early ? :shock: :shock:
Just goes to show that no matter what ya do its never enough!!
Roll on school time and some homework , should help entertain them :twisted:
My youngest goes back to nursery today after 2 weeks off,my eldest goes back to school tomorrow,and I can't wait :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Only problem is that after nearly 2 weeks off for me it means that im back at work tomorrow too :cry: :cry: :cry:
wey hey my lovely little brats went back today
Life resumes as normal (if it ever was normal) and have spent the morning lying in bed lol
That means the return of the damn school run ... Grrrr!!!