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Last night I dreamt..........

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I was in the navy.....the german navy I think surprised , and was told that instead of firing underwater torpedos, they would be firing doors. The bad news was that we were to be fired with the doors in order to steer them towards the targets!
We had to go on the underground to reach the docks, and on the way to our train I met a queue of Hari Krishnas, male, female and children. One woman dropped her baby in the crush (but it was ok). I helped to retrieve the babe, and helped them to get thier belongings on their train, thus missing mine.
Please interpret :shock:
Yellow van is on it's way biggrin
Quote by VenusnMars
I was in the navy.....the german navy I think surprised , and was told that instead of firing underwater torpedos, they would be firing doors. The bad news was that we were to be fired with the doors in order to steer them towards the targets!
We had to go on the underground to reach the docks, and on the way to our train I met a queue of Hari Krishnas, male, female and children. One woman dropped her baby in the crush (but it was ok). I helped to retrieve the babe, and helped them to get thier belongings on their train, thus missing mine.
Please interpret :shock:

There's sooo many ways that could be interprited. I think I'll need you on my couch for a couple of hours at least. wink biggrin lol :lol:
But would it not be hard for me to talk with my mouth full?! surprised
Lol, I thought Psychotherapists were supposed to blame everything on the parents! I do feel that some in this line of work are prone to offer the cliche answers. Some people can feel better with ANY answer, not necessarily the right one, just as long as they feel they have a handle.........
Ok, I`ll step off of the soap box now redface
Guess who is hoping to do a psychotherapy course next year?! lol
I was in the navy.....the german navy I think , and was told that instead of firing underwater torpedos, they would be firing doors. The bad news was that we were to be fired with the doors in order to steer them towards the targets!
We had to go on the underground to reach the docks, and on the way to our train I met a queue of Hari Krishnas, male, female and children. One woman dropped her baby in the crush (but it was ok). I helped to retrieve the babe, and helped them to get thier belongings on their train, thus missing mine.
Please interpret

Just an amateur interpreter...but it sounds like you have some tough decisions to make that are playing on your mind. Hence the doors. The fact that you are committed to steering the doors suggests that once chosen, there is no turning back. Going through the underground suggests that you haven't been able to speak to many people about these pending choices. The Hari Krishnas is your positive side trying to tell you that you will make the right choice, but it will affect a lot of people. You helped with the dropped baby and missing your own train suggests that it is a tough decision and its not one that you really want to make (your negative side hoping that the decision will be made for you.
Sounds bollocks?...probably
Well currently sexually frustrated ... sob sob (it's not a line I have a man and a few BOB's more thatn ready and able, I'm just still suffering from the stitches).
Last night I dreamt that I was part of a dance troupe ... touring round and stripping etc ..... I rarely remember dreams but this was quite erotic .... ok kinky .... oh ok .. downright sordid LOLOLOL
Bollocks! You`ll have people thinking I don`t want to swing! :shock: :P

Keep off the cheese and red wine before bed.
Stick to sex wink
No offense taken cool . I happen to agree with alot of what you are saying, thats one of the reasons I want to get into it. I hope to be better than that.
I`d suggest that the people who have difficulty accepting you need the therapy to deal with their inadequacies. Why are you such a threat to them?! That is a problem of thiers they should confront if it effects you.
I think you already have a healthy approach. Unfortunately you can`t change everybodies attitudes, but I hope that learning to understand people and where they are coming from will help me to touch base with as many people as possible.
For me, on a personal level, it`s about learning to understand people so that I can better communicate with them.
Some people are just arseholes though confused