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knickers left in unusual places

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11 watchers
hi ladies biggrin mad
have u ever left ur knickers in unusual places please tell us
i saw a lady hanging her red lacy nicks out of truck window on motorway that got me going.
I have heard a story on here about knickers left on door handles.
or left behind in hotel
or on seat by side of u
please tell us !!!!!!!!!
Quote by tripod1971
i saw a lady hanging her red lacy nicks out of truck window on motorway that got me going.

Oh that would be Eagerslut .............. we know all about that already :shock: lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by bluexxx
i saw a lady hanging her red lacy nicks out of truck window on motorway that got me going.

Oh that would be Eagerslut .............. we know all about that already :shock: lol :lol: :lol:
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
one summer during uni I worked in Las Americas in Tenerife (O'neil's :P )......and found a set stuck in a pint glass when we came in during the afternoon to tidy up blink
None of us ever did find the owner dunno not through lack of trying though :twisted:
One time we were at a swingers club, had a bit of fun with another couple, then somehow Shel got a lot more drunk than normal, really really drunk, which is unusual for her in a club. No problem as I was keeping a close eye on her.
On going to get our coats to go home Shel suddenly announced "can't find my knickers, must find my knickers they are my favourite pair" So we turned the club upside down, everybody was looking for these knickers.
After about 30 min of disrupting everyone, "what do you mean your having sex? I want my knickers"!! She looked at me quite sheepish and says "i've found them", "oh really, says I, where were they"? "I had them on, only they were pulled up tight and I could'nt see them". We did not mention this to anyone at the club, just left quietly.....
John & Shel
Quote by tripod1971
hi ladies biggrin mad
have u ever left ur knickers in unusual places please tell us
i saw a lady hanging her red lacy nicks out of truck window on motorway that got me going.
I have heard a story on here about knickers left on door handles.
or left behind in hotel
or on seat by side of u
please tell us !!!!!!!!!

Many years ago when I was bus driving, we occasionally had to fetch the bus from waste land and before we drove away, had to search the interior, whilst looking, we always found many pairs of ladies knickers lying around, I leave it to your imagination as to how they got there!!! rolleyes redface lol :cry: wink hump
Quote by tripod1971
or left behind in hotel

Not ladies knickers, but once checked in to a low cost hotel and had to call reception to remove a badly soiled pair of mens Y fronts that were blocking the toilet. I must add that I didn't know what they were until the poor young guy who was sent to answer my complaint actually fished them out :shock:
Once I found a pair of knickers... black ones... looped over the branch of a tree....... not that unusual I thought, except on the brach next to it was tied a tampon (used :shock: ) that was at least a foot long having soaked up the rain from the night before.
The mind boggles :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by bluexxx
i saw a lady hanging her red lacy nicks out of truck window on motorway that got me going.

Oh that would be Eagerslut .............. we know all about that already :shock: lol :lol: :lol:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
:grin: :grin: :rascal:
Quote by EagerSlut
i saw a lady hanging her red lacy nicks out of truck window on motorway that got me going.

Oh that would be Eagerslut .............. we know all about that already :shock: lol :lol: :lol:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
:grin: :grin: :rascal:
Had any more thongs stolen lately Eagerslut or have you stopped tying them to your truck now in fear of thieves in the night! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Not that I go looking for undergarments or anything, but one time I was just having a gentle stroll through a certain park in Preston innocent when I came upon a pair of black knicks on the path.... not taking too much notice I carried on and noticed a pair of red stillettos (size 7) in the undergrowth.... not neatly placed together or course, these had obviously been kicked off in a hurry. Then on a tree to the right of me was a black suspender belt hung over a branch, and a pair of black stockings that had been tied to the tree to make hand ties :shock:
Someone had a good night, obviously :shock:
Had any more thongs stolen lately Eagerslut or have you stopped tying them to your truck now in fear of thieves in the night! lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No I don't hang 'em out any longer unless I'm in 'em already! :rascal:
If anyone wants them now they'll have to take them off me! redface surprisedops: :oops:
wink :wink:
Only two glasses of wine and I'm telling you this! I am not a tidy person and have a habit of climbing out of my jeans and knickers in one go, leaving the knickers somewhere in the jeans. (Hah - some of you are ahead of me.)
So there I was with a new boyfriend and his best mate on a bus going to a folk club. As we sat down the mate said 'Look - a pair of knickers.' They were on the floor 3 yards away. (See footnote.)
So did I think quickly and say : 'Oh my goodness who would do that!'? No chance! I said : 'Oh - they're mine!' New boyfriend and mate were still cracking up two hours later.
Footnote :
For those who have never abandoned their knickers in their jeans the risk is that you put the jeans on next time not realising a pair of knickers is already occupying space down the leg somewhere.
Not so unusualish but when i moved into my place found a pair of used knickers in the back garden!!!
Never happened again but i always wondered who they belonged to
I used to work in a hotel. One weekend, a well-known manager of a local football team stayed, with his mistress at the time. When the chambermaids went in to clean his room, they found a pair of handcuffs under a pillow. On his next visit (with another lady), they attached the very same pair of handcuffs to his bed, ready for him lol
Freckle.............. Sunday papers call...............
The rounds on you hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well the other week mrs goodtimez found a pair of knikers in my car redface my heart jumped as i was driving then she said i wondered where i left them........ then it dawned on me when she laft them wink
It just flummoxed me at the time....... I was lucky tho my mate was due to be picked up l8r that day and he would have found them (hes a nosey twat) lol
MR goodtimez
I drive a taxi and have to say that if i don't find a pair on the weekends it's been a piss poor night in the town why do you ladies leave them anyway?
Plead to all that use taxi's don't leave them in the back takes ages to explain to the wife and the kids your not up to anything even if you are lol
I left a pair of whale nets in G's office once. His boss was slightly confused and now looks at G in a new light! :shock:
I used to work in the print industry producing media packaging. The boxes we used to pack the CD booklets into were standard size for all customers, this enabled us to easily re-use them time and time again until they were too trashed. Our friends at Sony in Austria used to put all sorts of things into the boxes before they returned them us. We found all manner of things including knickers, wine bottles, condoms and once we even found a shoe ! .... some poor sod must of had to hop home that night. lol
Well my most embarasing moment happened a couple of months back
we were up our mates house, he had nipped out to get cigarettes or
something and we ended up doing the bisness in his living room and
then into his bedroom.
ok so far no probs you are all thinking except that i had left my nickers
right out in the open by his fire place for all the world to see.
When he came back he sat down right by them and i was in a state
of panic if he saw them. my heart was going mad and didnt want
the ribbing if he realized what had been going on.
anyway finally managed to grab them when he went to the bathroom
but iwill not be sure to this day whether he saw them or not.
Ihave also been caught with nickers down my jean leg when i am
taking the kids to school in a hurry.
sometimes i think its better not towear any at all.
I found a pair when clearing a pillar box out once... i presume they had been stuffed in and it wasn't being used as a changing room for midgets....
Anyhows, thought i'd pass the laugh on and let them go into the mail sack... they probably got tipped out at the mail centre and shoved around all departments before being thrown in an outgoing mailbag for them to turn up at the other end of the country... (i like to think)
Quote by postie
I found a pair when clearing a pillar box out once... i presume they had been stuffed in and it wasn't being used as a changing room for midgets....
Anyhows, thought i'd pass the laugh on and let them go into the mail sack... they probably got tipped out at the mail centre and shoved around all departments before being thrown in an outgoing mailbag for them to turn up at the other end of the country... (i like to think)

Were they white cotton "everyday" knicks with just a little discreet bow on the front of the waistband? :shock: :shock: :shock:
If so. they're one of the pairs I had knicked last year in a layby near Maidstone and I want them back! redface surprisedops:
I had a pair of my knickers pinched once at a club
Was at the greenhouse new years eve, went into a open room and joined in a group, took my underwear off and when we had done i went to put my undies back on and :shock: they was gone confused
Was camping a few years ago near Alton Towers, and found that some of my knickers wer missing, they never did turn up, but there were a few german guys camping a few yards away........... :dry:
I was doing some work at a woman's flat. It was one of those autumn days, cold start , then brilliant warm sun. The woman left her flat for work and left me a present..........
In her bedroom on the floor, where she had just stepped out of them, were a pair of gorgeous little knickers. Still shaped to her crotch, slightly damp and steaming in the morning sunlight. I watched the spirals of steam risiing until they dried out leaving a glossy stain in the gusset.
Wonderful stuff for an old pervert like me.
Thankyou audience.
The bedroom isn't an unusual place. But then again when you do find them, they usually are in the same sort oif unusual places.
Quote by tripod1971
hi ladies biggrin mad
have u ever left ur knickers in unusual places please tell us
i saw a lady hanging her red lacy nicks out of truck window on motorway that got me going.
I have heard a story on here about knickers left on door handles.
or left behind in hotel
or on seat by side of u
please tell us !!!!!!!!!

Ah well !!!!
used to work in large hotels as a chef and this one time ( at band camp ! LOL ) the party started at 7pm sunday in my room then which was 12 foot by 20 foot with a little bathroom of it ( just enough room for crapper and a bath ) .
By the time everyone had left and 9 bin bags of wine and beer bottles, and then hoovering up countless times to get rid of the fag ash. I got round to the bathroom which to my suprise no one had been sick or anything " bonus !!" i said to myself .
Picked up my laundry later that day and went to put the towels on the radiator and they wouldnt go ??? , ( middle of winter so the heating was on ) looking behind and saw there was the most krustiest pair of knickers you could imagine........
Took me 3 mins to work out who left em there (name TAG !! )
So i sent em through the internal post system back to Beverage Manageress dirty slag !!!
Steve :twisted: evil :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil:
Found Mrs TnH knickers in my pocket one day while we were out and about... they got there the week before, but she went a wonderful colour when I pulled them out to see what they were :shock:
Quote by jezzay
Only two glasses of wine and I'm telling you this! I am not a tidy person and have a habit of climbing out of my jeans and knickers in one go, leaving the knickers somewhere in the jeans. (Hah - some of you are ahead of me.)

I know where you are coming from, I jump up in the morning then struggle like hell to get my jeans on as my foot gets stuck on the boxer shorts/Tangas I was wearing the day before in the leghole lol
Harry Jones