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Leaving Swinging heaven hope you are pleased!!!

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Quote by GnV
You really are a class act!!!
He said very clearly he was devastated, and yet all you can do is post innuendo, I bet you laughed while typing it. This is not some victimless situation, he didn't just burn a quiche, it was one of his own homemade quiches, do you have any idea how much pride he puts into his role as a Stepford mincer?
You should feel ashamed of yourself.

As a serial burner of le acte quiche, I can only sympathise.
It's a terrible affliction for which there is no known cure :sad:
sod the quiche i`ll have an aperitif pie please g
i`ll worry about the calories later innocent
By the way, the OP hasn't closed the account yet. dunno
I enter this thread expecting shocking revelations and have come away just feeling hungrier than when I came in.
dissapointed and peckish confused
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
i vote we all go round to foxyladys for some quiche lol

I will beat you there if she does offer quiche out :lol:
Maybe because its quite an old account they didn`t want to close it fully dunno
Anyway, back to the food :grin:
Quote by foxylady2209
By the way, the OP hasn't closed the account yet. dunno

Quote by mrs-bmw
Maybe because its quite an old account they didn`t want to close it fully

I noticed that they hdn't closed the accout as well, but even stranger is that they now have public photo's! I can assure you there weren't any public photo's at the time of the original post!
Hmmmm Quiche worship
Quote by Trevaunance
By the way, the OP hasn't closed the account yet. dunno

Quote by mrs-bmw
Maybe because its quite an old account they didn`t want to close it fully

I noticed that they hdn't closed the accout as well, but even stranger is that they now have public photo's! I can assure you there weren't any public photo's at the time of the original post!
Hmmmm Quiche worship
Ohh yes, the plot thickens :notes:
Tell you what though, you`d have to know someone rather well to recognise them from those pics :rascal:
Well, I take anything I said before back lol
I aint complaining about the pictures innocent and I would have follwed the car as well :shock:
Quote by Trevaunance
I noticed that they hadn't closed the accout as well, but even stranger is that they now have public photo's! I can assure you there weren't any public photo's at the time of the original post!

Well spotted! lol How strange? I was properly concerned to learn that we have blackmailers in our midst? Proper worried I was! :shock: I would have thought it wise though, if I was at all genuinely worried about what people might see, to delete even the private piccies, leave the groups I'm a member of, and turn off the friends list, just to be on the safe side? It would have to be someone on their friends / invite list, after all? confused I mean, as someone who don't even know 'em in a way that might be sexually exploitative or financially lucrative, have to say I've been mildly entertained trawling through their profile meself. Had a right old perv so I have. I'm not easily shocked, but God knows what the neighbours will make of it? Talk about spoon-feeding, but maybe blackmail fantasies are all the rage these days, sort of like the internet equivalent of cuckolding?! dunno
Neilinleeds : Hopelessly naive!
Ooooooo, they're still here - logged on this morning!
What a load of old attention-seeking rubbish rolleyes
your all heart freckle all heart lol
Perhaps they just thought "sod it " and paid the ransom :giveup:
Quote by mrs-bmw
Perhaps they just thought "sod it " and paid the ransom :giveup:

I have no idea why but this made me LOL (and i mean actually LOL).
great! chapter 7 of grays anatomy by the look of it.
even more detail for the blackmailers to use.
Quote by duncanlondon
great! chapter 7 of grays anatomy by the look of it.
even more detail for the blackmailers to use.

I think the only thing missing, is birth pictures!
Maybe they're doing those in the two hours since they logged in lol
Quote by bIoke
To be honest, if this is real, it's a bit shitty for you, I'm sure. However, your whole posting history screams 'drama queens' as I read through it. There always seem to be something not going right or that you don't like.
You announced to the site you were retiring from Dogging in March 2009 and yet you where still advertising for meets in May that year. You're still here now and yet claimed you were going yesterday around 6pm. If you really considered this a serious threat, you'd have deleted the account and it would have been removed overnight as the servers do their updatey-thingy.
All a bit confused and strange.
It would be interesting to see your simple answers to some of the simple questions members like Sarah and others have asked above - especially as you posted this across at least three Forum sections!
Reading between the lines, is this not not an overreaction to a meet or something that hasn't quite gone as planned and this post is the net, emotional result?
I burned one of my lovely, homemade quiches this morning and was totally devasted but I'm over it now... I nearly posted on every 'how to be a good gay cook' forum at the time though I can tell you.
Fraser... where's that 'drama queen-o-meter' you posted a couple of weeks back mister? smile

you're SUCH a bitch!!
Quote by the_Laird
you're SUCH a bitch!!

Now... the last time you called me that I was on my knees in front of you and we both loved it :rascal:
How's the ever lovely LFB? x
Well roger me sideways! 'Ello Mr Laird, and Mrs Laird. smile How the hell are yer both?
N x x x ;)
Quote by neilinleeds
Well roger me sideways! 'Ello Mr Laird, and Mrs Laird. smile How the hell are yer both?
N x x x ;)

Leave my man alone.. bitch, it was me he came back for! wink
Quote by bIoke
Well roger me sideways! 'Ello Mr Laird, and Mrs Laird. smile How the hell are yer both?
N x x x ;)

Leave my man alone.. bitch, it was me he came back for! wink
Dream on Blokey.......(I was looking at some old pics of the last time we trawled the gay haunts of Glasgow, well had Tapas if I remember correctly!)
We're all good thanks.
Popped on for a look around. It's all a bit dilapidated looking sadly :sad: Still a few diamonds in the rough I see though :wink:
this wouldent happen in newcastle he would soon find out what it feels like to be hurt lol he most likely will be just messing but if he goes further inform the police then once hes inside leave it to me luv xx take care xx
Quote by bIoke
Well roger me sideways! 'Ello Mr Laird, and Mrs Laird. smile How the hell are yer both?
N x x x ;)

Leave my man alone.. bitch, it was me he came back for! wink
OooOOOooo . . . . handbags at dawn is it Blokey? Righto.
*wanders off to find a handbag big enough to stuff a brick into*
N x x x ;)
Quote by the_Laird
Dream on Blokey.......(I was looking at some old pics of the last time we trawled the gay haunts of Glasgow, well had Tapas if I remember correctly!)
We're all good thanks.
Popped on for a look around. It's all a bit dilapidated looking sadly :sad: Still a few diamonds in the rough I see though wink

Good to hear everyone is well and yes, it was some lovely Tapas and then you sitting between me and Mr Bloke on a big leather sofa in that lovely bar.. and LadyfeeBee all of a sudden getting a silly look on her face and then saying ‘now that makes for a really nice idea in my head…’ or something equally rude that offended us immediately ;)
PS: Send us the pics, we never knew any where taken... was it Paparazzi?!
Quote by neilinleeds
OooOOOooo . . . . handbags at dawn is it Blokey? Righto.
*wanders off to find a handbag big enough to stuff a brick into*
N x x x ;)

*wanders off for a wank, looks down and wonders if Neil is big enough to stuff his cock into innocent
;) x
Quote by the_Laird
Still a few diamonds I see though wink

Yeah, I'm still around.
Quote by essex34m
Still a few diamonds I see though wink

Yeah, I'm still around.
Chained on that bed I can understand why!!! :wink:
Quote by the_Laird
you're SUCH a bitch!!

Nice return Lardy lol
Now, give her delicious goddessness a prod and send her in the direction of my inbox or something :wink:
Quote by meat2pleaseu

you're SUCH a bitch!!

Nice return Lardy lol
Now, give her delicious goddessness a prod ........
Oh alright then :wink: :twisted:
Quote by the_Laird

you're SUCH a bitch!!

Nice return Lardy lol
Now, give her delicious goddessness a prod ........
Oh alright then :wink: :twisted:
You could at least do some pictures rolleyes
Quote by meat2pleaseu

you're SUCH a bitch!!

Nice return Lardy lol
Now, give her delicious goddessness a prod ........
Oh alright then :wink: :twisted:
You could at least do some pictures rolleyes
We did.