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Kry10 is BACK

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Hi everyone, I am back....
I got uncerimoniously dumped last night, so, I am single again and determined to enjoy myself as much as possible.
So, expect me to be posting stuff soon.
Sex God
wave WB Wayne
sorry to hear about your un-ceremony.
here drinkies
you know what they say, its a big big ocean wink
Hello wave Nice to meet you :swingingchair:
Only dumped last night? Devastated I see! kiss
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Now there is a strange thing, here was me thinking about life in general last night and who should pop in to my head but Kry10. I wonder how hes doing thinks me, he never stuck his head back in to say hello, then lo and behold I log on and guess what I see smile
I knew you'd come back (theres no escape) sorry stuff hasn't turned out keep your chin up and fook em biggrin
and when you get a mintue there is a thread running that is custom made for you to reply in :D
Also next week I will be mostly thinking of Shergar and Lord Lucan, Prehaps they willl turn up out of the blue as well confused :?
welcome back sorry about u being dumped but hey life goes on & she not know what she is missing out on with all these lovely ppl in sh biggrin
Quote by sheddy
Also next week I will be mostly thinking of Shergar and Lord Lucan, Prehaps they willl turn up out of the blue as well confused :?

Try setting ya sites a little bit lower sheddy, something like the spice girls or the cheeky girls, lol.
Although, wasn't shergar a horse ? or is that an area of things we don't want to enter into ?
Thanks for all the kind words, I see your point, but, it is hard to swing when the person your with is not interested in the scene and you are, so, you have to sacrifice certain aspects so you can both be happy, but, not I am single again, I am determined to float the boat so to speak.
Quote by kry10

Also next week I will be mostly thinking of Shergar and Lord Lucan, Prehaps they willl turn up out of the blue as well confused :?

Try setting ya sites a little bit lower sheddy, something like the spice girls or the cheeky girls, lol.
Although, wasn't shergar a horse ? or is that an area of things we don't want to enter into ?

Trust me I waisted enough of my life thinking about the spice girls a long time ago lol :lol:
Quote by kry10
Hi everyone, I am back....
I got uncerimoniously dumped last night, so, I am single again and determined to enjoy myself as much as possible.
So, expect me to be posting stuff soon.

REALLY sorry to hear about that m8 (and that is being totally honest) I know what it's like to be dumped (with a face like mine you kinda get used to it....... :twisted: )
Only one thing you have to do now eh??
Get ya name back down on this thread
Glad to see you're back. Have fun and enjoy.