For reasons I won't go into, we had a Motivational Speaker at work this last week. Not bad actually, although I generally find such talks utterly demotivating - but that's just cos I'm awkward.
Anyway, he described a concept of why people don't do things. A Tiger's Roar that starts up when we think about doing something out of our comfort zone. There are many ways of describing the same thing - but Tigers are nice.
He described a man who spots a gorgeous woman across the bar. The drink has dulled the Tiger's roar enough for him to determine to head over there and say Hi. He sets off, he can do it (Tiger rumbles), he's allowed to talk to gorgeous women (Tiger growls), she won't laugh at him or ignore him (Tiger gives a little roar), she's made eye contact, knows he's heading for her, this normal, slightly overweight guy is attempting to make contact. (Tiger Roars). DIVERSION - he heads to the gents and spends the rest of the evening justifying his own Tiger by telling his mates Gorgeous women are sooo shallow, they'd never talk to anyone like him. Tiger is happy - he isn't.
It struck a chord. Not that I've ever tried to talk to a gorgeous woman in a bar.
So the question is, how do you shut the bloody thing up? Is it a matter of just do it? Or is that as helpful as telling a spider-phobic person to just pick up a spider? Have you faced-down your Tiger?
Fart with such deafening resonance that you can't hear the Tiger Roar.
Then you can blame not copping on as the result of the beautiful woman being snooty with no sense of humour! :undecided:
I've heard no end of "think positive, act positive and you will get what you want". But it simply isn't true. You can do all that, and still not get what you want. I know I've done it. Especially if it depends on someone else buying in to what you want.
Not saying you never get what you want - but saying being positive gets you what you want is too simple.
But are there any actual things that have made a difference? - just 'believing in yourself' isn't a very helpful suggestion, sorry, but it isn't.
Dunno about a tiger's roar, but whenever anyone mentions motivational speakers I always catch a whiff of the bull's shit.
I know its easier said than done but not allowing the risk of failure or rejection to stop you from trying something 'To try is to succeed'
yes you can think positive about yourself but you cannot control another persons response to you so dont try, accept that they are intitled to fancy you, or not, that is their choice and it is personal to them rather than being something to do with you, therefore it is not rejection per se just someone making a choice, we are all different and cant expect to be liked by everyone, dont you make such choices regarding others too????
so the gist of my ramblings is not to internalise or personalise other peoples choices and not to fear rejection, dont avoid making conversation with that gorgeous woman/man, take the risk coz you will always wonder if you didnt, and if they dont return the same interest think 'oh well, good for me for trying, wish them well and wasnt meant to whose next!!!!!!
I suppose there's just as many who ignore the tiger but don't get successful either. like the thousands of actors in Hollywood who will never be on screen.
So its a cunning idea that works on those for whom it works, but no more or less.
But its also monitors bad behaviours too. So that you don't do illegal or antisocial things.
So its very useful when you recognise that it will produce a result.
But successful people are usually aware of this ability in themselves quite early in life. It's the headstart they get to become successful.
Also a lot of 'success' is actually already in place by a background support network and good financing and investment. It just needs the most likely person to fufill the role and create a 'story' to go with it.
So I see the motivational thing as an inspiration for some people to keep them striving and producing, which is all to the benefit of those who already know who the winners will be.