Is it against the rules to discuss or even mention other sites that the swinging community can benefit from? and quite possible lure more people back to this site with?
I'm still reasonably new to posting, but I have been using a Free Webcam Community site for some time - that has much debauchery and adult themed's also reputable and contains no spyware, but I won't mention it just in case it infringes SH rules,
Those who want me know where I am...
Well the AUP says
Spamming - this means posting a link to a site that is only for commercial purposes and is not a genuine Swingers resource. We do not solicit links from anyone being posted unless in the spirit of sharing a genuinely useful or interesting site with others, or if it is a personal non-commercial website. Basically, unless the poster had genuine non-commercial intentions (this is usually obvious), it is considered spam. Bottom line to spammers is this; approach us for a link, do not spam. If you spam, and then approach us for a link, you can forget it. Links to other so-called 'swingers' sites are considered spam.
I doubt a webcam site, free or not, is a genuine Swinger resource.
ok thats understandable I guess, Still, I won't just publish the url,
thanks for your help,