Hi Everyone, since no one has started one yet I thought I'd start one.......just to say a few things that I wanted to say.....although I know a few people have posted in the thread in LMU.....
Thank you for those people that DID come last night.....we were expecting about 80 people but only about 25 turned up but what a 25!!!!
Thank you to those people that contributed twice last night in order to pay for the Bouncer, I know you didn't have to but you did and that was truly truly appreciated.
Thank you to Vicky_UK for attending her own Birthday Munch!!! LoL.....and thanks to a certain few for organising it for her.....it was good to see you all.
I really enjoyed myself and I'm glad that everyone else did too......!!!
Did anyone end up out of pocket? If so, I am quite happy to make another donation belatedly.
thanks again helen
great night
has smoker jim been seen since he was last seen heading into the club with tatty??????????? :shock:
Thank you to those who have offered to top up the Funds for the Evening.....
We paid the Bouncer which was £50 and had about £7 leftover which I gave to the Barman as a tip.....
We were supposed to spend £500 at the Bar but I doubt that happened.....if it didn't I don't think there is anything they can do to me given that they only have my Phone Number and not my address or anything.....so I will apologise and hopefully that will be the end of it....
Thanks again to all that did turn up for a great night out......
I have had an Email from the person I organised it with.....he said something like "Everything went fine, glad you had a great time, let me know if you need something organising again in the future"
I think that means he doesn't mind about the £500 not being spent at the Bar....or if he does he is hiding it well....LoL...
So I think that is the end of it and I'm going to take it as such.....
Thank you again to everyone for what you all did for me last night.....it was very very very much appreciated!!
thankyou helen
it was a bloomin good night
as for the people there / not there .............. we had quality if not quantity
:twisted: :twisted:
Ive posted my main thanks on the munch thread itself but reading this....
...I was waiting for them to play puppy love so I could slow dance with the sexy women with Donny tops on.
Harry Jones