Ebay have said they wont be profiting from it and are making a donation that covers any money they make on sales.
Personally, I don't care. Money has already been made by Live8 in the sale of the tickets in the first place, so it's not like any money has been snatched out of the charity coffers... and weren't these tickets bought on the text lottery, which was a rip-off anyhows? 2 million people sent texts at ridiculous rates for a handful of tickets....
OK, some people are going to make a profit from selling tickets. But you could accuse no end of people of doing exactly the same, from the hot-dog seller at the gig itself to the Mega-Corporations who'll no doubt tie their brands into anything that moves on Live8...
Sad world innit...
Don't worry about it ......check ebay now and you will find that people are bidding up to £10,000,000 just to throw a spanner in the works for these greedy people!
The 10,000,000 bid is a dj assisstant off of londons lbc news station heard it on radio this morning
hope its legally enforceable the bid
smile off of his face then
greed is the spawn of satan
so if the want to bid all the money to see a bunch of has beens good luck
bring back the mini me avatar
Unfortunately it's just the way of the modern world. People will have entered the draw for tix without any intention of actually going should they be successful. This will result in a lot of unwanted tix which will be sold on either through ebay (which is a marvellous facility to launder the tix) or privately through the local network. I dont ilke it one bit. If the proceeds were to go to Live 8 then fair enought but to profit from a non-prfit making organisation such as this stinks.
Wish I was going. - Just imagine it - Pink Floyd playing "wish you were here" on a sultry July evening Mmmmmmm.
It's a bit sad that people are looking to make on such an event IMO. :cry:
it's quite a well known thing to do.. bid stupid ammounts of mone on bogus itesm... ebay usually deal with these by either resetting or removing the auction..
I sell alot of stuff on Ebay. It's a good way to make money. But, when Ebay say they'll donate the same amount that they take in fees to Live8, it's really not that much. Depending on the value of the tickets obviously, but even if they go for £300 each it'll still only amount to about £4.
I seen a rembrandt painting on Ebay a whlie ago, with a bid for £11,200,000. I don't know how that one panned out, but I don't know how people can bid for something like that without ever seeing it
does the certifications on here mate
well, ebay have now stopped the sales from happening.. which is good.
E-Bay have taken off auction ALL Live 8 tickets.
well i think its a damm shame, after all if someone's in debt got the ticket for the price of the text then can sell it on and make some money and get themselves out of debt,, buy food etc well isnt that what its about ending debt ???
Ok before you all beat me with a rusty pole im joking here.
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Little follow up on this e-bay made the rare decision to remove the tickets from sale, but they also banned all the members who put in the silly bids as false bidding is against the rules.
Personally see their point, they have 4 milion items on sale and if they start trying to make judgements on everything they would go splat in a couple of days due to the workload...