I was warned by a very good mate on here to slow down. with me swinging ........that was 5 months ago.....did I listen ?..............No :doh:
But after 6 months of swinging and little sleep.......... chancing all-round the country....... smoking too much........ drinking to much ........and yes shagging to much. ........ it all finally court up with me about 5 weeks a go :crazy: ................memory loss depression loosing weight and thoughtfulness ect
There was one thing that brought me back to as close as I will every get to normality is........... that I upset a very good mate of mine!....that I will for a long time regret
My mates here mean a lot to me ............. they have been supporting me through the tuff times I have had at home! And my god I love um! :inlove:
Ok Ok I here ya what’s me point?
Well some advice first to newbie’s......... take your time!................listen to others in what they have to say..... I have had a great time but it affected my health! :(
This swinging is not just for shagging........ its meeting peeps with the same interest ......its a community ..........and if you are genuine we will accept you with open arms ......and help with as many problems you may come across....... not only in swinging ........but life in general
Thank you all that in the last few months that have supported me!.......... I came in to this site with no will power.. Low self a steam ...........and very sensitive .........didn’t think any one would except my eccentricity ........... I am well and truly touched!
Thank you!...........
ps i am not expecting repleys here ........i am more interested in the number of peeps that read this!