While we're all in here laughing and whingeing and philosophising and chatting and flirting and arguing and talking bollox and escaping from 'out there' and doing whatever it is we come here for, there's a few people in the background who we tend to overlook.
It's easy to take Swinging Heaven for granted because all we perceive is a well-oiled machine that's just... well... there!
We probably don't think much about the time and effort that went into putting the whole thing together in the first place, or the huge task taken on by those generous few who've chosen to donate their time to keep it all running smoothly without asking for any reward.
Out of curiosity, I did some Googling to compare SH with other sites like it - what's the biggest, the most active, the most accessible, the best run etc site of this kind?
And what I found is that there are no other sites of this kind, not really. Not just in this country, but anywhere in the world! Nowhere could I find another website that offers everything we take for granted here absolutely free. Nowhere could I find another lifestyle site of this kind with a real community.
And nowhere could I find another site of this magnitude created and run not for popularity or praise, or personal gain or power, but purely out of genuine generosity, a desire to help people enjoy themselves, and a deep philosophical commitment to everyone's freedom.
It has, of course, its ups and downs, and like many others I resign myself to what I see as an obvious fact that any large community will have its occasional clashes, but lately I've been thinking - the shapers and movers behind the scenes must sometimes stare incredulously at the screen wondering why they bother.
Theirs is a largely thankless task, and I for one have never taken the time to properly express my appreciation for all that Mark and Helen and the team have done, and continue to do, for all of us.
I know they don't do it for recognition, but I want to recognise them anyway. Mark has often said that SH is what all of us make it, and that's very true, but it's equally true that without him and the 'Heavenly Helpers', there'd be no SH for the rest of us to make.
So I want to say, and I hope you will join me, a very sincere Thank You Very Much, to Mark and to Helen and to all the Mods for all that they have given us. The site is appropriately named, because it truly is run by Angels.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all.