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Leather fetish??

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Feeling better now- before I go feed the kids, tidy up, etc, b4 Lucy gets home---
Bikes have mentioned in a cpl of threads- have we got any other bikers in here???
I have a pushbike - does that count??????
(P.S. - Glad you are feeling better!!!!)
Er- no, I meant the kind with summat trobbing between yr legs--(Oo-er)
yea got something throbing between my legs...but sorry not into bikes !!!!!
O.K. then.....if you want throbbing between the legs
I've got a pushbike with a buckled wheel.
Satin's into bikes, but he has other fetishes too wink :wink: :wink:
i know a little of a hijack but just had to say..what a wonderful new pic back to throbing legs and bikes !!!!!
yes got a motorbike..its red hot & italian biggrin ....unlike my women. sad
too cold/wet to ride it now ...........but still put on my leathers when in the mood :P
ps...difficult to go dogging on a bike?
anybody tried ?..
I like bikes as well, both the push bike type and the petrol driven type.
Unfortunately a lack of funds prevents me from getting my licence or the bike. sad
Ah day. biggrin
Adore motorbikes here ..... my ex had a fantastic kwak and I had my licence ready to leanr and found out I was pregnant :shock: so that ended that sad
I have a set of objectives before I'm 40 and my bike licence is one of them smile
It's tragic, I can drive but I can't ride a bike :-(
I had to sell my bike to get double glazing sad
I had to sell my bike to get double glazing sad

did you feel that this would be a safer mode of transport?
I had to sell my bike to get double glazing sad

F***ing hell! These wigwams are going a bit up-market! wink
I had to sell my bike to get double glazing sad

Just thinking: the bloke that sold you the double glazing was probably only doing it so that he could afford to buy the bike you sold to get the double glazing in the first place.......
Funny old world really....
urmm not into bikes
did have a chopper once
and i just lurve leather seats in cars
Yep, have a Harley 1340 Shovelhead.
Never had a bike but may find out soon what its like to be on a bike .........................
had a honda transalp xlv 650 ,,, sold it to fund going back to collage on a full time corse ,,, it was black and i want it back ,,,, :cry: ,,, hopefully next seson will get one for next seson ,,,,,, me and my knome when all over on it ,,,went all around europe , swizz alps was the best , first time i got my knee down ,,,, cool on a transalp,,,,, ,,, dave ,,,
I bought my first bike when I was 19 and based in Germany. I had never ridden one before and the guy in the shop took me to a large car park to show me how. 30 minutes instruction and I was on my own - shit scared of 30 mph!! Within 6 days I had to get used to it before I drove it from the NorthEast all the way back to my barracks in Germany, about 600 miles. Pretty daunting, I can tell you! :shock:
Kept it for a couple of years, but then a car became more practical. I may yet get one for fun - we'll see lol .
Quote by bikerguy
yes got a motorbike..its red hot & italian biggrin ....unlike my women. sad
too cold/wet to ride it now ...........but still put on my leathers when in the mood :P
ps...difficult to go dogging on a bike?
anybody tried ?..

No, we haven't gone dogging on a bike but whilst we were dogging we did have a guy walking about with his push bike. He went past our car several times, couldn't see any reason for him to be there unless he was there to watch. Weird!
Gill & Del x
/drivel mode off
One of my biggest passions. Am working hard not to write pages and pages of utter bollox (tm neilinleeds).
I taught myself to ride a bike at 17 - in the days when you could slap L plates on a 250cc machine and ride on the road without any training or instruction. Took my test, being watched by an examiner on foot carrying a clipboard (yuh, right, he was able to gain an accurate impression of my riding skills !!!!!)
I've had bikes more or less continuously ever since, and get the same excitement and fun as I did 27 years ago.
In fact, I turned down an invitation to go visit a lady from here for the weekend, as I have some biking stuff on today and tomorrow.... Just how obsessed am I ????? lol
Quote by corriefem
Never had a bike but may find out soon what its like to be on a bike .........................

Corrie, any time you fancy a ride, let me know eh ? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
(Not only a biker, a bit of a bike too :lol: :lol: )
biggrin Frogster!!- me too! A 88" shovel, 1981 vintage, very reworked, yam front end etc.
So there are a few reprobates in here that enjoy the wind in their hair and bugs in the teeth! Nice to know! (summat else to talk about, eh? in the gfz maybe??)
Learning to ride a bike is on my list of things to do before 40
Tried when I was younger but just couldn't get the hang of it, then again took me ages to learn to drive too!
Yeah ..I gotta from a ZX10..ZX9 and ZX7..dynoed today at 150bhp..
but we can be bbboring if we go on about bikes..
Ride safe..rubber side down............
biggrin As long as the topic aint cars- I work with the bloody things for 40+ hours per week!
I've got a bike.. its old and it doesn't work anymore.. but its still my baby!!!!!!
I've decided that I'm going to take the whole thing apart and try and put it back together again and see if I can learn anything (other than to leave things the fuck alone when I've no idea what I'm doing!!!) lol
I have a bike, and wear leathers, not just for saefty but they do feel The wife liked going for a ride (ahem..) so much she has now got her ouw bike too...
Never had a motorbike, but very proud of my hybrid cycle. Sometimes I get a stiffy when riding it... biggrin :D :D
Although the lycra short don't do for me what they would do for a bloke half my age sad (mind, I know a couple of elderly ladies who get quite excited when they see me :shock: )