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Little known facts about yourself

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Thought this might make rivetting reading rolleyes
Heres two little known facts about me,
I once travelled three floors in a lift with the lead singer of the "Manic Street Preachers"
I once belonged to a ghost hunting society and went on some quite scarey vigils :shock:
So, what are your little known facts ???
I was an 'extra' in a film with Ewan McGregor :happy:
I'm claustrophobic :uhoh:
I never ever wear a watch......... and i taught a certain minor Royal to swim..... lol
equi-princess xxx
I've made hot chocolate in the middle of the night for Kylie Minogue and I have no gag reflex :shock: :twisted:
Did some driving on some high profile bands' European Tour legs wink
Have lots of favourite laybys in Continental Europe too! redface surprisedops:
:rascal: :rascal: :rascal:
I was an extra in "Tiger Bay" with Shirley Bassey. In Cardiff
extra in "Shake Hands with the Devil" with Janes Cagney. In Dublin
and on TV as extra in "Cats Eyes" = detective series on TV a few years ago. In Chatham Dockyard, Kent.
Was a guest of the Sultan of Brunei in 1970 during a Malaria Eradication Control prog which sadly flopped.
phredd (with slightly swollen head) lol wink
ps:- there's more but it would bore lol
Here's a couple from me biggrin
I was a Roadie for Boney M
I was an extra on the BBC TV series The VET
Oh :!: Such great days lol
I once gave Princess Anne a tour around the Lab I was manager of... (Well clued up she was)
When on holiday in Wales as a nipper, with my Dad driving the car, we almost ran over Roger Moore when he used to play "The Saint". This guy stepped out in to the road and tried to wave us down. My Dad said "look at that silly bugger" and promptly put his foot down and RM had to jump out of the way. It wasn't until we went past and I could look out of the back windows and see the white Volvo sports with ST1 as the number plate. Slightly higher up the bank you could see the film crew redface I was shouting "Dad, Dad stop the car", but he just went faster (as fast as you could in an Austin A35, for those old enough)
Some months later, in one of the series of that was supposed to be in Italy, we recognised the road and scenery.... we could have been on TV lol
A couple about me....
1) played american football once in front of 106,000 people....
2) starred in my own 30 second reebok comercial (was only aired in the NYC area)
3) blagged my way into the VIP section at a well know london nightclub by claiming to be "M.C Hammer's Brother" (before any of you laugh, it was cool back in the day!!!)
4) i was once bitten on the bum by a dobermann.... the person who drove me to the hospital was billy ocean...
sean xxxxxxx
Two things about me...
Literally bumped into Robbie Williams as he was jumping off his tour bus on the day of one of his concerts and he apologised, gave me a squeeze and offered me an autograph (turned it down politely....not a fan!)
I used to play the saxophone......probably still could if I still had one!
I used to be a model....appeared in many magazines..mostly because I looked like James Dean
I am a trained ballet dancer..and also studied conptempory dance.
Used to dance in numerous Musicals and Pantomimes.
and last but not least I went to a convent school !!!!!!!! and was taught by nuns !!!
I've managed to avoid the Papperazzi - :smugsad so far)!
Quote by Dino
Thought this might make rivetting reading rolleyes
Heres two little known facts about me,
I once travelled three floors in a lift with the lead singer of the "Manic Street Preachers"
I once belonged to a ghost hunting society and went on some quite scarey vigils :shock:
So, what are your little known facts ???

Met and had decent conversation with most the following:
Alex 'Hurricane' Higgins - pub in Cheadle - he was sober..!
Lou Macari - in a lift
Gordon McQueen - the same lift
Mick Hucknall - hacienda
Johhny Marr - hacienda
New Order - hacienda
Jenny Powell - hacienda
Anthony Wilson - hacienda
Bob Greaves - pub in Wilmslow
Eammon Holmes - Chinese restaurant
Uwe Rossler - we got pissed up on Champagne - nightclub in Hale
Gary Pallister - nightclub in Hale
Roy Keane - pub in Bowden
Ricky Hatton - LongLegs
Joe Swale - LongLegs
Lee Sharp & Ryan Giggs - Brasingermans in Alderly Edge
Met deacon Blue - Apollo in Manchester and kissed Mary McCintyre
There's more but can't think at the moment..!!
Was a member of the Agatha Christy society at one time
I was the 4th Best Gymnast in Manchester at one time
Rec'd a letter from Richard Branson for an idea I submitted to Virgin
Rec'd a 'sorry but not this time' letter from Janet Street Porter
Didn't receive an email back from Jamie Oliver with regards an idea
That's enough for now..... wink
CheekyChimp...... cool
I once travelled alone in a lift with Keith Harris (who? lol ) and when I didn't fall at his feet in admiration, he began speaking in the voice of his duck puppet *Orville* to attract my attention rolleyes
I danced a jive rountine on stage with rockabilly rebels Matchbox redface :lol:
Jon and I received a wedding card from Charles and Diana because we got married the same week they did . . . oh well. At least some of us are still married :P
Seeing these in print, I remember why they are little known snippets about me surprisedops: :grin:
As an apprentice sparky worked on the wiring on a certain castle in hadlow, kent.
apears a bit now in these sort of circles
Am a qualified ice-hockey referee
Am the only person in the world with my full name. I'm therefore trully unique biggrin cool
I was once banned from Dundee for 3 months.
My surname can be traced back to the 1300's.
I can play the didgeridoo ( yep, and circular breathe as well)
I once drank a large bottle of lea n perrins Worcester sauce down in one for a bet confused
Dont ever ever do this,,,,,ever !!!!!!
Quote by bigDewi69
Am the only person in the world with my name. I'm therefore trully unique biggrin cool

I too am the only person in the world with MY forename! A double uniqueness thing going on here!
Quote by Bloke2005
I've made hot chocolate in the middle of the night for Kylie Minogue and I have no gag reflex :shock: :twisted:

I stood next to her in a shop once......bottled out saying anything to her though.....just walked out of the shop kicking myself!!
I once attended a backstage party held by Queen (the band) and got to meet and chat to Freddy mercury and Brian May. cool
I was a steward at the commonwealth games and got to meet and chat to various royals and then attended the queens garden party. lol
I once worked for a time as a rail station announcer.
I was once interviewed on the Radio 4 programme "You And Yours".
I was once right behind Ulrika Jonsson in queue at a McDonalds in London. (I got a cheeky smile smile )
Ive been arrested :twisted:
I have double jointed thumbs confused
Appeared in a Gary Moore video back in the 80's
Told David Beckham off for parking in a disabled bay at my local Tescos mad
I have appeared on 3 different TV quiz shows.
I went to school with a former England cricket captain, a well-known soap star and Andrew Murray's coach. (Not that any of them would ever say they went to school with me if they posted on here).
Basket Case
Liam Nesson is my cousin somewhere down the line worship
My ex-boyfriends cousin used to spar with Chris Eubank :boxing:
I was filmed and interviewed live on TV for a Welsh current affairs programme :dry:
I have given an interview on Radio 4 and appeared in Chat magazine, The Mirror and almost on Kilroy! (no, no autographs sorry :P)
I can play the violin :violin:
Minx x x
My birth name isn't Dave.
I find counting to two easy.
stood in john lennons white room the one on the imagine video
I was on Wheel of Fortune when John Leslie presented it (no, I didn't win and no, I wasn't his type)
I met Derek Fowlds (he being that distinguished actor) and said; "So, apart from being Mr Derek and doing Heartbeat, what else have you been in?"
Mr Fowlds looked at me, smiled politely and said; "Ever heard of something called 'Yes Prime Minister'?" Bless him for not shooting me down in flames... my career in journalism was short-lived...
I was too scared to meet Lionel Blair when I had the opportunity at the tender age of five...
I've cracked my head open three times...
Appeared on TV in a 9 piece band in the early 80's
Had a pee while standing shoulder to shoulder with David Essex.
Played a benefit gig for Roy Castle and chatteed with Barry Cryer in the dressing room.
Had my hair cut by Michael Jackson (the one who wrote Blame it on the boogie).
Sold a guitar to the bass player of The Troggs.
I'm done.
I'm claustrophobic. confused
I represented Manchester at gymnastics and trampolining at school. :bounce:
Saw Bez in Amsterdam last month and Paul O`Grady in the airport.