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knowing your direction-Do you???

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hi there,
after being off line for what seemed a eternity, i had time to try and reflect on my life and my coming up to my 20th birthday (28th july) and i know i only may be a "spring chicken" but i find it hard to grasp what i want to actually do with my life!!.
I know that if i want a career then i really should start making my mind up, as times ticking.
Theres so many things that i think "yeh i wouldnt mind doing that" but it never really goes anywhere.
Thing is i carnt really relate to many of my old school friends, you know see what sort of things they did........, but they all have children and are on benefits.
Colin (mr-bailiff) tries to give me inspiration but it just dont really sink 's very happy with being a quaility manager and has job I'm stupid to think that all jobs carry job satisfaction.I carnt stand working where i dont enjoy!!!
I know that i may be the youngest on here, and i was wondering whether any of the more erm..................."experienced life" people could kinda show me some comfort.
I feel very career minded messed up!!!!
I know i may get coments that im still a child and have my life ahead of me to do what i want, but this is really bugging me!!!!!
many thanks - come on i need mothering!!!!
Trust me, I thought I found my dream job 2 1/2 yrs ago ( but since then conditions have changed, and I might leg it in a few months ) but until then I had no idea of where I was going - TBH, I doubt I still have much of a clue. Sorry, this is of sod all use to you - but that has been my experience. :giveup:
hi lou, well im 30 and i still have no idea what i want to do, my guess is there are plenty like us in the same situation. it aint easy finding the perfect job or career, but i hope you find something you will enjoy, think about what personal intrests you have and see if theres a job relating to it, eg i love movies and writing but being a film critic is a hard nut to crack as there are so many out there. wink
Lou, I'm 42 and still keep looking for new things to do to make a living..
However I've been fortunate in that after having had about 3 boooooring jobs after I left school/college... I made a point of only doing things that I enjoyed.
So I've been self employed for about 20 years and whenever I don't get up looking forward to gettin' to work ... I study something new.
For 20 years I've never done a job I've hated.....
I would say take a look at your hobbies and interests and then decide what you really really like doing .... Then search for a career involving what you love to do... (or as close as you can get)
Well that's my two penneth worth
god i am 18 have tried many different things and doubt i will ever make up my mind on what i want to do confused
but i just take every day as it comes probaly get sacked tomorow now lol smile but least this way you can enjoy live and try new things
one job not to go into is deep sea diving.... plays havoc with you hair and hearing lol lol
Why not have a peek through your local paper and find something offering training in a job you'd never dreamed of doing?
Brain surgery is stretching things a bit far but how about trolley dolly for one of the big airlines? Or auxiliary nurse? Or you could think about setting up your own business, maybe start from at home and head for bigger things as you progress?
I ran a bridal hire company from home (many years back!) it was mayhem at times but great fun and helped pay the bills too. smile
Hi Lou
The best advice I can give is to look at the things you enjoy doing and look towards a way of finding employment in that particular field. It may mean that you have to study again, maybe an Open University course or back to college a couple of eve's a week. Try your local college / Uni who should have a prospectus for the forthcoming year. Just remember that education, any education, is never wasted.
Try writing down things that you enjoy doing. It may be music, Photography or something like that. I know we all need money to live but sometimes job satisfaction is much, much better than hating a job and being paid well for it.
Apart from that you should always strive to perform to teh best of your abilities in whatever you do. So, if your work involves something dull try to perform your tasks as best as possible. Same if you're customer facing. Be polite and always do the best you can. People remember those who try and work hard and trust me, doors will open and opportunities will begin to arise......and often opportunities you wouldn't have thought about before.
Either way, live is for living and you should look towards doing things that enhance your life and those of your loved ones.
Happy for you to PM me if you wanna chat some more about it.
Lou, dont worry. I was 21 before I knew what I wanted to do, and I was very lucky to know what I wanted to do. Although I have to wait another 2 years to finish my degree before I can get a doing as a games programmer. But at 19 you've still got plenty of time to try different avenues and different careers. You did mention you didn't want any of the "you're still young etc" speak, but it's true. If you don't know what you want to do already, then try different jobs, different careers and different hobbies and if you still don't know what you want to do, then at least you'll have had a varied and enjoyable time finding out smile
thanks guy's this :
has messed my head up even more!!!!!!!
hi there lou,please dont worry,things have a habbit of panning out.i managed to get trainning as soon as i left school as a sparky as you can prob tell from my nick name,anyway back to the i was younger i chased the money all over the country working long hours and not really enjoying work,now i have been back to college and generally pick up work here,there and everywhere,on my own terms and only work around 35 hours a week tops.
so like some one else said try and pick up a part time course at college and see where that leads to!!!
there is no point doing something that you are not happy with
I didn't know what I wanted to do when I left school and meandered into secretarial/P.A. work for 17 years thinking that this was what I enjoyed.
After feeling incredibly bored and also that life was passing me by, I decided to change my direction in life and decided to go to university to study for a degree. I have now completed 2 out of the 4 years and feel more alive and happier than what I have ever been.
So Lou, have a good think of what you would like out of life and what you would really want to do, then go for it.
Remember, the only barriers to life are those we put up ourselves.
Take care hun
Alex xxxx
well, my turn, im almost 40 (october) i have been in the army, travelled abroad working in buger king, pubs and bars, learnt Danish, took a degree and travelled sum more, met loads of people, had a daughter, had great fun all round......and my life changes bin in IT , learnt to plaster ....BUT all along ive had a great time its bin hard at times, gained friends and lost some along the way.....but whatever you decide to do....enjoy it, dont regret it and remember you only get one chance ......
hi lou. well, did 3 years of college then spent 7 years working my way up the career path only to realise that at 27 & 10 years in, i found my job so utterly depressing that even the big wedge of cash i got each week had little appeal.
then suddenly one day, i saw what i wanted to do, and within a month had quit my job to retrain, then paid my own expenses to go and gain experience, worked long,long hours for little money & started my own buisness (and still don't make the money i used too.)
So was it worth it, OH Yes!!!! got to do some amazing things along the way, got some great friends & although i still get days when i can't be arsed with it- i generally get to do what i want, when i want and have a lifestyle some people get a bit envyous of.
so as many people have said, think about what you enjoy as you're gonna spend a good chunk of your time doing it. be prepared for the long haul and to put in more than you would for a general job. don't think about the money too much, if you can pay the bills with a bit spare for fun-Result! if you're good at it & do it with passion, the money will come in time but the satisfaction you get doing what you love is priceless.
so follow your instincts, try new things, do what you love & love what you do.
best of luck with everything
Hey Lou,
I really think you shouldn't worry toooooo much about what your going to do in life rite now and really think about enjoying yourself (not that you don't) ...Make th'most of what you are doing at th'mo good or bad coz it'll all fit into place somewhere along the line...
You'll make your decisions in life, some good n some perhaps not the best but it will help you in working out what it is you want out'a's taken me 10yrs n I feel like I've got where I need to be workwise...working for charity...reasons for's a good feeling to give something back, it's manic at times coz there's loads'a fundraising I get into and a sense of acheivement that i've helped others no matter if it's just a little bit...
There's so much out there that you can do, do it all...& at th'very least you can say that you have tried!!! It'll work out for you tho...
Enjoy being a spring chicken, it's th'best time of your life and it'll only get better, definately!
... smile
Hotttie xxx
Quote by Scandal
Employment demography has changed that much it's unlikely you'll do the same job all your life anyway - no matter what skill you have.
Most people are far too young to decide what job they'd like to do for the rest of their lives.
Most people are far too young not to change the job they do and try summat else.

Scandal makes a good point - after all in the '60s it was quite easy to walk out of a job in the morning and walk into another in the afternoon ( going by some of the old films I have seen in my time and what my parents told me years ago ) - these days are totally different. For one thing the concept of job for life has almost disappeared ( I would like to know if this endangered species is still alive or if it is officially extinct ) and I haven't had a job that has lasted as long as 3 years, over 13 years of work! Society now doesn't seem to cater for job security - and nothing is sacred IM rambling O.
Hiya Lou, it's a difficult one to answer because only YOU know what you enjoy doing.....and that's the important thing.....
I started my working life as a secretary/pa/receptionist and I was fine doing that for about 8 years, but I decided that I needed a direction in life and so I decided to turn to Nursing after a long think.
I am now starting my Nursing Diploma in September.......and I can't wait!!!
So I think what you need to do is have a think about what you want out of life and what you really want to do......and then explore your options.....maybe look at going back to school in order to achieve your dreams....
Good luck in whatever you choose to do.....
Stand really still Lou , and listen carefully and life will happen to you :-)
Lou, don't worry about not knowing - I'm 36 and haven't a clue where I really want to be. I'm currently doing something I'm good at - but it doesn't make my heart 'sing'. I get the sense sometimes that I'm not following my true calling - but I don't know what that is. I think we (people in general) get a lot of pressure to have the whole career thing sorted - but so many people I know of with 'good careers' are no happier than me, and in many cases are worse off financially.
I think it is about balance - work to live or live to work? Some people do sh***y jobs and let rip at the weekend, some are high flyers and wouldn't be able to sit still and appreciate a sunset unless their PA scheduled a window for it and paid extra for a good weather guarantee. Only you know where the right balance is for you, and that will change throughout your life. Worrying about it will just waste your energies, which could be put to better use wink
My kids are all around your age Bailiffs, and I tell them frequently. At 20, you are not supposed to know what all the answers, otherwise what the fuck would you spend the next 80 years doing?
so my answer is:
I know i may get coments that im still a child and have my life ahead of me to do what i want, but this is really bugging me!!!!!
Sorry - but there is too much pressure for everyone to have things sorted by the time they are 21.
Right now, you are supposed to be gaining experiences and learning from them. At some point in the future - if you are lucky enough and tough enough, you will get your answers.
Quote by KitKat
My kids are all around your age Bailiffs, and I tell them frequently. At 20, you are not supposed to know what all the answers, otherwise what the fuck would you spend the next 80 years doing?
so my answer is:
I know i may get coments that im still a child and have my life ahead of me to do what i want, but this is really bugging me!!!!!
Sorry - but there is too much pressure for everyone to have things sorted by the time they are 21.
Right now, you are supposed to be gaining experiences and learning from them. At some point in the future - if you are lucky enough and tough enough, you will get your answers.
firstly thanks for all the advice i think ill never really know what i want from life, im just worried that by the time i do know that its going to be too late!!!!, i think it makes things more complicated as theres loads of things that id like to try................,
to be honest with you kat i think my trouble is, is that i feel alot older than what i am. I feel as though i've had many a life experience, although i know there will be many more.
i suppose ill just have to let fate take it's course!!!!
Mwah to you all!!!!
Well, final bit of advice then.
Those who seek happiness for themselves rarely find it. Those who seek happiness for others, are surrounded by it.
If you feel you have something of value, but you are not quite sure how you want to use it. Look around you and see if there are ways in which you can use it to help others. This in itself will give you direction and satisfaction, and it is likely that in seeing the roads others choose, your's will become clearer.
at 20 years old you should be grabbing life with both hands and seeing where it takes you. You may take a very winding path, but if you keep focussed on what is important to you in your life, and aim for that, you will invariably get it. Most of my more pleasant experiences in life have arrived by chance rather than by judgement - keep an open mind and you will find the right path for you eventually.
Guess what i'm saying is - do whatever feels right for you at this time. It may not be right in 2 or 3 years time, but you will have that experience under your belt.
Lou, if you're really struggling on what to do then.......DO ME!!!! :rascal: :twisted:
welll.......someone had to say it!! redface
In my humble opinion, and it is a humble one! I am 29 and only started a course last year and i know it is something i want to do at the mo. The thing about life is you just never know what's round the corner, so don't worry about it, wits fir ye l no go by ye or in the proper use of the english language. Whats for you, doesn't go by you. That's what ma granny used to say and for me it rings true. Just enjoy being alive i think is what she meant by it. I might be wrong though! It has been known, from time to time!