Just a little problem you may be able to help me with
How do i lose 3 stone
Become handsome
Become witty and intelligent
Look good in whatever i wear
Gain a personality.......................................all before 7pm tomorrow
The quickest route to failure is not think you have to be something other than yourself..You're not looking for a life partner, you're looking for mates.
Personally, I never see a guy who I find more physically attractive than my partner, or better company... but I do enjoy the attentions of randy, confident blokes who make it plain they want to get in my knickers. :twisted:
I went to a much (for BDSM people) in London. I was amazed... nearly all the men were bald and in their forties (and BIG Lord of the Rings fans) and most of the women were very overweight. I had a nice time and I am not so superficial that the age/obesity worried me, but I was amazed to find that I was one of the more attractive people in the pub.
So don't worry.
easy... get a white stick and some big sun glasses.. pretend your blind. ;)