While Kitty plays nursey, fetching and carrying for this poor victim of an unknown ailment, we, as EagerSlut's friends should rally around and help him before this dread lurgy saps him of all vim and Eagerness.
With my limited knowledgeof medicine ( Workplace First Aid course 2002) I shall do my very best to note his symptoms and maybe strike upon the correct diagnoses of his malaise. Of course, collaboration is much better, as i may have missed some symptoms. So if any of you have noticed other signs, it will help in raising this poor fallen Forum stalwart back to full vitality and posting prowess....
EagerSlut's Symptoms:
Dull or lacking in sparkly things. :huh:
Knicks have strange green tainting ( akin to grass stains) :lol2:
Torpor. :yawn:
Lack of EagerMilk :wanker:
A curiously "cocked eye"
Emoticons have become diluted or show lack of bounce.
No whistling
My assumption based on these here facts......
EagerSlut... be strong, the news is not good...
you have contracted Big Pants Disease (BPD).... :grin: and your body is fighting the urge to pull on a huge pair of waist hugging purple and green baggy Y-fronts.
Fight it Eager, you are strong and this BPD is beatable... don't succumb... we are with you in your fight!!!
:grin: I am available for daytime TV medical slots btw...