:confused: Absolutely only Jack or Ozzie?? Dog fleas out of the question??
(I need a scratchy emoticon! lol)
ozzie lovely but it has to be jack
hehe neither although I think Ozzy be better although in his prolonged drug induced state I wonder if he could actually get it up!?
Jack?? haha makes me think of my wee brother and thats just wrooooong! :shock:
I adore Ozzy because of who he is and what he represents. He was a part of my teen-hood and I gave him Godlike status when I bought my 'Blizzard of Oz' album.
Sadly, Ozzy belongs to no one as his mind (and body) is now, an amusement park unto himself. The perfect example of what decades of Jack Daniel's, Class A's and Rock 'n' Roll does to a person. Luckily he has had Sharon by his financial side to make sure the shell of his former self has made it to the 21 century.
He does make quality television though!
Silky xxxxxxxxx