Ice Pie this will not do!!U have had to come back in just because of the noise you are making. Everyone else has managed to calm down and behave, why cant you do the dame?Y ou have been in this institutionlong enough to know how to behave better than this.
You are very, very naughty and i and the rest of the staff will not stand for it.
Finish off your line , ifact you can do double the amounth, then come and see me, i will sort you out!!!
Miss Feclekbird, do NOT encourage him :twisted:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Deleted as it is a pay site!!
Can I just say that as a very new member I am learning swiftly that a) 90% of posts are piss-takes and b) it is very difficult to tell what tone some posts are meant to be posted in. (I have been misinterpreted and taken too seriously already)Therefore, is it not fair to say that peeps should think twice before jumping on bandwagons and condemning people who might just be taking the piss?
Am expecting of a deluge of 'you're too new, you dont know what it was about etc' but to be honest I dont care if I'm new and in fact think it means I have no prejudices - therefore in a great position to comment.
PS In case you were wondering, that was a serious post. I think. I dont know if I can do serious but I certainly know I'm no fan of over-zealous political correctness!
Twisted , slightly bitter and gorgeously tinged with sarcasm :-)
Lovely :-) xxx
Let me see,this is a thread about a someone who was offended about another thread that was locked and decided to flounce the thread that was locked was done so because another person took offence to it,so a mod locked it thinking that was best,now the person who said they were offended decide to say "we were only joking" much to the annoyance of the mods and others that use this the person that flounced never came back to see the what was the point of dragging this thread up again 'm not looking for an argument by the way just wondered what your point was?
but did they come back ??
Why we need this back at the top, there are loads of threads where people moan about this or that. After often a heated row things settle, the threads drift into the SH history and this is for the best...
No pun intended but lets let sleeping dogs lie...