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Leeds Munch thank you

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Huge thanks to Scarlett and Gillian for a fantastic night. So lovely to meet lots of new people as well,as old friends.
Men in suits sillyhwoar: - well, except for the one in a skirt :giggle:
The bingo was a great idea and fancy the bar staff being swingers! lol
Er, can someone persuade the DJ to join SH please? He's definitely not quite vanilla - more raspberry ripple, I reckon :twisted:
Scarlett darling you certainly coined the phrase "Hostess with the mostest" :happy:
And Gillian don't forget the holdups are just for the bank lol
Thankyou soooooooooooo much for a wonderful evening and for making us foreigners welcome. Met some really really really loverly people. You know who you are redface
Look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Flirtygirl n Grogynwuk
hi all
just want to say thank-you to to scarlett for a good night it was great to meet old and new friends. and sorry to all who tryed to chat to me and couldn't hear me with me not having a voice but it was still fun so thank you
Thanks to all those that turned up to make it a great night - its you guys that make it a success
Brilliant night
Thanks to Scarlet and Gillian xx
We had a great time that started in the bar next to hotel in the afternoon right through till this morning biggrin
My feet are killing me, a great reminder of how much I enjoyed myself dancing badly redface but who cares lol
As always it wouldnt be a munch if you didnt get to catch up with old friends and make new ones, putting faces to names from chat and forums :cheers: :wave2: looking forward to seeing you all again
Jane n Dave xxx
(aka tallulah minx)
Thanks to Scarlet and Gillian for a fantastic evening, it was a brilliant and a real sucess!!!
Thanks to all the people we chatted with, great company as always and hello to all the new people we chatted with.
Mr DJCouple, I do worry about your jokes (if thats what they can be called) confused Thanks to the folk daft enough to let me dance with them, including Mr NWC (now that was a miracle), thanks to Philstarnchoozy for your company on the long trip over the pennines and to the 'gang' who kept us chatting for ages after the munch had finished lol
Roll on the next munch and hopefully we will hope to see you all on the 'other side' of the pennines very soon :lol:
Quote by Freckledbird
Er, can someone persuade the DJ to join SH please? He's definitely not quite vanilla - more raspberry ripple, I reckon :twisted:

Well I managed to get a snog and his number!!!!!! lol
THANK YOU everyone for a super night - why does it always seem to flash past so quickly??? Although I did try to talk to everyone I know I left a load of people out - but to everyone who made the effort and came it was wonderful and I'm already looking forward to the next one.
Love Scarlett xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya ultimate uber uber uber babe and Gillian for a fantasic night. Also the nibbles - had more than one - hehehehe
Also was great to catch up with friends both 'old' and new...great to see you all again.
Can't wait til the next one......
love Heather :inlove:
hi all who we spoke to and sorry to those who we didn't get chance too.
nwc, thank you for the lift (again) lol. top m8's!!
to the organisers, what a bloody good nite thank you very much indeed.
Quote by Freckledbird
Men in suits sillyhwoar: - well, except for the one in a skirt :giggle:

that would be me then :silly:
Thanks for a good night scarlett and to all the guys who were very polite and made a point to come talk to us first timers.
Till the next time!
Thankyou scar and gillian for a fantastic night had a great time.
It was nice to catch up with old friends and make new ones.
And you both looked gawjuss.
Till the next time xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you for a great night , it was such a pleasure to meet so many wonderful people
hi all just like to thank scarlet and gillian for a brilliant night and all the sexy people who turned up let it rock
Thanks so much Scarlett and Gillian.
It was a totally well organised munch and great fun.
The Swingers Bingo was a brilliant "You only Live Twice Breaker". And clearly provided a very effective "Licence to Mingle".
And the lettering on the name badges was big enough to read in the dark!
Thanks so much to both of you.
Rose and Paul
Top night out enjoyed by all, and thanks to all that i talked to and said hello.
Can't wait for the next one........Well done Gillian and Scarlet
yes thanks again scar and gillian brill idea the swingers quiz thing got me talking to everyone hence i won the cava woop woop xxxx renewed my faith in munches ps great to see the men in suits chocolate was a very handsome james bond
Just remembered. I found a spelling mistake! redface
Well done Scarlet and Gillian. It was a splendid munch that you organised. Had a super time meeting friends new and old, looking forward to the next one.
Freckbird is making me paranoid now about my spelling. No spell checker here, and my lippy mossplills.
Big thanks to Scarlettee and Gillian for a fantastic munch.
I have been avoiding munches n socials for a while and the longer you leave it the harder it gets to start again
thanks for the kick start.(and great snog) lol
Munches are great but when your a single sometimes they can also be very lonly places
Due to the great swingers bingo i never felt alone & like some one said in a prevous post "a licence to mingle"
thank you to everybody i chatted to & put up with my company (and the lady that protested she was shy ok i agree you are shy but also very sexy redface )
Finaly big thanks to the people that made it a special night
I am looking forward to the next munch
Quote by Candsyorks
yes thanks again scar and gillian brill idea the swingers quiz thing got me talking to everyone hence i won the cava woop woop xxxx renewed my faith in munches ps great to see the men in suits chocolate was a very handsome james bond

Well with Obama at the white house i wondered what could be the next few firsts.
But thank you for the comment, Nola Dreams had to tell me this was on here and I did almost blush to have my name mentioned.
thanks for organising a good night......... lol
Quote by markz
thanks for organising a good night......... lol

So glad you could make it. rolleyes